Hello everybody!
After a long time, I will be able to have a 400 points match again

. I will play against a friend of mine and he will play a combination of orcs and moria goblins. I do want to try out an all hero army, but I want to hear your thoughts about my armies:
Army 1:
Thranduil's Hall
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm
The Army of Laketow
Alfred the councillor
Erebor Reclaimed
Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain with Orcrist; Dwalin CoE
Here I am not sure about Alfrid. He will make breaking much easier. How should get his might?
Army 2:
Thorin's Company
Thorin Oakenshield with The Oakenshield; Dwalin
Radagast's Alliance
Army 3:
I could also make a Fellowship army, but I dont have any mounted miniatures, so I dont know, how to make exactly 400 points. The only thing I can think of, is this not completly thematic force:
the Fellowship
Aragorn - Strider with Armour; Bow; Gimli, son of Glóin
Thranduil's Hall
Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood
Some general tips and tricks would also be nice

Thank you for your help!