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 Post subject: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:16 pm 
Elven Warrior
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So me and LOTRisenguard(Alex) are going to have weekly battles for the foreseable future and we decided that we would create a thread to share our great( :rofl: ) battles with this community. The hopes of this thread is that we will get feedback on our army compositions, and how to improve our tactics. I will post up the results of our battles here among with key moments. On the rare occasion that I have enough time I'll write up a full battle report, but this will probably be rare.

So with that said, let the show go on....

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance

Last edited by WhoelsebutHaldir on Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle bolg
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:32 pm 
Elven Warrior
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For our first battle,happening tomorrow, I've written up this list...

-Haldir w/armor,bow
WEW w/bow x8
GW w/bow x4

GW w/spear,shield x6
GGC x6

GW w/spear,shield x12

GW w/bow
WEW w/throwing daggers,spear,elven blade

Total: 698pts

I'm pretty happy with this list, accept the fourth warband, think it could change but to what? I have no idea, but I want it to act as a hammer(like) warband to the anvil of GW.

Note: the abbreviations of GW and WEW are not refering to the company nor a cheer, but Galadhrim Warriors and Wood Elf Warriors respectively.

Uhhhhh...I think that that about covers it. Oh! If anyone wants me to play test an army list I'de be happy to do so, but it would have to be from the free peoples sourcebook and mostly focused on elves(but I can ally in some dwarves and the like).

And to Alex :meh: come and get me....

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle bolg
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:19 am 
Elven Warrior
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So for our first game with the new rules we played in the weekly store "mega battle" basically each person can take one warband of soldiers(no point limit) and we play one if the 5 basic senarios. Today it was to-the-death, not much to interesting, the good side won a decent victory. Key moments were a sauron artillery shell(ubber chill soul) going off in a group of elves and gandalf and killing half of them, then gandalf compelled sauron into 3uruks who fought,won and wounded their own general(so many sixes!!!) and celeborn managing to push vrashku off a cliff to his doom.
Overall quite fun, the new rules affect shooting to a certain degree and being under cover is much better now than before.

Our second battle, with just me an Alex playing was quite fun. I had 700pts of elves assaulting a wrecked city with 575pts of urukhai defending it. I had to hold the Center of the board for one turn to win, if I was reduced to 25% if my starting force I would lose. Early game his x-bows took a good toll on my troops, but the problem was soon dealt with, after about 4 turns of much shooting and little combat(accept Small skirmishes with flanking forces) my main formation of galadhrim charged the frontal ruins, after a further two turns of combat the urukhai were hurting and decided to fall back to the Center in a desperate attempt to keep it secure, unfortunately for him I still had plenty of archers and some hot dice, many uruks fell and Alex decided to concede.
This battle was quite fun and it was refreshing to play a battle besides one of the standard ones. Seeing the elves storm the ruins while heavy bolt fire poured into them was quite cinematic and looked great!

Having said that, I am exhausted and looking forward to my next battle!

Also I talked to the manager at my store and found out that the high elf cav(by his estimates) would be released int he early new year! I saw their profile and its awesome! Bows,elven blades, shield(drf6!) and LANCES! I'm soooooooooo excited for that.
Anyway that's all for now folks:)

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle bolg
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:10 pm 

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That was a nice batrep. I cant really help with any tactics or army's since i don't really play the game, i just like to paint. And i,am also really exited for the high elf cav, cant wait for pics of those. Thanks for the info :)

"Do you not know death when you see it old man. This is my hour" - Witch-king
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle bolg
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:06 pm 
Elven Warrior
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No problem, there are some nice pictures of the models in the new main rulebook and I think some pictures in the mini book that comes with the "escape from goblin town" set. I definatly recommend at least flicking through them next time your at your GW, despite the rediculouse price tag it is a nice manual.

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle bolg
PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:43 pm 
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how did your next battle go?
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle bolg
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:47 am 
Elven Warrior
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I missed that weekends fight, but I've been pushing LOTRIsenguard to put up a batrep of the week I missed. But I should have one up on Sunday or Monday :). So keep your eyes open.

On a separate note, I've been thinking of a new army list that I think is optimized with the new rules. At 500-600pts with rumil+legolas a decent portion of galadhrim guards( at least 8 ) and a sentinel or two depending on the points. The idea being that rumil can hold the line easily with the guard and some normal galadhrim while the archers flank and do their thing. Legolas and the sentinels can mess up nazgul/front line respectively, at 500pts I think it can do very well. Anyway thoughts?

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle bolg
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:01 pm 
Elven Elder
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My first thoughts after reading this are Where's Bolg? I was getting excited about seeing Bolg in a battle. :(

Anyway, hope you had fun, the report was quite nicely written. I enjoy raeding LotR battles. Even when I am dissapointed.


