Alright, while I'm not sure of the forum ettiquette guiding this, I will begin my final draft
for my 'One Campaign to Rule them All: The War of the Ring".
To begin, this game is actually a fusion of two existing games, with my contribution being the general rules system and card decks. As such, alterations have been made to the original games, but they will be explained, and I believe most Tolkien scholars and gamers alike will at best like the changes or at worst barely notice them. In effect the RISK board shows the progress of the overall campaign, individual battles are resolved by using the SBG with each RISK batttalion you bring into the game effecting how many pts you have at your disposal in said battle.
To play you will need
1. Lord of the Rings RISK: Trilogy Edition
2. Whatever forces you can muster of Citadel LotR Figures, a new Stategy Battle Game rule book, Legions of Middle Earth Sourcebook, and any sourcebooks would be helpful.
3. A modular terrain board
4. TIME... this is not a game designed to be played over a weekend, fortnight, month, maybe not even a year.
It is meant to encompass the War of the Ring, and could be as grand or as realistic as you wish, based on your collection and your level of commitment.
In the beginning, the combatants must unwrap and open the RISK board. You will notice first the large cardboard map of Middle Earth. All locations of importance in the lands of Middle Earth are represented here as either
TERRITORIES , the basic representation of land on the board. These are the wide expanses of wilds in Middle Earth, generall divided along lines of natural terrain features or political allegiance. Examples would be Dunland, Eregion, Gorgoroth, North Mirkwood, etc. (Note that sometimes in these rules that "territory" may be used as an inclusive term referring to 1, 2, and 3 presented here).
2. a
SITE OF POWER, important landmarks of Middle Earth, usually inhabited or at least occupied by the Peoples and creatures of Middle Earth. Examples would be Edoras, Hobbiton, the Dead Marshes, etc. They grant any defender in control of them certain bonuses, penalties to invaders, and some may have their own cards to play.
3. a
STRONGHOLD , similar in all aspects to a Site of Power and then some. They are denoted in yellow on the board, and grant anyone in control of them reinforcements every turn. In addition, should a faction lose all of its strongholds, then that faction is knocked out of the game, potentially ending the game. Examples are Minas Tirith, Barad-dur, Isengard, etc.
4. a
REGION , a large collection of territories, Sites of Power, and Strongholds. Should a faction control every territory, Site of Power and Stronghold in a region, then that faction receives bonus reinforcement battalions there (like continents in normal RISK). Examples are Gondor, Arnor, Mordor, etc.
Moving on from the rules for land, your ability to effectively recruit more reinforcements for your armies will ultimately prove a deciding factor in the coming war. The unit used to measure these will be a battalion. Using the RISK game you have 1, 3, and 5 battalion pieces. These battalions all have the ability to move up to but not more than 2 territories per game turn. Mountains and rivers without bridges/fords are impassable. Each battalion is worth 50 battalions in a Strategy Battle Game when your enter a battle. Battalions can be gained in a number of ways...
....every stronghold automatically receives 1 free battalion per turn. the beginning of your turn, add up all the territories, sites of power, and strongholds you control, and divide this number by 3 (drop decimals). You may then add these battalions to any Site of Power or stronghold you control. (Note that there are bridge spaces on the board seperating some territories. Holding these territories does not add to your number of territories. A bridge or ford is considered neutral unless some faction has stationed battalions there)
....many cards also add reinforcements to the board.
....refer to the chart on the RISK board for reinforcement bonuses when controlling an entire REGION. These bonus battalions may be deployed anywhere in the region you control.
Now, with the RISK board under your grasp, its time to grab for the colorful figures still in the box! You'll notice 4 colors of two different types of plastic pieces. For Evil Red and Black, for Good Green and Yellow. Which color you assign to which is up to each individual playing this game, but I suggest...
RED denotes the "Realms of the Dark Lord" faction...
BLACK denotes the "Dark Forces Rising" faction...
GREEN denotes the "Elder Races" faction...
and YELLOW denotes the "Race of Men" faction.
Once you have chosen sides, it is time to set up for war. It is difficult if not impossible to keep battalions seperated on the board at all times. I suggest ringing the outside of the board with territory cards of all Sites of Power and Strongholds found in the RISK box. These are not used in the 'One Campaign', but are still useful. Place the card face up as near to its location on the RISK board as possible, and place any battalions deployed in the Site of Power/Stronghold
The factions are deployed as follows.
^Site of Power
#Naval space
Realms of the Dark Lord
-Barad-dur* and the surrounding territory, hereafter referred to as Outer Barad-Dur
-Minas Morgul* and the surrounding territory, hereafter referred to as Morgul Vale
-the Black Gate/Udun*
-Udun Vale
-Mt. Doom
-The Dead Marshes
-Emyn Muil
-The Easterling Encampment^
-The Brown Lands
-Rhun Hills
-City of the Corsairs*
-The Havens of Umbar#
-Deep Harad
The Dark Forces Rising
-The Gates of Moria^
-The Mines of Moria*
-The Gladden Fields
-The Anduin Valley
-South Mirkwood
-East Mirkwood
-Dol Guldur*
-Withered Heath
-Carn Dum^
-Mt. Gundabad^
-Eastern Angmar
-The Old Forest
The Elder Races
-The Elven Halls of Mirkwood^
-North Mirkwood
-The Carrock
-The Weather Hills
-The Shire
-Evendum Hills
-The Grey Havens^
-The Havens of Mithlond#
The Race of Men
-Minas Tirith* and the surrounding territory, hereafter referred to as the Pelennor Fields
-Osgiliath^ (note that Osgiliath is treated as if the Site of Power is located in place of the bridge space straddling the River Anduin)
-South Ithilien
-The Havens of Belfalas#
-Dol Amroth^
-The Vale of Erech
-The Gap of Rohan
-Helm's Deep*
-West Rohan
-Rauros Falls^
-The Wold
I think that's plenty to digest for now, and the hour grows late. I urge anyone who really wants to understand this, you will need LotR RISK. I hope you like so far![/b]