This post does what it says on the tin and is another possible approach I am considering. Below are all the formations, heroes, upgrade and monsters that are affected. If a formation or hero does not appear below then its original points value should be used. Similarly in the case of some Legendary formations, either the legondary cost or the point per company appears. This means that for the rest of the points, use the points on in the WOTR book. Also where are formation can cost +5pts for additional wargear eg Wood Elves or Morannon orcs, then, unlesss stated, the extra cost does not change (so both of the egs will cost 30pts / company):
Command OptionsHero: 40pts
Banner Bearer: 20pts
Hornblower/Drummer: 10pts
Taskmaster: 20pts
Shaman/Stormcaller/War Priest: 50pts
Corsair Bo’sun: 30pts
Dragon Knight: no change
Dwarf Shieldbearer: no change
Goblin Drum: 55pts
Hasharin: 30pts
Knight of the White Tower: 50pts
King's Huntsman: 45pts
Gondor & ArnorMinas Tirith Warriors: 30pts / comp
Minas Tirith Archers: no change
Minas Tirith Knights: no change
Rangers of Gondor: 25pts / comp
Númenorean Warriors: no change
Númenorean Archers: 25pts / comp
Warriors of Arnor: 30pts / comp
Rangers of Arnor: 25pts / comp
Citadel Guards: 30pts / comp, may take longbows or shields, increasing defence to 5(7), for +5pts / comp
Men-at-arms of Dol Amroth: 25pts /comp
Foot Knights of Dol Amroth: 35pts / comp
Knights of Dol Amroth: 40pts / comp
Guards of the Fountain Court: 30pts / comp, may take shields, increasing defence to 6(8) for +5pts / comp
Avenger Bolt Thrower: 40pts / comp
Battlecry Trebuchet: 75pts /comp
Warriors of the Dead: 35pts / comp, may take shields, increasing defence to 5(7), or pikes for +5pts / comp
Riders of the Dead: 35pts / comp may take shields, increasing defence to 5(6) for +5pts / comp
Axemen of Lossarnach: no change
Clansmen of Lamedon: 25pts / comp
Rangers of Ithilien: Legendary cost: 75pts, +25pts / comp
Denethor’s Guard: Legendary cost: 95pts, +30pts / comp, may take longbows or shields, increasing defence to 5(7), for +5pts / comp
Osgiliath Veteran’s: Legendary cost: 85pts
Court of the Dead King: Legendary cost: 70pts, +35pts / comp, may take pikes or shields, increasing defence to 5(7), for +5pts / comp
The Dunedain of Arnor: Legendary cost: 60pts, 30pts / comp
The Grey Company: Legendary cost: 65pts, +35pts / comp, +25pts for the Banner of the King
Royal Guard of Arnor: Legendary cost: 95pts
Wardens of the Keys: Legendary cost: 80pts, +40pts /comp
Blackroot Vale Archers: Legendary cost: 65pts
Boromir, Captain of the White Tower: additional cost for the Banner of Minas Tirith: 30pts
Aragorn, Isildur's Heir: no change
Faramir: 125pts
Peregrin Took, Guard of the Citadel: 35pts
Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth: 120pts
High King Elendil: 205pts
Isildur: 105pts
The Kingdom of RohanRiders of Rohan Eored: 25pts / comp
Royal Knights: 30pts / comp
Oathsworn Militia: no change
Oathsworn Bowmen: no change
Outrider Eored: 25pts / comp
Rohan Royal Guard: 30pt/ comp
The Sons of Eorl: 30pts / comp
The King’s Guard: Legendary cost: 60pts, +30pts / comp, +25pts for the Royal Standard of Rohan
Erkenbrand’s Riders: Legendary cost: 85pts, +30pts / comp
Theodred’s Knights: Legendary cost: 55pts, +35pts / comp
Grimbold’s Helmingas: Legendary cost: 55pts, +25pts / comp
Elfhelm’s Riders: Legendary cost: 65pts, +30pts / comp
Theoden, King of Rohan: 110pts
Meriadoc, Esquire of Rohan: 35pts
Eomer, marshal of the Riddermark: 125pts
Eowyn, Shield-maiden of Rohan: 60pts
Eorl the Young: no change
Erkenbrand, Captain of the Westfold: 65pts
Theodred, Prince of Rohan: 115pts
Deorwine, Captain of the Royal Guard: 45pts
The Elven KingdomsGaladhrim Regiment: 30pts / comp
