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 Post subject: Generic campaign rules - with home made campaign
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:56 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Linking Campaigns:

Dead Heroes:

At the end of each game they participate in, all heroes in the army may attempt to recover any Might, Will, Fate, Courage and Wound lost in any previous game. All are recovered on a 4+, apart from Courage, which is regained on a 3+. Might points can be used to influenced any of these rolls, but must be recovered after the next battle the Hero participates in.

If a Hero was reduced to 0 Wounds they must recover their wound(s) first, before recovering up to half (rounding down) of their Might, Will, Fate and Courage, with a -1 to each of their rolls, apart from their wounds.

Heroes who flee count as losing an additional 3 Courage (to a minimum of 1) and 1 Wound to what was lost during the battle.

Heroes that are killed and fail to recover at least 1 wound at the end of a battle may not participate in any battles that follow, they are dead.

Optional rule - Dead Warriors:
At the end of every game, roll a D6 for every Warrior that has died. On the roll of a 1, the Warrior is dead and may not be used again. On any other result, the Warrior is fine or has been replaced. Multiple wound Warriors must roll for each wound, and on a 1 that wound is permanently lost.

Victory Conditions:
To determine the winner, make a note of who wins each scenario and award them campaign points depending on whether they had a major or minor win. The person with the most campaign points at the end of the campaign wins.

My Campaign

This campaign uses the rules for dead/wounded heroes but not Dead Warriors.

At the start of the campaign, nominate one player to be the “attacker” and the other the “defender”. This campaign has been designed for 1000 point armies, although can be used with different sized forces. The Attacker also has an additional 1/4 (250) of the points for “siege” scenarios, which does not count towards the main force and must include at least one hero. At least half of the points must be spent on Warriors, unless within 20% of the model limit.

The Defender chooses 600 points (3/5 with alternate points) of his force to be force 1 and 400 points (2/5 with alternate points) to be force 2. Both forces must include a hero.
The Attacker chooses 500 points (1/2 with alternate points) of his to be force 1 and 500 points (1/2 with alternate points) to be force 2. Both forces must include a hero.

When choosing armies, the model limit is applied to the whole army. So if the total points limit is 1,000, then the overall model limit would be 75. However, to find the model limit of the individual forces, divide the total points by 2 and consult the chart in Legions of Middle Earth. This means if the total limit is 1,000, then half of that is 500, meaning that each separate force must have 3-50 models. Siege forces may have up to 25 Models.

If playing with different points, both sides must choose an equal number of points, although the attacker will gain an additional 1/4 of the points for any “siege” scenarios, which must include at least one hero. At least half of the points must be spent on Warriors, unless within 20% of the model limit.

- Minor Heroes:
Between one and four single-wound Warriors from each army must count as a Hero (at 1000 Points, at 750 and below the maximum is reduced to three), following all of the normal rules for Heroes, as well as gaining 1 of each of Might, Will and Fate, for an additional 15 points per model. Suitable names should be given to each to prevent confusion.
Games of over 750 Points require 2 Minor Heroes to take the place of 1 “ordinary” Hero. For every 250 Points over 1,000, an additional Minor Hero may be taken.

Scenario One – The Lay of the Land – Major Victory = 1 Campaign Point, Minor Victory = 1 Campaign Point:

Scenario – A Clash of Piquets (LoME), 150 Points. Both armies must use models from “Force 2”.

Two armies are at war with each other, with both forces sending out scouting parties to find out the size of the enemy force and to work out what the land is like between. However, neither army considers what would happen if the enemy sends out scouts and if the enemy scouts met their own.

Addition Special Rules:
- Scouting Forces:

Both forces must be made up of Warriors (not Heroes), although they must include a single Minor Hero, from a single army list. Neither army may be more than 200 Points.

Scenario Two – Caught in a trap – Major Victory = 2 Campaign Points, Minor Victory = 1 Campaign Point:

Scenario – Dangers in the Wild (see below), Defender; 600 (3/5) Points, Attacker; 360 (5/8 of the Defender) Points. Both armies must use models from “Force 1”.

One of the Attackers scouting forces has been caught between two parts of the defenders forces, and must now fight their way out.

Major Win (Small Force) – The enemy force is reduced to 75% of its starting numbers and your force is not Broken.
Minor Win (Small Force) - The enemy force is reduced to 75% of its starting numbers and your force is Broken.
Major Win (Large Force) – The enemy force is completely wiped out and your force is not Broken.
Minor Win (Large Force) – The enemy force is completely wiped out and your force is Broken.
Draw – Both forces achieve their objective in the same turn.

