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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:16 pm 
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gundarbads are great, but i cant fit them in (limit of rare stuff)

Is it worth getting the bows for sharkus guys? they have expert rider but if i want to get that i have to drop a company of something... not sure if its worth it

as far as tactics go this is what i was thinking: put durburz in the big unit of gobos and the nazgul in the other so both get at the double
the trolls and balrog take the left (durburz will be on this side and the nazgul on the other), while the wargs and riders take right.
all the while the archers will be on each flank (to try and get shots on the side of ppl)

so the 2 units of goblins with shields will be side by side forming a strong center, the balrog and trolls hold the left, the wargs and riders try to flank from the right. and once combat happens im thinking of moving the nazgul to durburz's formation to he can use black breath on and enemy hero (combine that with durburz'z epic strike)

its 3am so you guys can comment now...
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:48 am 
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oh the fell beast i got on ebay, so im not sure i can get a refund, although i think that i can fix it (a wing, part of the tail, the witchking and his arm all broke off. and there are lots of smaller things that broke off as well like the fb's foot, little claws.... )

and the tournament is this sat, so i dont have time to vs someone else... i guess ill vs myself (ive done this before when i get bored sometimes... usally i make my own moria senarios with the fellowship)

ok so i just got my dragon and i compared it to the balrogs, and it seems that the dragon is better? what do you guys think?

im changing the list to include the dragon instead as flying is a huge bonus

So ANOTHER change to the list:

Epic Hero:
Durburz - 70
Shadow Lord (allied) - 125

Goblins with shields - 8 companies - 160
Goblins with shields - 6 companies - 120
Goblins with bows - 4 companies - 80
Goblins with bows - 4 companies - 80
Wargs - 4 companies - 80

Dragon - spells - 475
Cave troll - 75
Cave troll - 75

Sharku's Raiders - 150


i also just found out that my last list was over in pts, so changing it to a dragon help

and for all you who dont know this - the dragon looks freeking awesome

so what are the strengths of this army i should use, and what are its problems and weakspots?
oh and the missions are: the high ground, seize the prize, the field of swords.
deployment is: battle for the pass, Maelstrom of battle and sheildwalls
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:08 pm 
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You can still swap the 8 company gobbos for Gunabads without going over rarity limit. I'd definetely put Durburz in the Gunabad formation and then probably alternate the shadow-lord between the formation of wargs and the other big formation of gobbos allowing them to get the benefits of spells of darkness (which are the best IMO) and giving them at the doubles for those crucial flanking maneuveres. Be sure to make use of the prowlers rule and hang around areas of difficult terrain where you can easily flank your enemy. Use your dragon as support to an area which needs it and to stop pesky cavalry charges, you can also fly among the enemy ranks and then cast tremor which is very effective with a little luck in that situation. Trolls should also just be used as support and to guard your flanks or simply to stall (75 points' worth isn't that much).

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:10 pm 
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the gundarbards are good, but im not sure what to use for them, I cant even use different coloured goblins.... i have 4c of unpainted, 4c of black ones, 3c that have green bases..... so I could ask if I could use the 4c of black and the 4c of unpainted ones to make up an 8c gundarbard formation (is 8c overkill? :P), but they dont allow proxying so I doubt it... but Ill still see what they say

how do you move the shadow lord into the wargs formation if hes on foot? will i use one with him on a horse?

and an idea for the dragon: tag him up with the 2 trolls, the trolls will be a bit infront of the dragon so if they get charged then the dragon can fly behind and use tremor and charge them ect...

also, if durburz uses epic strike, does the entire formation get f10? does this include when he is in a duel?
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:29 pm 
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Woah, woah! Ok, first question. Some different colour-schemed goblins will do fine as Gunabads (or even some conversions if you're feeling creative).

Q2, an epic hero can move to any formation (other than monsters, of course) even if that includes "finding" a horse. It's one of those things that just isn't very logical in WotR.

The third thing: I would not do that myself as I find monsters work well for defensive tactics and as they're unreliable, charging the enemy can easily get them killed.

