I find it difficult to write army lists for Fiefdoms... the mounted Knights of Dol Amroth are very expensive, and if you take them then you really ought to take Imrahil too (in order to benefit from their excellent Special Rule), who is also expensive. You therefore inevitably have a rather small army.
All that said, here's a basic list to start with:
Warband #1 (6/18) - Fiefdoms
Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth with armoured horse and lance [Leader]
6 Knights of Dol Amroth with armoured horse and lance
Warband #2 (12/12) - Minas Tirith
Captain of Minas Tirith with shield
6 Warriors of Minas Tirith with shield
6 Warriors of Minas Tirith with spear and shield
That comes to 437pts. With the 63pts you have left, you have a few options. You could take three more mounted Knights in Imrahil's warband, or seven Men-at-Arms / Axemen of Lossarnach / Clansmen of Lamedon / Blackroot Vale Archers (or any combination). Alternatively, you could perhaps take a third warband with Damrod and four Rangers of Gondor, or exchange the Captain of Minas Tirith for Faramir (with some equipment) and take three more warriors in his warband.
Let us know how your game goes.