[center]Game Play[/center][/h2]
[center][h3]These rules are not yet complete and still under testing and revision, but I preferred to post it at this stage for brain storming. So please let me know what you think and if you see something you think it'll be better if it's changed and how.[/h3][/center]
[center][h3]What you need to start playing[/h3][/center][/h2]
[spoiler]You can either play the whole game or play certain Stage(s). There is a min models to play in each case but you can always use more or come out with your own combination if you like as far as you keep at least 2:1 ratio in favor of Shadow side. As for armies you'll deploy as many points as you can on map respecting deployment rules, then if battle occurs you'll use your GW LOTR SBG models to form your army list and fight a normal SBG table top battle.
Note: The only unit's status that's accessible from Strategic Map are the Might,Will and Fate. Their usage will come in different places in the Game Play rules.
[h2]Stage 1 only:[/h2]
- FSP starts at Hobbiton.
- Min Models: FSP (the 4 Hobbits and Aragorn), and 5 Nazguls.
- Objective: Good player must recruit Merry and Aragorn in FSP (not optional as in wholg game play), and declare in Bree to complete the Stage (Both is a Major Victory, Only 1 is a Minor Victory). Evil player should kill RB (Major victory), or kill Aragorn (Minor Victory).
- Special Rule: None
[h2]Stage 2 only:[/h2]
- FSP starts at any region touching the eastern border of Bree.
- Min Models: FSP (All), and 9 Nazguls.
- Objective: Good player must declare in Rivendel, and leave through the Moria's gate (Both is a Major Victory, either is a Minor Victory). Evil Player should try to kill RB (Major Victory), or kill Aragorn/Gandalf the white (Minor Victory). Both sides acheived an objective by end of same turn is a draw.
- Special Rule: None
[h2]Stage 3 only:[/h2]
- FSP starts in Moria (special mini-Map that should lead to an exit in Dimrill Dale) (If Gandalf the Grey is killed at any stage, only then Gandalf The White may be sent back to Middle Earth - see special rules)
- Min Models: FSP (All). Any 2 Nation's armies - one from each side keeping the 2:1 ratio in favor of Shadow side at initial deployment.
- Objective: Good player must declare in Emyn Muil (Major Victory), 1 Shadow Capital is down (Minor Victory). Evil Player should try to kill RB or Kidnap him to Orthanc (Minor Victory), 1 Good Stronghold is down (Major Victory). Both sides acheived an objective by end of same turn is a draw.
- Special Rule:The White Wizard will know: Gandalf the white can be deployed in Fangorn, only if good side has at least 30 Victory Points and one of the separate Fellowship Members is inside Fangorn region.
[h2]Stage 4 only:[/h2]
- Fellowship (Sam and Frodo, and Gollum if you like) starts at Emyn Muil. Rest of FSP are separate heroes now. They enter stage in 2 waves, first are Gandy and Pippin and then second are the rest. After turn 3 start rolling for the arrival of the due wave. They enter the play on a roll of 6 (only one roll that can't be modified by Might) right after reconciliation, and then start at White Mountain when it meets Stage 3 border and can act on the same turn they arrive.
- Min Models: FSP (All except Boromir). Any 2 Nation's armies - one from each side keeping the 2:1 ratio in favor of Shadow side at initial deployment.
- Objective: Good player must declate in Rivendel, and leave through the Moria's gate (Both is a Major Victory, either is a Minor Victory). Evil Player should try to kill RB (Major Victory), or kill Aragorn/Gandalf (Minor Victory).
- Special Rule:The Return of The King: Aragorn can be declared as King only if good side has 60VP and Aragorn is in free Minas Tirith.
[h2]Couple of Stages short of a full game: (Stages should be successive)[/h2]
- FSP starts as the first Stage rules.
- Min Models: Besides FSP, each one as it rules. (Means at least 1 of each sides Nation at each of the Stages should exist).