The game is played on a board with lots of terrain. The larger force splits in 2, deploying each half within 12”/28cm of opposite board edges. The smaller force is placed between 18”/42cm and 24”/56cm of a board edge that the enemy has started on

Special Rules:
- Quick reactions
– The smaller force automatically gets Priority on the first turn.
- Surprise attack – The smaller force’s points are always 5/8 of the larger force’s e.g. 5/8 of 400 (larger) is 250 (smaller).

Scenario Three – A Vantage Point – Major Victory = 1 Campaign Point, Minor Victory = 1 Campaign Point:

Scenario – The High Ground, 250 Points (1/4 of total). Both armies must use models from “Force 1”

As the Attacker’s scouting force retreats, they move over raised land and realize that it could prove useful in the upcoming war. However, the enemy force followed and think the same thing, and both fight for control.

Scenario Four – To Break the Defences – Major Victory = 3 Campaign Points, Minor Victory = 2 Campaign Points:

Scenario – Breakthrough (see below), Attacker 500 (1/2) points, the Defender has 400 (4/5 of the attacker) points of the main force. Both armies must use models from “Force 2”.

The Scouts of the attacking army have returned, and now take a larger portion of their army to fight the enemy, who hastily prepare defences to repel the attackers.

Major Win (Attacker) – At least one of the attacker’s models makes it off the defender’s board edge and the attacking force is not Broken.
Minor Win (Attacker) - At least one of the attacker’s models makes it off the defender’s board edge and the attacking force is Broken.
Major Win (Defender) – The attackers force is reduced to 25% and the defending force is not broken.
Minor Win (Defender) – The attackers force is reduced to 25% and the defending force is broken.
Draw – Both forces achieve their objective in the same turn.

The game is played on a board narrower than it is long. Terrain is placed near the edges of the board, leaving a road to go through the centre. The defenders set up within 6"/14cm of their board edge. The attackers set up within 12"/28cm of their board edge. Roll of to see who deploys first.

Special Rules:
- Ambush
– The defending side automatically gets Priority on the first turn.
- The defenders – The defending side’s points are always 4/5 of the Attacking side’s e.g. 4/5 of 500 (attacker) is 400 (defender).

Scenario Five – To cut off Supplies– Major Victory = 3 Campaign Points, Minor Victory = 1 Campaign Point:

Scenario – Reconnoitre, 500 Points (1/2 of total). Both armies must use models from “Force 1”.
With winter on its way, both armies plan on getting as many supplies as possible before the war, and cut off their enemies in the hope of starving them into defeat.

Scenario Six – Assault on the first outpost – Major Victory = 3 Campaign Points, Minor Victory = 1 Campaign Point:

Scenario – Attack on an outpost, 400 Points (2/5 of total). Both armies use models from “Force 2”. The Attacker’s also gain 125 (1/2) Points of models from their “siege” army.
The Attackers have reinforcements, giving them a numerical advantage and causing the Defender’s to fall back to their first outpost, which is simply a few watchtowers with walls in between.

Both forces must reduce the enemy force to 75% of their starting numbers. The game ends at the end of the turn where one force is reduced to 75%.
Major Win – The enemy force is reduced to 75% of its starting numbers and your force is not Broken.
Minor Win – The enemy force is reduced to 75% of its starting numbers and your force is Broken.
Draw – Both forces achieve their objective in the same turn.

The game is played on a board 48”/112cm by 48”/112cm. Both forces start 12”/28cm onto the board. The Defender’s may have up to 24”/56cm of walls or barricades. Walls and barricades have a defence of 8 and 3 Batter Points. Terrain must be placed at least 6”/14cm away from the barricades and walls, and no closer than 6”/14cm to another terrain feature.

Scenario Seven – To the defences – Major Victory = 3 Campaign Points, Minor Victory = 2 Campaign Points:

Scenario – Meeting Engagement, 500 Points (1/2 of total). The Attacker selects his models from “Force 2”, whilst the Defender selects his models from “Force 1”.
The Defending forces have retreated to the defending forces after battling part of the enemy army. However, weary and tired, they come across another portion of the enemy army, and draw their weapons to make it through to their defences.

