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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:50 pm 
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King Ondoher wrote:
Drumstick wrote:
I'm curious to know where Brenn's storyline goes as I'm a quarter through a Feast for Crows.

You mean Bronn, Tyrion's fickle sellsword?

Brienne, sorry typo.

And wow, he seems very offended by some of the comments he's getting. I think it's best he doesn't research all this stuff about comments on him as it seems to bring him down - and who would it not?. I'm sure if all the pop stars looked at all the gossip about them they wouldn't feel exactly happy either. Well to be honest I'm just thankful he made such a wonderful word, on par with Tolkien's work personally.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:54 pm 
Elven Elder
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Hmm, you do kind of have to see his point. It is rude telling him he has to finish it and do nought else, but I do really want to fingd out the ending, he may have a good 15-20 years left bt who knows, now I sound rude, sorry. I still have to wait a month to read them, so I cannot comment on his work, but the series is definatelty brilliant and in my experiance that means the books are even better.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:16 pm 
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I do see his (G.R.R.Martin) point. He does have other works, such as his science fiction novels. However, like I said, if he somehow failed to finish ASOIAF, it would be a personal failure as a writer on his part. Nothing hes ever done or ever will do will compare to ASOIAF. There is a real risk that he won't finish it, because he is getting old and he is notorious for taking a long time to write each book (usually between 5 - 10 years). If he doesn't finish the next two books (Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring; currently scheduled to be the last two but that may change) within 10 years, then I don't think the series will ever get finished. He's also notorious for making things far too complicated. A Storm of Swords became so big that it had to be split into two parts (both around 800 pages); and he had to take out parts of A Dance With Dragons to keep later for Winds of Winter.

These aren't my personal feelings as such, this is really just what I've read and picked up from the various wikis and news articles etc out there. I personally don't care how long it takes him to write it as long as he actually does finish it. And only he can know how long he has left.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:46 am 
Elven Warrior
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@ King Ondoher: Exactly my fears, that he will become to old and the series will go unfinished.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:01 am 
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Drumstick wrote:
@imrail: I believe those are like 52mm miniatures or something aren't they? I was thinking more 28mm, where you can have whole battles.

Only a couple of main characters (such as Daenerys, Tyrion and that flower-git-knight) have been copied to 54mm aswell, but the actual range is made as 30mm.

I liked the first book.. the second one was ok for most part, but somewhere in the first part of the third one I totally lost interest because of it's too many politics (which I hate...) and because the characters I liked most of all were less and less in the picture...

Looking forward to see you coming up with profiles though! Goodluck! :-)

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:27 am 
Elven Elder
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I really should start watching season 2. Didn't know there were books of it. Seen the mini's b4 tough :-)

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:09 am 
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Have a few of these minis up in my trade thread if anyones interested, very detailed sculpts.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:33 am 
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Song of Ice and Fire is my favourite fantasy series. I've grown too impatient to bear with neverending series anymore but this one can keep me captivated. And the TV series is really well done.

Did you know that GRRM himself is also a miniature lover? He even paints and has quite nice collection of knights. At the time when the world was waiting and waiting for the fifth novel he wondered in his blog why no one goes look his miniature collection at the website, everyone just checks the release news and leaves. I made sure I clicked through every single miniature picture and gave some praise for his collection when I was getting my book signed by him in a convention. :-)

Here is a link to his minis:

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:52 pm 
Elven Elder
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It says he is soon going to paint LotR models, that I must see.

I didn't realise there were official models of his works either, and why are all the female characters done the way they are done? Because they're scared that otherwise male collecors wouldn't buy female characters? The Targarian girl looks well, like a middle-aged man who lives accross from the local primary school's dream. Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with the models of course.

I hope he does finish the series, nd I hope he has fun regardless, it must be hard for him to be motivated to wrte a book for fans who are constantly attacking him. Good for him.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 5:57 pm 

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TheBucklandBrewer wrote:
Drumstick wrote:
@imrail: I believe those are like 52mm miniatures or something aren't they? I was thinking more 28mm, where you can have whole battles.

I liked the first book.. the second one was ok for most part, but somewhere in the first part of the third one I totally lost interest because of it's too many politics (which I hate...) and because the characters I liked most of all were less and less in the picture...

You should really try to keep on reading, I had the same feeling with the 3rd book but it gets better in the second part and the last chapters blew me away. 4th and especially the fifth book are also better.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:57 pm 
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I'm finding 'A Feast for Crows' not as good as the other books in the series so far because it's mostly away from all the characters we know about. It's mostly based around King's Landing at the moment so there is Cersi Lannister at least, but otherwise all the other characters are in the following book.

On that note though, can't wait for tomorrow's episode on HBO.
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:57 pm 
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damn that was a good last episode. Can't wait for next season (even though I know the storyline)
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:22 pm 
Elven Elder
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Oh was this the last episode of season 2, oh no. How long for the next season?

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:37 pm 
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Around February 2013 :sad: (if we still exist)
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:42 pm 
Elven Elder
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Ahw that long again. Ah well as long as their quality remains the same! I loved the second season alot. I really should get the books sometime.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:51 pm 
Elven Elder
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I haven't watched the last 2 episodes yet, but tis very cool. I know that a 3rd Series has already been confirmed and will soon be in progress. And I still have another month and a half until the books arrive at my house from amazon.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:25 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I haven't watched the last 2 episodes yet, but tis very cool. I know that a 3rd Series has already been confirmed and will soon be in progress. And I still have another month and a half until the books arrive at my house from amazon.

episode 9 was the best episode by far!

argh can't wait till season 3..

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:54 am 
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Episode 9 was the bloodiest battle I've ever seen done for a fantasy fiction, even surpasses Braveheart in gore it's unbelievable. GoT is amazing, totally big hollywood production on the small screen.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:53 am 
Elven Elder
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I watched the last 2 episodes recently too.

I wouldn't say that the battle in Episode 9 was the bloodiest battle in fantasy I've seen, because it isn't, but it was a very good. It's a pity Tyrion never got the recognition he deserved. And poor Maester Cressen. And Stannis.

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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones - A Song of Ice and Fire
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:10 pm 
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Well you can't leave a statement like that and not mention what other show or movie had more gore than this as it's matter of fact. It's the bloodiest thing I've ever seen with two men being split in half and others having their heads demolished. It's right up there with Gladiator & 300 for level of gore.

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