- Objective: The first Stage is the Current and all Stages mechanics are working. Objective of each Stage is a must to unlock the next Stage and Make it the Current.
- Special Rule: Same special rules works as each Stage rules.
[h2]Full game: (Stages should be successive)[/h2][/spoiler]
[center][h3]Game Phases[/h3][/center][/h2]
1) Reconciliation
2) FSP Movement
3) Trap Fellowship
4) Test the Trap
5) Declare Fellowship
6) Taking Actions (Main Cards Play)
7) End Turn[/spoiler]
[center][h3]General Movement[/h3][/center][/h2]
[h2]Movement Limit:[/h2]
Normal: Units/Army: 1 region per turn.
Spirits,Flying Creatures,Dragons and Nazguls (even on steed): can move 2 regions per turn.
Fellowship (FSP) special movement: They can move hidden, while Nazguls and agents will try to trp them and uncover their True Position (TP) (More details in Fellowship Hidden Movement section)
Attack: Moving into a regin with one or more foe armies in it is considered to attacking this army.
Engagement: No one can move from such a region with mixed sides any more and they're considered to be engaged. Their battle will be fought in a table top scenario during the End Phase.
[h2]Advanced Rules[/h2]
Hide/Sneak: An army below half of a level 1 amy points agreed upon can choose to hide/sneak if the opposite army is at least of level 2 army points. This has to be declared as soon as an army attacks the region this army is in. Who calls the Hide/Sneak then should roll on the following chart:
1-3 He is trapped and must fight.
4-5 He manages to Hide unnoticed. The opposite army moves by and gets 1 free movement to move it immidiately to any of the FREE adjacent regions. If no possible regions to move to, then they had to camp in this location and as they secure the area discover the hiding part and battle must be fought. Attacker can't Hide so he's trappped and must fight.
6 He Manages to sneak past the enemy lines. He gets 1 free movement more and move on to any of the FREE adjacent regions. If no possible regions to move to, then they were surprised by the unpleasant situation and uncovered their own position, and battle must be fought.
Note: Either sides (Attacker/Defender) can call a Sneak, the attacker to go past the army blocking his way and the defender to escape a possible disaster. Attacker on the otherhand can't call a Hide, so if he's rolling for Sneak and gets 4-5, then he's counted as trapped and must fight. In short, the attacker must get a 6 to work out the Sneak past the army already securing the area.
You see it's a risky choice but it's logic that it may appeal to you if you find yourself outnumbered with about 3:1 or more, or you may be want to try to sneak past an enemy army.[/spoiler]
[center][h3]Fellowship (FSP) hidden Movement and Nazgul Trap[/h3][/center][/h2]
[spoiler]- FSP move 1 region per turn as usual, though it costs more AP than normal movement. (Number of FSP to a max of 5AP and a min of 3AP)
- FSP doesn't really move their models to new location unless they get revealed/declared. So now Evil side only knows their Last Known Position (LKP) for sure, and he'll try to trap and uncover their TP (True Position) to kill/Kidnapp Ring Bearer (RB) or lay more burdens on him and on his fellowship.
- Good side uses tokens to indicate the possible FSP target locations. All tokens are put face down with only the True Location tokens has a distinct predifined mark that players agree on before game.
- FSP has to decalre position every 2 turns.
[h2]FSP 2 turns movement:[/h2]
Turn1: They can assign movement to 2 different regions (4 in Stage 2 and beyond), only 1 of them carry the True Location mark (2 in Stage 2 and beyond). Tokens should be 1 region away from LKP (Last Known Position). FSP starts this turn automatically as hidden even if they were revealed the previous turn.
Turn2: Each token placed in first turn may be split to 2 more tokens. Tokens should be 1 region away from first turn tokens. Don't forget to remove the first turn tokens from play. Now you'll end up with a total of 4 possibilities (8 in Stage 2 and beyond). If FSP hasn't been trapped and Revealed during this turn they have to Declare their position by end of the turn and move the models to it. Declaring Fellowship must be in an untrapped True Location, except if it's a Free People City at which Fellowship can Declare even if it's Trapped.
