1.cavalry will cost 3/4 of their usual costs
The only cavalry I have a problem with are the Riders of Rohan, which are collected by everybody and Cavalry with bows because they get so little shots that its worthless for 5 points a company. Overall, I'd leave it as is.
2.all heroes in your army must be from the same time(no elendil+gimli combo)
Sounds good!
3.heroes can enter mumaks, but only one each(why a nazgul can't go where a haradrim can!)
I think Mumaks are good enough without adding more special rules for them. Too powerful. Herioc Move every turn, no thanks. Refering to rule #2, if you can prove at any time said Hero rode a Mumak than be my guest.
4.mumaks are not affected by epic rampage
Why not? Just deal with the Epic Rampage hero before engaging your Mumak. Good only have so many tactics up their sleeves while Evil has too many options.
5.wizards may make one free wills of iron each turn
Sounds good! Makes sense too.
6.command costs:
Sounds good!
7.epic rampage at double cost when combined with 2h's or things such as narsil, no heroic fight+epic rampage
Seems a constant problem. Sounds ok.
My solution was that the Hero calling the Epic Rampage leaves the command company and takes command of another company in the formation and leads them on a Rampage and then returns the command company after battle. It solves the Narsil/Epic Rage combos although not Herioc Fights. Have your hero call Herioc Fight before or after he calls Epic Rampage and problem solved.
http://drinkingwotr.blogspot.com/ - Links to my CrAzY House Rules, Games and 'poor man's' terrain.