"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle bolg
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:16 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Ahaha oops sorry about that.... :( Ide better change that...

Thanks for your comments :)

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:35 am 
Elven Warrior
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So once again Alexander and I ventured down to our GW to participate in the mega battle. We got to play on a brand new "cavernous" table. Basically the board was covered in passageways of varrying length. They heavily rstricted lines of sight and made shooting a nightmare :shock: . To add to the terror a Balrog decided to show up and have some fun along with saruman and a to of orcs, uruks and trolls! On the good side Gil-Galad and a warband of his elite guard took to battle along with some wood elves, dwarves and two Gandalfs!(I just said that they were the blue wizards..... :roll: a bit of a stretch but there were a lot of new players, so why not let them have their favorite characters on the field? :) ) in the middle there was a treasure trove of "ancient weapons" that each side had to capture and run the piece of their edge of the board(I think it would have been better if you had to run it off the enemy table edge, but oh well).
The game started easy enough, with elves, men, orcs, dwarves and all manner of creatures running for the center of the board. Some haradrim cavalry, along with saruman, reached the precious weapons first just as some elven bowmen came around their corner and loosed their arrows. Saruman used two fate points to avoid a wound while the haradrim raider avoided harm (we realized that the game was pretty much over at this point, because it would be next to impossible for the good side to win, but we pressed on) the rider fled away from the Elven arrows, while trying to make way for the balrog! As a parting message from the elves they managed to kill saruman before he could make away with the raiders! They soon regretted this decision as it made room for the Balrog to come through and prevent any attemp at persuit! Meanwhile on the left flank Gil-Galad and his spearmen were held back by the sudden appearance of a troll and ten orcs popping up on that board edge! (more players were joining with random deployment) Gil-Galad jumped into action and with some help, beheaded the troll in one turn :lol: . Following that he headed of down a hallway to help some of his comrades with some pike supported blocking Uruk-hai. On the right flank another band of orcs and a troll appeared. The troll went to engage some wood elves, but because he had had too many Christmas cookies he couldn't fit through any of the passageways, and then got into a snowball/boulder/throwing dagger fight with the elves(delaying them,though they managed to dispose of him rather easily. Back in the center of the board, the good side managed to wound the Balrog 3 times, but the combat was pretty much even. (a ton of elves some dwarves and men along with gandalf (the second) ) further along Gil-Galad was working his way through the blocking Uruk-hai at a steady pace. But not fast enough. In the final turn he managed to call a heroic fight and cut through two rows of uruks, but a cave troll and about 20inches of ground stood in his way and victory. The following turn the haradhrim ran off the board(cowards) and won the game.

That game was quite fun, though next time I don't think cavalry should be allowed, or at least both sides should get some. Anyway, I don't know if there will be a report next week becaus I'm unsure of my vacation plans. But some thing to look forward in the new year is that my local store is running a run through of the missions for Thorin's company. You can use those heroes or make your own fellowship(mark2) out of 1000points of named heroes. So I will probably be putting up many of those battles on here when that campaign starts.

Having said that, thanks for reading and adios!

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:54 am 
Elven Warrior
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Well it's been a while since I've posted on here. Mostly due to Christmas distractions and getting back into school. But I finally got time to play a battle this weekend and I figured its about time I posted it up.

Me and Alex had a 400pt king of the hill? (i cant remember the right name) game this weekend. He decided to bring vrashku and an Uruk captain with heavy armour and shield along with about 20uruks. Much to his surprise I decided to bring my newly aquired goblins to oppose him. My army was all of the evil contents from EFGT.
The board was about 3 by 5 feet, with a (sort of) forest on my right flank, goblin town platform in the middle (servin as our hill) with a hole of doom surrounding it (if you steeped in it you died, the only reason for this was to make the 4 ramps the only way onto the platform) and off to the left were some rocky outcrops.

I deployed the gobling king and 12 gibbos right on te objective with the goblin cpt and his men on the left side of the platform and grinnah on the right side with his men. Finally I placed the scribe in my back corner of the forested area.
Alex placed his men in formation at the edge of the platform ready to move up and take the platform.

On the first turn the goblin king charged the Uruk captain and his companions did their best to follow suit. The flanking goblins ran up the sides of the platform as fast as they could, while avoiding the gaping hole. The scribe chittered and chattered and called up 4 of his companions to ambush the Uruk-hai from behind. In combat, the goblin king smashed his club down at the Uruk cpt but only scraped him(fate saved the wound).
Oh and in the shoot phase his xbows took a toll as they should, but not enough to counter the amount of the scribe brought on.