Special Case: In both turns a True Location token can be put on the LKP to resemble the FSP resting this turn. In such case to successfully trap the FSP at this position, Evil side must put one more Nazgul on the LKP to cover this possibility if he wants so 2 Nazguls should be at LKP. It may make Fellowship loses time, but it could also make a good decoy!!
[h2]Lost Fellowship and The Guide Companion:[/h2]
<Comping Up Soon>
[h2]Trap Fellowship:[/h2]
Evil side shall try to trap FSP to get to the RB. A Trap may envolve Nazgul/Armies with Agent's help. How to form a Trap (Trap Jaws) rules slightly differs from Stage to Stage with the main idea is to try to uncover the True Location (Token) the FSP is moving to. Nazguls can't enter Free People's Strongholds regions, Elven Cities, Fangorn, or Bombadil's Territory (the region containing Oldman Willow and the one containing Bombadil's House) unless they are part of an attacking army of at least 300 points other than Nazguls.
How to Form a Trap:
Stage 1: 1 Nazgul should be on the LKP and 2 Nazguls should be at each of the TPs for a Successful Trap. Max of 3 Nazguls on FSP first movement turn and max of 5 Nazguls on the FSP second movement turn may be envolved in the trap. One of them should be at the LKP and 2 at each TP for a Successful Trap.
Stage 2: A min of 4 and max 5 Nazguls can form the trap on the FSP first movement turn or same min and all Nazguls, one of them should be at the LKP and 2 at each TP for a Successful Trap. An Agent may replace 1 Nazgul, but at least 1 Nazgul should be at each of the Jaws. When FSP has to reveal, then if neither of the TP is trapped, FSP can choose to declare at any of them if needed. However if only one TP is trapped, then it's still not a successful trap but FSP can only declare at the other one if they want.
Stage 3: This is Saruman's territory as agreed with The Great Sauron, and Nazguls don't have the permission yet to cross the river. But 1 army can replace 2 Nazguls, and agents can still help by replacing 1 Army at any Jaw. The only difference is that no Army should be at the LKP, but if an Agent is envolved in any Jaw then an agent should be at the LKP. A min of 1 army and a max of 2 armies can be envolved in a trap, but if there is an agent at the LKP then a max of 3 armies can be used.
Stage 4: Can be a mix of Stage 3 and 4. No agents are in this Stage, and max of 5 Jaws can be formed including the LKP. Each single Jaw may be all Nazguls or all Armies. If Nazguls are envolved then 1 Nazgul should be at the LKP, but if only armies are envolved then it's not a must to place anyone at the LKP.
Successful Trap:
A trapped FSP may choose either to play Escape Trap card, or make an Escape Roll and concult the following Chart:
6 A Burden must be taken on any of the FSP members inc. RB
4-5 A Burden must be taken on RB.
1-3 A Burden on RB and a Trap Scenario.
- Special Cases:
1) If one of the True Locations is a Freeps City, then a 6 roll means no Burdens at all and you get a +1 to the result besides any other modification. Agents can't be envolved in such a Trap.
2) If one or more of the True Locations is in Mountains/Hills/Bog/Woods, then Good Player may roll for only one True Locations in such terrain to Escape the Successful Trap. One die is rolled and a 5+ must be scored for the roll to be a success. If it's a successful roll then FSP can still Declare in this region in spite of the Trap Jaw there.
3) If an agent is envolved in the jaw trapping one of the True Possition and no agent envolved in the Last Known Position add +1 to the roll result besides any other modification.
4) If no Last Known Position Jaw there is no Trap at all. So Fellowship can declare at any of the True Locations no matter how many Nazguls are there.
If more than 1 True Location, then FSP must declare they are moving to the City True Location before rolling and can't move otherwise even if roll fails.