Galadhrim Archer Regiment: 35pts / comp
Wood Elf Warband: 25pts / comp, may take longbows for +5pts / comp, or glaives for free
High Elf Regiment: 35pts / comp - may be taken in 1-6 companies
High Elf Archer Regiment: 40pts / comp
Mirkwood Sentinels: 35pts / comp
Galadhrim Kinght Regiment: 30pts / comp
High Elf Knight Regiment: 40pts / comp
Guards of the Galadhrim Court: 35pts / comp
Rivendell Guard: Legendary cost: 85pts, + 40pts/comp
Gildor’s Household: Legendary cost: 90pts, +30pts / comp
Glorfindel, Lord of the West: 185pts
Haldir’s Elves: +35pts / comp
Guardians of Caras Galadhon: Legendary cost: 90pts, +35pts/comp
Galadriel, Lady of Lothlorien: no change
Galadriel, Protectress of Lothlorien: 185pts
Celeborn, Lord of Lothlorien: 165pts
Thranduil, King of Mirkwood: no change
Elrond, Master or Rivendell: 185pts
Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood: 160pts
Cirdan of the Havens: 65pts
Gil-galad, High King of the Elves: 225pts
Arwen Evenstar: 75pts
Elladan: no change
Elrohir: no change
Haldir, Guardian of Lorien: no change
The Dwarf HoldsDwarf Warrior Kinband: no change
Dwarf Archer Kinband: no change
Dwarf Ranger Kinband: 30pts/comp
Khazad Guard Kinband: no change
Iron Guard Kinband: 45pt/comp
Vault Warden Kinband: 50pts / comp
Dwarf Ballista: 55pts / comp
Moria Expeditionaries: no change
Iron Guard Ancients: 50pts/ comp
Ered Luin Rangers: 40pts / comp may exchange two-handed weapons for bows for free
King’s Champion: no change
Murin’s Guard: Legendary cost: 85pts
Drar’s Hunters: Legendary cost: 65pts
Durin’s Guard: Legendary cost: 130pts
Floi Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria: no change
Balin, Lord of Moria: 130pts
Dain Ironfoot, King Under the Mountain: no change
Gimli, son of Gloin: no change
The Forgotten KingdomsHobbit Militia: no change
Hobbit Archer Militia: no change
Ent: 100pts
Great Eagle: 105pts
Treebeard: 175pts
The Three Hunters: no change
Quickbeam: 115pts
Beachbone: 115pts
Tom Bombadil: no change
Gwaihir: 155pts
The Fellowship of the Ring: 450pts
The White Council: 450pts
Wardens of the Carrock: Legendary cost: 50pts, +30pts / comp - may be taken in 1-6 companies
Council of Wizardry: no change
Woses Warband: Legendary cost: 60pts, 20 pts / comp - may be taken in 1-9 companies
Saruman the White: no change
Gandalf the Grey: to upgrade to Gandalf the White, it costs +25pts
Radagast the Brown: 175pts
Gandalf in Cart: 225pts
MordorMordor Orc Warband: no change
Morannon Orc Warband: 25pts /comp
Orc Tracker Warband: 25pts / comp
Warg Rider Warband: no change
Mordor Uruk-hai Warband: 20pts / comp, may take two-handed weapons, shields, increasing the defence to 4(6) or bows for +5pts / comp
Morgul Stalker Warband 30pts / comp
Black Numenorean Regiment: 30pts / comp, may be taken in 1-6 companies
Morgul Knight Regiment: may be taken in 1-6 companies
Mordor Troll: 85pts
Mordor Troll Drummer: 95pts
Mordor Troll Chieftain: 145pts
Great Beast of Gorgoroth: 150pts
Black Guard of Barad-dur: no change
War Catapult Battery: 70pts / comp
Siege Bow Battery: 55pts / comp
Mordor Battering Ram: 25pts
Shagrat’s Tower Guard: Legendary cost: 105pts, may take two-handed weapons, shields, increasing defence to 4(6) or bows for +5pts / comp - may be taken in 1-6 companies
Castellan’s of Dol Guldor: 90pts / comp
Gorbag’s Morgul Rats: Legendary cost: 95pts, may be taken in 1-6 companies
Shelob: 165pts
Grishnakh’s Trackers: Legendary cost: 65pts, 25pts / comp, may be taken in 1-4 companies
The Necromancer of Dol Guldor: 235pts
The Nine are Abroad: 400pts
Twilight Ringwraiths: 80pts / comp
Winged Nazgûl: 150pts, extra cost see Ringwraith below