Q3, epic strike only affects the hero so that would affect his company and him in duels.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:25 pm 
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ok so F10 goblins is the sweetest thing ever XD

and as for the gundabads, ill have to wait and see what they say

I've been reading up on wotr, and it looks like ill be browsing the rules form for a while.... or read the wotr faq which explains alot :)

oh, and goblins move 8''!?!?!??!?! and men move 6'?!?!?!?! in sbg goblins were the slow ones....
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:04 pm 
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Yeah, I didn't get that either. Maybe GWS decided that goblins were actually very flexible and agile instead which could kind of make sense.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:46 am 
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yeeeesssssssss!!!!!!! i can take the gundabads :D

so the finished list

Epic Hero:
Durburz - 70
Shadow Lord (allied) - 125

Goblins with shields - 6 companies - 120
Goblins with bows - 4 companies - 80
Goblins with bows - 4 companies - 80
Wargs - 4 companies - 80

Dragon - spells - 475
Cave troll - 75
Cave troll - 75
Gundabad Blackshields - 8 companies - 160

Sharku's hunters - 3 companies - 150

1490pts (please check this just in case i have missed something)

only problem is that I would have only had the wotr book for 6days when the tourny happens....

so what things in the army should i really pay attention to? eg: special rules that often get forgotten, particular spells that suit this army ect... anything that a noob should know...
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:15 am 
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Yup, that looks just about fine. As I said earlier, make big use of your maneuverability as all your units have at least M8. Use spells of darkness to get your flank charges in (you'll be wanting this a lot, pall of night and wings of terror are good at this job) as you have prowlers. Make the most of these flank attacks, e.g, use strength from corruption to boost the amount of kills you get, because in this situation, if you charge some minas tirith warriors (D 5(7)) you would normally need 6s to wound them, but if you flank them, you'll need 5+ and then 4+ because of prowlers, and then merely 3+ if you used strength from corruption. Use transfix as well if you want to keep the enemy in place for another flank charge.

But that's all on the nazgul. For wargs you'll want similar tactics, flank charge whilst distracting the enemy's front arc with the other goblins or the dragon just be careful not to charge head-on with the wargs or they'll die very quickly.

For Durburz, get him to duel pesky heroes with epic strike and duel combo and also get him to the formation that needs at the doubles.

I would use the dragon to tie up big enemy formations in combat with rear attacks. Remember to use dark fury as that will definetely help with the amount of kills the dragon will rake up. With trolls, I would simply use them to guard your flanks as your goblins flank attack the enemy and use them to just simply stall where possible.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:41 pm 

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I don't like the Shadow Lord much, I'd swap him for either the Dark Marshal (for his Inspiring Leader) or, if you want a more fighty one, Khamul or the Betrayer.

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:46 am 
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well the shadow lord is the only named one i have apart from the witch king

also, would it be worth while dropping 1c of the gunadabads in order to get the tokens of terror fate? this would make my gundabads terror causing :D
although, I would have the shadow lord in there for a while so he could make them terror causing, but is it still worth getting so that he doesn't have to use that spell all the time and if hes not there

so wings of terror to move around, pall of night to stop them charging you first, str from corruption for when i attack

the dragon can fly around their flanks and cast dark fury, tremor, bolt of fire - in that order

although, isnt transfix better than pall of night for stopping them?
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:04 pm 
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Tokens of terror is pretty good but I'd drop a company of archers instead of gunabads. Also, I would take the betrayer as he will get a lot of kills raked in by his special rule alone which will ensure that you tonnes of damage to your enemy during flank-attack.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:36 pm 

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You should be able to field one of your generic Ringwraiths as a named Nazgul, though you should probably check.

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:32 am 
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They are being nice and will let me use a generic one (usally you must bring the specific model)

is the betrayer a good choice? i was thinking khamul because then they are really hard to take out, and can still dish out the pain

*edit - too late, I want him, im using him :)

thanks general ellessar and spuds
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:04 pm 

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Khamul will probably be a better choice for Goblins anyways, for the reasons you said. :)

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:03 pm 
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Went well, ill post in the battle reports
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:59 pm 
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oh, and i can 3rd out of 13ppl there
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:33 pm 

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Well done! Glad to see my advice payed off. :)

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:22 am 
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the dragon is a total bad ass.
Flying monster + spells of ruin w/ mastery of 3 + His stats + being a hero = annihilate what ever you want where ever it is

tokens of terror should of gone on the regular gobs

but i have to say, I'm really impressed with the list given what i had

and i now have 36 more goblins, another durburz (that makes 3 now, so ill sell 2), another shaman (the first 1 i got in a luck draw at the tourny :D ), and a DRUM!!
probably my biggest complaint was not having any banners, as rolling a 1 to charge really sucked

something that i learned from one of my opponents: GET THE DRUM!! cause then the gobs can move 18'' !!!!! when at the double!!!!!!!!!!!, so get a hero in my gob units so i can move them at the double... the speed is really useful

also: there is another tourny in NOV thats the same with the exception that the total magic mastery you can get is 5.... and i think thats fine cause magic is too dominant (means a dragon and druzag!)
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 Post subject: Re: NEED HELP, WOTR Misty Mountains, 1500pts
PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:38 pm 

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I don't like the drum much, it's really expensive. If you do use it only put it in your largest or most powerful formation. And by the way, your Goblins will only be able to move 16in, not 18in, with "At the Double!".

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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