Trap Scenario:
- Scenario used:
Use the "Flight to the FERRY scenario"
http://uk.games-workshop.com/heraldsofthefree/flight-to-ferry/1/ from the GW site or any similar scenario with the objective for Good side is for RB to escape the Board at certain point (Ferry or not). And for Evil side is to try to kill RB (Only Kidnap him or any of the Hobbits and flee the board from predefined point - usually on the opposite board edge/corner from where escape point of RB exists)
- Participants:
From the Good side all FSP must fight.
From the Evil side: Evil Side picks a max of 5 Nazguls/Agents (Nazguls on Foot) from Trappers (a max of 3 if only Hobbits are in FSP).
If trap is formed by armies as in Stage 3, then a max of same FSP worth of points (to a max of 500 points) may be picked from trapping armies, and a mix can be made from different trapping armies.
- Location:
The battle is fought at either one of the True Locations trapped as Good Player chooses, and this one will be their destination if they survived.
- Special Rules:
- All rules in Special Rules section at the end of this Game Play, except "Samwise the Brave", which cannot be used in Trap Scenarios.
- If agreed, you can use Sentry Mode rules for Nazguls fighting only Hobbits.
[h2]Declaring Fellowship:[/h2]
Besides that the TP of FSP will be revealed once they're successfully trapped, they can voluntarily declare their True Position at an untrapped True Location for other reasons. If the True Location is at a Free People City, Fellowship can Declare there even if it's Trapped. Those reasons may be:
1- Stage Border Region (SBR): to unlock the Active Stage (AS). The Current Stage (CS) now become a Past Stage (PS), while the AS becomes the new CS.
2- A new FSP member: to enable one of the nine to join in the FSP, FSP mut be declared in the region he exsists in. These Named Heros are deployed at the start of the game and can't move unless FSP is declared in their region and they declared part of the FSP and moves around with the group, or after the FSP unlocks the next Stage without hiring them and then they can't join FSP no more and act as a normal Named Hero. Just note that Voluntarily declaring FSP doesn't reset FSP turns as Revealing does. So if declaring occurs after FSP 1st turn they go for their second turn normally (not if Revealed, they start on 1st FSP turn again then).
[center][h3]War of The Ring (Burdens)[/h3][/center][/h2]
[spoiler]Assigning and Fighting Burdens is the soul of war between Good and Evil in Middle-Earth. The real War of The Ring. Other battles are in vain if this one is lost. It's main essence is the will of the RB and of course his Companions whose their main mission is to provide good councel and to defy dangers and risks, and keep them off of him.
Here are their war rules that they'll fight till the Ring is destryed....or the Fellowship is broken...
[h2]How much Endurance Points does each Fellowship member have:[/h2]
Once a number of Burdens equal to Fellowship member's Endurance Points is assigned to him, he's fully Corrupted and gets removed from the Map as a casualty and be deployed again at any point.
Frodo=9 Endurance Points
Sam=5 Endurance Points
Aragorn=5 EP
Gandalf=6 EP
Legolas=4 EP
Gimli=4 EP
Pippin=3 EP
Merry=3 EP
Boromir=2 EP
Note: If not a Full Game is Played, subtract 2 Burdens from each of the FSP members for each Stage removed to the min of 1 Burden. So if you're playing only 2 Stages of the Game for instance subtract 4 Burdens for the 2 you won't play. For example in such case Boromir would have 1 Burden (the min.), Frodo 5 Burdens, Gandalf 2 Burdens...
[h2]Taking Burdens:[/h2]
You'll notice that sometimes it's your decision to embrace the Ring's power and take aburden. Yes, just like you're really living the story...It is your choice and your will that's put to the test here!!!
- Lidless Eye: a card with direct burden and may be a way to escape it (rolling a 6)
- It's getting heavier: cards that ring adds burden to RB (and may be to FSP members, trying to tempt them). These cards usually comes with a condition of a nearby Nazgul or as Ring is closer to its original Master(Stage 4). Also these cards may come with a way to escape (roll a 5+).
