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 Post subject: Advance order: Battlehosts
PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:04 pm 
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I like what I'm seeing and reading, but I sure hope they include a massive FAQ in it. :oops: :D

Discuss! :shock:
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:27 pm 
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the only thing that i dont really like is the new version of faramir it just looks a bit weird and also they already have a mounted armoured version so whats the need for another. Wait its coming to me more money lol
Other than that the new releases look pretty cool especially the new plastic knights of dol amroth ive gotta get me summa those
thats my thought :)

Anduril, Flame of the West forged from the shards of Narsil,
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:28 pm 

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O'h dear, already a new book to make even more powerful units :roll:
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:28 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Great Find! 8)

Well from what i can see battlehosts looks to be an interesting step because GW are introducing a hero based supplement for a game that was based on large amounts of troop and not just heroes.

Still....we know now that that model seen before is infact Faramir, not much of a likeness but i guess in SBG this will mean a revamp of his stats much like Eomer.

The fiemdom troops look great, but remeind me of rangers of middle earth a bit too much, but if i had a fiefdoms army they would be top of my list.

The plastic Knights look amazing, as had already been said, it is a great relief they have removed the 'Cone-heads'.

Dwimmerlaik looks ok i suppose, there is alot of cloak on that model but i looks better than some of the other wraiths.

But i have to say the Uruks are not my cup of tea, i mean, Vrasku was already made up to be a scout hero, do they need another one? Looks like GW are following what they did with the Helmingas by releasing a hero and then the command.

Overall a good release, but nothing that i will be buying.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:43 pm 
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I'm also hoping for some rules clarifications in Battlehosts.

I was a little discouraged to read the blurb on the GW site talking about how cool a "6 mumakil" battlehost was... "and it also gains more powers!" I know I'm a cynical guy, but that just screams, "BUY MORE KIDS! You will win more often!"

The new plastics look good. I'll likely pick some up.

Faramir is a @#$%ing disaster. Take a look at this close up:

That is an unqualified filthy mess of painting and sculpting... looks like a mean drunk in need of an early morning fix. He is far too Fantasy Empire (Valten) to me as well.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:07 pm 
Elven Warrior
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That Farmir model is a disaster, I still am not sure exactly what he is supposed to represent.

The current mounted and armoured Faramir fits LOTR far better. It's a shame, since Faramir leads my WOTR Ithilien force and I was quite interested to see what GW came up with. That doesn't look like Ithilien heraldry to me though.

Swan Knights look good though. I'm still not 100% sure of them over basic Gondor Knights for their relative costs, but at least the model is less of an obstacle now.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:37 pm 
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They need to make Faramir look like a ranger not a Dol Amroth!!!

I think that this is going to end up being like apoc for 40k.... Go out and buy those 100 men sets so you win!!!

but I hope its better
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:09 pm 

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why has faramir turned into some DRUNK FAT GUY

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:45 am 
Elven Warrior
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Already posted, twice :)

Not to be rude, but it is quite confusing to have three topics all on the same thing ;)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:46 pm 
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Anduril Blade of Kings wrote:
Already posted, twice :)

Not to be rude, but it is quite confusing to have three topics all on the same thing ;)

I didn't see any other topic about it here on the war of the rings section?
(though I might be blind :oops:)

I would love links to the other topics, so we can all read more about it without having to browse to other sections. :-D
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:19 pm 
Elven Warrior
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And also, Here

There wasn't one in the WOTR section, but there's no need for one in each forum, either.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:51 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Not meaning to burst anyones bubble but this topic was made before the plastic SkoDA thread was turned into a battlhosts discusion...i think.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:01 pm 
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So I picked it up yesterday and have flipped it through a few times.

There are battlehosts that seem interesting (I'm an Isengard player), but most require so many models/points invested in them.
And everything you include is disregarded when it comes to common/rare formations - so if I include "The Fighting Uruk-hai" the smallest form of it is:
2x3 Phalanx
2x3 Warband
(660pts w/o any upgrades, 48 with pikes and 48 with s/s - plenty of uruks + the cost of the actual formation)
Now I just need at least one common formation to make it legal to play with. ;)

Not likely that you'll go with that in a 1500pt game. Same goes for most of the battlehosts (requiring a boatload of models and nothing counts towards common).

It's also a bit annoying that they include legendary companies in plenty of battlehosts without having adressed the points issue regarding those - especially considering Isengard might have expensive heroes in those formations, leaving most of their battlehosts even more undesirable.

Just a few thoughts. :)

What do you guys think?

Last edited by Azrothan on Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:54 pm 
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I think I'm confused as to why the example Battlehost needs another common company/formation because the numbers are equal and the law of rarity is (I hope I'm remembering rightly and, if not, I apologise profusely) that you cannot have MORE rares than commons, not you must have LESS...

Otherwise, I have no comments on the book yet as I haven't seen it. As to Legendary Formations, if you can't agree with your opponents about them, then don't use them, but I personally am still unable to see a dispute about the cost.

Also, I don't see why you wouldn't take that in a 1,500 point game as you have over 800 points to spend on more troops and the 660 points also gives you the special rules fo the Battlehost and access to the special Fates.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:11 am 
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Hashut's Blessing wrote:
I think I'm confused as to why the example Battlehost needs another common company/formation because the numbers are equal and the law of rarity is (I hope I'm remembering rightly and, if not, I apologise profusely) that you cannot have MORE rares than commons, not you must have LESS...

Otherwise, I have no comments on the book yet as I haven't seen it. As to Legendary Formations, if you can't agree with your opponents about them, then don't use them, but I personally am still unable to see a dispute about the cost.

Also, I don't see why you wouldn't take that in a 1,500 point game as you have over 800 points to spend on more troops and the 660 points also gives you the special rules fo the Battlehost and access to the special Fates.

"... simply ignore any Rare and Common formations and companies that are part of a battlehost"
But it seems that this may indeed only be in regards to the Decree of Rarity, and not "The First Formation". Which would be nice if you wanted to just include battlehosts and legendary formations (no rare formations).
Perhaps it's time to invest in some orcs to fill up some common formations to include Trolls. ;)

It does seem inevitable that we'll have to pay 115 points just for Uglúk...

Regarding the cost of the battlehosts, I'm paying 420 minimum on the common formations, which do not count toward the decree, meaning I have to invest more into common formations or use legendary/battlehosts for the rest of my points.
I guess it's only a problem if you want to use 'ordinary' rare formations though. ;)

Unless I'm completely missreading the book. :oops:

I'm personally looking at the Uruk'hai Siege Warriors battlehost. :D
Perhaps in 1500 together with The Fighting Uruk-hai. ;)
Back to counting points. :)
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:08 am 
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My apologies, I haven't seen the book. It seems that battlehost characters can be your general still, but that wording isn't very clear, you're right. However, it seems to be that it's saying they do not count towards the decree of rarity and you wouldn't need "The First Company" because that states that you merely need to have one, not that it must count ;) Still, may be best to take one or two anyway, especially if you would like rares :D
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