The second turn went much the same, the flanking goblins kept up their advance while the goblin king and his men were once again locked in combat with the Uruk-hai attempting to get onto the platform. By now they only had the one ramp available to them, as the rest had been cut off. Once again 4 goblins appeared behind the uruks practically surrounding them. However the xbows once again did some damage and the Uruk cpt actually managed to win his fight and almost hurt the GK though it was saved due to his massive girth.

Combat was finally joined on all of the uruks flanks and although the goblins had the advantage many of the fights did not go their way. (Thanks to me forgetting the chittering hords rule for that turn and the higher fight value, he was quite happy to hold that advantage for once) however the goblin king inspired his soldiers and turned the Uruk cpt into jelly. With his death the remaining uruks began to rally around the base of the platform by the ramp. The goblin reinforcements kept on appearing and the goblin king kept up his advance. After another turn of brutal combat, the uruks were broken and the game ended.

I have to say, I though I had that game in the bag with my deployment and reinforcements and the GK early exploits. But once the rest of my goblins reached combat...I was disappointed at how many fights I lost. Though i suppose that's because I'm used to elves. But after a lot of biteing and clawing I finally managed to kill enough enemies to finish the game. Having said that I think I'll stick with my elves for now.

Well that's it for now, I think im going to post up the all hero list I'm using in my local GW hobbit campaign that's starting soon. But not right now
Anyway, that's all for now :)

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:12 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Your battle reports are very enjoyable to read. The scenario that require to pick up a treasure chest and carry it off the edge is a great idea which I will soon be borrowing for my own games.
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:17 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Yah that one is pretty fun. But make sure you bring cavalry! Or a lot of archers.

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:58 am 
Elven Warrior
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I'm just going to link my army list that I'm using for the hobbit campaign that's running at my local GW.


That's all for now.

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:56 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Yah that one is pretty fun. But make sure you bring cavalry! Or a lot of archers.

I think it will be funnier if no cavalry was allowed. Would it be possible to photograph the terrain that was used?

I am off to check your army list!
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:39 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Ill see what I can do this Saturday, when I go down for the hobbit campaign. But I don't know if they still have the board out, or if it's in storage.

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:12 am 
Elven Warrior
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So I went down to my GW yesterday for my first couple games in the hobbit campaign :D. The first game was the three trolls scenario, well needless to say with the list I had I totally dominated them, Gil-Galad and Glorfinndel made short wort of them with help from Legolas,Haldir and Thranduil adding some arrows to the trolls faces. Funny enough, Rúmil didn't show up until turn 4 and then spent the rest of the game running into the fray, though his rule did come in handy near the end of the game. Poor trolls, it wasn't the sun that got them this time. :lol:

With that mighty victory behind me , I decided to give the second scenario a try. that scenario is stacked in favour of evil!!! I bunched up my heroes together and had Bombur jump on the back of poor Asfaloth beside Glorfindel (Radagast), the elves made it about halfway before combat was reached. They managed to clear a path and with a heroic march the next turn made it pretty close to the edge, about 12-15 in away. Unfortunately, Glorfindel and Bombur got trapped at the other end by galadriels mirror, and it just so happens that Azog was nearby, two turns later, Glorfindel was goop( he is so freaking powerful!)
Anyway, we ran out of time, thank goodness! And I get to start the scenario next time I go :D
Does anyone have any strategies for this scenario?
Oh, and I managed to grab a box of Rivendell Nights, so I'm looking forward to using them soon.
Anyway, that's all for now. Any tips about scenario 2 would be welcome! :rofl:

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:15 pm 
Elven Elder
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Looks like a lot has happened and much fun you had. Nice commentary. Nice to see the return of Azog too.

Aww, poor little Bombur and Glorfy... :-D

Nice Elf Hero Line-up 8)

Strategy vs Azog = shoot him.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:48 pm 
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I agree with Gothmog that you should shoot Azog.

Not sure how many points Bombur is but maybe Arwen might be more helpful as nature's wrath can destroy a horde in one turn if you have fighty heroes around
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 Post subject: Re: Elves/uruks battle blog
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:16 am 
Elven Warrior
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I have Thranduil for that job of natures wrath, but I might consider her if I start again. I was thinking of shooting at Azog, but the problem is that it would probably take a few turns to finally bring him down, and I can't lose that much time because there is a turn cap of 12. If I move at 6in a turn ill need 8 turns to get across the table, that leaves me with 4 turns where I can be in combat. Now shooting and heroic march can change that but, for the most part I need to move 6in. I could just might my way out of trouble, but if I don't get back enough at the end, I could be seriously low for the next scenario. Uhh decisions decisions..... :roll:

Fight! Fight to the last man!

If this was to be our end then I would have them make SUCH AN END as to be worthy of remembrance
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