- RB will voluntarily take a Burden if he may decide to:
....* Escape a trap (Global Map)
....* Escape a wound (Battle)
....* Wearing the ring in the Battle (once per battle even if RB succeeded in putting it on anf off multiple times during the same battle)
[h2]Escaping Burdens:[/h2]
A FSP members including RB can escape a burden by using 1 Will and rolling a 5+, it's a 1 try so no more wills can be used. This way can't be used with Burdens taken instead of a wound (in battle)
[h2]Healing Burdens:[/h2]
- only 3 cards in the Ring deck can heal burdens so be careful on taking them.
- Unlocking a Stage heals 1 Burden.
- Every turn you stay at Rivendel after the first heals a burden from each of the FSP members (to a min of 1 on each and 4 for RB). But during every one of those turns, only Isengard can use Current stage rules including Stack limits but units can't cross to other Stages. Immediately after FSP leaves Rivendell, Isengard status gets back to normal. Isengard armies that may have surpassed the normal stacking limit keeps what's deployed, but can't deploy no more unless it gets below normal stacking limit again.[/spoiler]
Initial Deployment: Number of Points will be given to each Nation to Deploy any of its Units or Heroes in any if its controlled zones at the beginning of the game (Only Named Heroes need to be put on Map, rest of the point are just distributed for now to be used in forming lists in case of a battle in region they are in). Note that Shadow should have more forces deployed (at least 2:1) to reflect superior position due to war long planned.
In game Deployment: Units or Heroes deployed this way can only be deployed in a City or Stronghold of their Nation that's within their Nation's Control Border and respecting the stacking rules. (For more details on Control Regions and managing your control see the Nation's Control Zone section)[/spoiler]
[center][h3]Nation's Control Zone[/h3][/center][/h2]
[spoiler]Some effects can cause the power of the Nation to shrink or expand, and so it loses control over regions or gain control over neighboring regions. Expantion is only allowed to region touching the broders of a fuly controlled (not shared) region of the same Nation.
Shrink: Grima's effect may cause the control of Rohan to decrease when he gains control over Theoden, which causes Rohan's border to shrink letting out some Rohan Villages at risk of Saruman's attack when the region becomes Active. Other events may have the same effext. If a Nation shrinked out of a region that it has units in, these units must respect Stage rules so they can move back as part of their movement if possible, otherwise they're stuck without reinforcements in foreign lands till borders expand again or some miracule happens or some special movement units come to their rescue. These units may not be able to act but can defend themselves if attacked of course. Nation's Control can't shrink out of it's Capital's region, but if this Nation only controls it's Capital Region and an Evil Army managed to occupu it and derive all this Nation's army out of it then this Nation has been totally taken over and all its armies should be immediately be removed from game.
Expand: Sauron's dark magic may push darkness over land to fold in more regions till it pushes into Gondor's borders (see Shared Regions rules later). At some point it may fold Osgiliath in so that Sauron's forces can attack it even if the region is still Inactive.
[h2]Fight over regions (Shared Regions, and Battles of Control):[/h2]
- One Nation can expand to fold in one of a neighbor Nation's regions. Only on Foe's or Shared regions but not on a same side's fully controlled region.
- This climed region becomes shared between the two Nations, and both can use the Stages rules of a controlled region to their benefit.
- The only way one nation can claim sole control on it is by shrinking all other Nation's controls out of it, or make one more expansion move (push out) in the region. In such case If all remaining Nations controlling the region are from same side, this side must declare it to be under full control of one of them and other draw back their control and respect the Stage's rules.
- Shrinking Nation must shrink control out of all Shared Regions first before shrinking out of any other fully controlled regions.
- Expanding Nation may think of expanding (push out) in a shared nation to free it and gain full control over it, but it's not a must.