Scenario Eight – Break their spirits – Major Victory = 2 Campaign Points, Minor Victory = 1 Campaign Point:

Scenario – A Clash of Piquets, 300 Points (3/10 of total). The Attacker selects his models for “Force 1”, whilst the Defender selects his models from “Force 2”. The Attacking force may also use up 100 Points (2/5) of their siege forces.
The Defending army sent a small army out to delay the enemy forces, allowing their allies to retreat and protect their land.

Additional Special Rules:
- Knowledge of the land:

The Defending army knows the land far better than the attackers, and may place up to 18”/42cm of barricades/walls in the same way as normal terrain may be placed, as well as choosing which board edge they want. Barricades have a Defence of 8 and 3 Batter Points.

Scenario Nine – Creating terror – Major Victory = 2 Campaign Points, Minor Victory = 1 Campaign Point

Scenario – Contest of Champions, 400 Points (2/5). Both armies use models from “Force 1”.
The leaders of both forces wish to make a name for themselves by killing as much of the enemy army as possible. They hope this will cause some of the enemy to flee, and give them an advantage over the enemy.

Additional Special Rules:
- A fearsome reputation:

The leader of the winning army will gain the Terror special rule until the end of the campaign, unless they already have the Terror special rule, in which case it has a -1 modifier to it.

Scenario Ten – Battle for the Fortress – Victory = 5 Campaign Points:

Scenario – Siege, All Points (Total). The Attacker must use all of his army, including his Siege forces. The Defender must use all of his army. 500 (5/6 of Force 1) Points of the Defenders will defend the castle (known as the Defender’s Main army); the rest of the army (the remainder of Force 1 and the whole of Force 2) must be used as reinforcements (known as the Defender’s Reinforcements). The Attackers uses the whole of Force 1 as his reinforcements (known as the Attackers Reinforcements), whilst the rest of his overall army (including the siege army) will attack the castle (known as the Attackers Main army).

The Defending army has retreated to their castle, awaiting reinforcements, whilst the enemy mercilessly attack.

Reduce the enemy to 15% of their starting numbers. If your force is not Broken when this is achieved, then you gain 1 additional Campaign Point.

Set Up:
Both forces deploy within 12”/28cm of opposite board edges, on a board which is 48”/112cm by 48”/112cm. The Defending force has a castle, which they must deploy in. There is limited terrain on the board (3 or 4 pieces).

Special Rules:
- Reinforcements:

The Defending army has some of their reinforcements rushing towards the battle, unaware that they are being followed by the enemy. At the start of Turn 4, roll a D6; on the roll of a 6, the Defender’s Reinforcements have arrived. Roll again at the start of every turn from that point on, adding 1 to the result rolled last. The Attacker’s Reinforcements automatically arrive the turn after the Defender’s.
- Death of the General:
Both forces must choose one hero to be their overall leader. If the enemy overall leader is slain before the end of the game, then your side gains an additional 2 Campaign Points. If it was your overall leader who killed the enemy’s, then this because 3 Campaign Points instead of 2. Also, if the enemy overall leader flees then your side gains 1 additional Campaign Point.
- Siege Equipment:
For every 10 models in the Attacker’s Main army, they may include one Siege Ladder, and they may include one Siege Tower for every 25 models. Also, one Siege Ladder may be included for every 15 models in the Attacker’s Reinforcements.

C.A.P.T.A.I.N. = Crazy And Proud To Admit It Now

Last edited by Chris GoM on Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Generic campaign rules - with home made campaign
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:53 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
Posts: 2088
Seems very nice to me... May I test it... 8)
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 Post subject: Re: Generic campaign rules - with home made campaign
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:26 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Hilbert wrote:
Seems very nice to me... May I test it... 8)

Thank-you, anyone may test it :-D although I have still got to add some more scenarios in after Scenario 9.

C.A.P.T.A.I.N. = Crazy And Proud To Admit It Now
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 Post subject: Re: Generic campaign rules - with home made campaign
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:22 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
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Ok... We probably will start soon... :-D
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 Post subject: Re: Generic campaign rules - with home made campaign
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:39 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:07 am
Posts: 2088
Oh, we saw Lome rules and we need more armies for them... :)
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 Post subject: Re: Generic campaign rules - with home made campaign
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:16 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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-Thread Necromancy-
Not a problem Hilbert. I've just added the final scenario to the first post.

C.A.P.T.A.I.N. = Crazy And Proud To Admit It Now
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