Ringwraith: extra costs: the Witch-king of Angmar: 60pts, Khamûl the Easterling: 75pts, the Dark Marshal: 40pts, the Shadow Lord: 20pts, the Tainted: 30pts, the Undying: 15pts, the Knight of Umbar: 65pts, the Betrayer: 70pts, the Dwimmerlaik: 55pts
The Mouth of Sauron: 90pts
Gothmog, Castellan of Minas Morgul: 175pts
Kardûsh the Firecaller: 85pts
Guritz, Morgul Lieiutenant: 125pts
Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor: 275pts
Gollum: 25pts
The Fortress of IsengardUruk-hai Phalanx: no change
Uruk-hai Warband: to exchange shields for crossbows, it costs an additional +5pts / comp
Uruk-hai Scout Warband: 25pts / comp
Isengard Orc Warband: no change
Uruk-hai Sappers: 35pts
Feral Uruk-hai Warband: no change
Warg Rider Warband: may be taken in 1-9 companies
Dunleding Huscurls: no change
Wild Men of Dunland: no change
Uruk-hai Beserker Warband: 75pts
Sharkey’s Ruffians: 15pts / comp
Isengard Troll: 85pts
Isengard Troll Captain: 125pts
Isengard Battering Ram: 35pts
Dunleding Horsemen: may take shields, increasing defence to 4(5) or two-handed weapons for +5pts / comp
Isengard Assault Ballista: 65pts / comp
Ugluk’s Raiders: Legendary cost: 70pts
Vrasku’s Talons: Legendary cost: 70pts, +40pts / comp
Sharku’s Hunters: Legendary cost: 65pts
Mauhur’s Marauders: Legendary cost: 65pts
Thrydan Wolfsbane: 60pts
Saruman the White Hand: 210pts
Lurtz: no change
Grima Wormtongue: 35pts
The Misty MountainsMoria Goblin Warband: no change
Warg Pack: no change
Giant Spider Brood: no change
Moria Prowler Warband: 25pts / comp, may exchange two-handed weapons for shields, increasing defence to 3(5) or bows. Has shoot value 3+
Cloud of Bats: 25pts / comp
Spider Queen: 100pts
Cave Troll: 70pts
Dweller in the Dark: 85pts
Stone Giant: no change
Spider Broodling Swarm: 30pts / comp
Gundabad Blackshields: 30pts / comp, may take pikes for +5pts / comp
Warg Marauder Warband: 40pts / comp
Cave Drake: 115pts
Dragon of Ancient Times: no change
The Balrog of Morgoth: 435pts
The Watcher in the Water: 335pts
Durburz, Goblin King of Moria: 135pts
Druzhag the Beastcaller: 165pts
Groblug, King of the Deep: 135pts
Ashrak the Spiderkin: 125pts
The Fallen RealmsHaradrim Warband: 20pts / comp
Haradrim Raiders: 20pts / comp
Serpent Guard Warband: 25pts / comp, may take shields, increasing defence to 4(6), for +5pts / comp
Serpent Rider Warband: 25ps / comp, mat take shields, increasing defence to 4(5) or bows for +5pts / comp
Corsair Raiding Party: 15pts / comp
Khandish Mercenary Warband: no change
Khandish Mercenary Raiders: no change
Easterling Cohort: no change
Easterling Archer Cohort: 30pts / comp
Easterling Kataphrakt Cohort: 30pts / comp
Watcher Warband: 30pts / comp
Half Troll Warband: 90pts / comp
Mahud Warband: 25pts / comp
Mahud Raider Warband: 20pts / comp, may take lances or blowpipes for +5pts / comp (may take both lances AND blowpipes for +10pts / comp if desired)
Corsair Arbalesters: 35pts / comp
Black Numenorean Regiment: 30pts / comp, may be taken in 1-6 companies
Morgul Knight Regiment: may be taken in 1-6 companies
Khandish Charioteer: 70pts, for Khandish King +40pts
War Mumak of Harad: 275pts
Abrakhan Guard: Legendary cost: 85pts, +25pts / comp
Suladan the Serpent Lord: 145pts
Dalamy, Fleet Master of Umbar: 95pts
Amdur, Lord of Blades: no change:
Queen Beruthiel: no change
AngmarGhostly Legion: 35pts / comp, may take shields, increasing defence to 5(7), or pikes for +5pts / comp
Ghostly Riders: 35pts / comp may take shields, increasing defence to 5(6) for +5pts / comp
Spectral Host: 35pts / comp
Carn Dum Warband: may exchange shields for two-handed weapons for free
Angmar Orc Warband: no change
Court of Fallen Kings: 80pts
Shade: 90pts
Werewolf Pack: 65pts
Buhrdûr: 145pts
Gulavhar, the Terror of Arnor: 190pts
Golfimbul: 60pts
Thankyou for reading this very 'short' post and please feel free to comment.