[h2]Nations tha may have Control Zones on the Map:[/h2]
Iron Hill (Dwarves)
Rhun (Easterlings)
Near Harad (Haradrims)
Far Harad (Mahuds)
Dol Goldor (Including Spiders)
Woodland Realm
Grey Havens (Ships)
Umbar (Corsairs)
Lorien (High Elves - Galadhrim)
Fangorn (Ents)
Mount Gundabad
Note: If you don't play a Nation then it has no Control Zone, but its Cities and Stronhlds capturing normally counts towards VP.
[center][h3]End phase[/h3][/center][/h2]
[spoiler]This is the phase where battles take place. Any situation of a region that contains armies from opposite sides should be resolved immediately.
[h2]Which battle goes first[/h2]
As long as there are still battles to fight, each player rolls a die and whoever gets the higher result decides the next battle (reroll if a tie)
After all battles are fought and recorded and before starting a new turn, each player may discard 1 card from his hand.
[h2]Victory Points (VP)[/h2]
You can win the game by Acheiving the Major Objective, or by collecting enough Victory Points. To win the game you must collect 300+ VP. The following are the targets on the map that would give you VP.
Capture a Stronghold (SH) = 60VP
Capture a City = 30VP
Win A book/Movies Scenario = 25VP
Win a Scenario = 10VP
Unlock a Stage in time = 15VP
Capture Hobbits (other than Ring Bearer) to Orthanc or Baradur = 20VP
Burden on all RBs = 5VP (If Frodo is dead and Sam took the Ring, Shadow player keeps the VP he got from Frodo's burdens so far + all Burdens on Sam so far immediately adds to PV too and start work on his burdens in the future)
[center][h3]Battles and Possible Scenarios[/h3][/center][/h2]
[spoiler]Picking a scenario may be random but don't include a Book/Move scenario, which is a challenge scenario based on Player choice (as described later.
Winning a scenario worths 10 VP (5 points each for draw) except Book/Movies Scenarios.
Players are free to use all or part of the following scenarioes as long as they agree on them before the game, and they must include the Book/Movies Scenarioes and at least 4 other scenarios:
* A Clash of Piquets
* Contest of Champions
* Domination
* Ill Met by Moonlight
* Meeting Engagement
* Pitched Battle
* Reconnoitre
* Relief Force
* Seize the Prize
* Storm the Camp
* Take and Hold
* The High Ground
* To Kill a King
* To the Death
* Book/Movies Scenario (20 VP): If in place of a Scenario (A battle that really occured in the books/movies) - these will be marked on the map with there correspondant challenge scenario. Any side can challenge the other side to a scenario instead of a random battle roll. If so, he offers him 10 points to accept the challenge. If he refuses he either loses 10 points or the challenger gains 10 points (Challenger's choice, or whatever possible as long as score stays positive).
[h2]Alternative Scenario Objective - Ring Bearer Rules:[/h2]
These rules are applied if FSP (inc. RB) is in battle:
Alternative Objective: An alternative objective is added to both sides. For evil to kill/kidnap RB, and for good to make him escape from the opposite edge of the board.
Deployment: FSP (inc. RB) is deployed last after both side's deployment and in any of the good side's possible deployment areas.
Primary scenario objective acheived: If either side acheived the main battle objective, then RB+FSP automatically considered as escaped.
Killing RB: Only if Nazguls are in battle killing the RB would be the alternative objective, otherwise kidnapping Ring Bearer would be the alternative objective.
Kidnapped Ring Bearer (Or any other hobbit in some scenarios):
- The main objective: The Evil capturing party on the strategic map in this case should move to Orthanc or Barad-Dur to win the whole game. If it's another hobbit then evil side just wins the points worth of this objective if he reaches Orthanc or Barad-Dur.
- Let's hunt some orcs: Good player should hunt them and try to retreive the kidnapped (ring bearer or any other hobbit) before they reach destination.
- Escape: Kidnapped Hobbit (inc. RB) can attempt to escape on the strategic map, in such case good player declares so right after cards reconciliation and rolls a die. The hobbit can Escape only on a roll of 6. If he does, good player can place him on any of the empty regions beside the one Capturing party is currently in and move him as a separate hero this turn (Any of the fellowship members can leave then rejoin FSP at any time in the game just by being in the same region and FSP declares it's position there.).
- It's all up to you: If only Fellowship in the battle without any army, the main objective will be killing (if Nazgul exists), or kidnapping Ring Bearer. Good side should either escape the opposite side of the board or break the evil army.[/spoiler]
[center][h3]Post Battle[/h3][/center][/h2]
Survivors: Record survivors' points of for each Nation and record it for the current region where the battle occurs.
Flee Battle Whoever survives from the defeated side after battle objective is acheived will leave battlefeild immediately and should flee 2 regions in an unknown direction respecting the Fleeing Rules. Neither the region they flee through or reach should contain foe force. If no such route then the defeated survivors are trapped and killed to the very last one and all their points should be removed immediately from map's records.
Fleeing Rules:
- There are two suggested ways to determine the Fleeing Way:
1) Their owner rolls a die, and if he gets 4+ he decides the way. If 1~3 is rolled the victorious side decides the way.
2) The other way is to use the scatter dice similar to the one from Warhammer 4000 to roll for the direction. Their owner rolls the dice. If he gets a "Hit" all his army has been hunted down and killed and all its points should be removed from map's records. If he rolls an arrow, the survivors follow that arrow direction to flee to their first region then their owner decides where to go from there. If from this region there were no further region that can be fleed to (as all direction from there are blocked by impassable terrain or contains foe forces), then all the army is decimated and should be removed immediately from map's records.
If there are still survivors after fleeing, then record survivors' points of for each Nation and record it for the region where they managed to flee to.[/spoiler]
[center][h3]Special Rules (All Scenarios)[/h3][/center][/h2]
[h2]Tricksy Hobitses:[/h2]
At the end of movement phase after both armies completed their movement, any hero hobbit can use 1 Might, Will, or Fate point to escape a Fight. In such case he can complete his movement if he still has any left.
[h2]No, you can't kill them:[/h2]
Nazguls that get removed from battle just get back 2 regions away from current battle's region, but continue the hunt on the strategic map. Evil side has only 1 time to use this previledge for each Nazgul (Take a note espicially for the named ones).
[h2]Bless you laddy![/h2]
Fellowship members except the ring bearer have fate somehow to their side, so they can get removed from a battle same number of times as their number of wounds. So if they get removed from battle they considered to be severely wounded that they have no more effect on battle, but they continue on the strategic map afterward as healed or got back from a fall. Gandalf gets a reset when he turns into Gandalf the white, and Aragorn gets 1 back when he's crowned, Boromir has to roll 4+ each time he dies to use this previledge, Merry and Pippin can lend each others 1 and so can Frodo and Sam. (So take a note of how many times fate favored them)
[h2]Samwise The Brave[/h2]
Sam can immediately claim the Ring and become the new Ring Bearer in the following situations:
If Frodo is Killed in battle If Sam is within 6"/14cm from Frodo, he immediately becomes the Ring Bearer.
If Frodo is Kidnapped in battle If Sam is within 6"/14cm from Frodo, he can attempt to roll one die and get a 6+ to claim the Ring and become the Ring Bearer.
If Frodo is Corrupted He never claims the Ring from the Ringwraith Frodo has become. Game is over then anyway!!
[h2]It's getting Heavier[/h2]
If RB gets wounded he can use 1 Might/Will to convert the wound into a burden. That's of course besides the normal Fate points to completely avoid wounds.
[h2]Highter Stature[/h2]
Gandalf can't become the white unless joined the Fellowship first. And so is Aragorn, who can't be crowned unless he is part of the fellowship first.[/spoiler]
Let me know what you think so far, C&C would be very appreciated.