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 Post subject: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:17 pm 
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It takes two to tango, and with cries of "man down" ringing out from Knighty Knight and Ste, Hashut and I would make this dance of violence once more... alone.

We took no notes! But Hashut has pictures and it's surely his turn to start a report... maybe beginning this thread on his behalf will encourage him to get going :lol:

Last night we dueled once again, Hashut determined to end his "no win" streak and just as determined to end my undefeated streak.

Both of us used combined armies, with Hashut very much more organised than I. He already had his alternate lists planned, but myself, with Ste and Knighty absent, had to completely rewrite my own (easily taking up the first half hour, along with setting the table up, catching up etc) Hashut would use a combination of Dwarves and wood elves.

Today I would experiment with a 50:50 force of my own, half grey company led by Halbarad, with the second half Eomer, Knight of the Pelennor's Eohred.

Eomer, KotP (armoured horse)
2 x RRG (horse, TS)
5 x RoR (TS)

Halbarad (spear)
12 Rangers of Arnor (spears)

Ranger of the North (spear)

Ranger of the North (spear)

Ranger of the North (spear)

Ever one to leave a line hanging on the edge of a cliff... I'll let Hashut take over from here :P

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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:05 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Ill be back!!!!! (Austrian accent)
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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:29 pm 
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Indeed, we had both just finished teaching classes, mine being a bit more emotional since our teacher left and the class were surprised I was still there, but we knuckled down for you to all have some vagueries of a battle report to come in.

I actually convinced Thermo it was about time he tried out a dual list for practice at the tournament, hence his half and half. As it happens, I was giving one a go myself - I'd been down to Essex over the weekend (not a short trek, but my grandad's not well: getting massively better!: and I wanted tos ee him), so had picked up one of my other cases of models. Which had Wood Elves in. Thought I'd give Thermo a little surprise by springing them on him, but since my entire force was out before he;d even written his leader onto paper, the surprise was somewhat lost. Not that it affected his army choice (this time ;) ).

So, to the field of battle, came:
Balin, son of Fundin, carrying Durin's Axe and accompanied by 7 Dwarf Warriors, armed with shields. He also brough Grunmnar, his Captain (also with shield), whose loyal retinue of 4 Dwarf Warriors wielding Dwarf Bows joined and the scout-like Dwarf ranger with Dwarf Longbow who had informed them of the upcoming battle.
In a bid to apologise for slightly incarcerating Balin years previously, Thranduil brought aid to the battle in the guise of 3 Mirkwood guard with Elf Bows (looking peculiarly like Elf Blades due to a mix up in Essex with which models were in the case) and his son, Legolas, who brough 4 Wood Elf Warriors with their special Wood Elf Spears. They looked something like this -

Whereas Thermo's force looked a little more like this -

So we rolled up the High Ground mission! for those getting excited, not once did we actually have the Gusting Winds rule come into effect either. Again. Hmmm...

We started setting up and balin,w ith his Shield-Dwarfs took the centre for holding. Halbarad took my right flank with his Rangers of Arnor, which I countered with my Captain and his archers sitting about 2" away from them. A Ranger of the North sat back a bit, hiding behind some walls, whilst I placed Thranduil and his archers with the captain, thinking they could use some support. Thermo countered by adding another RotN to his other one and I lastly placed Legolas and his home-elves with Balin for some spear support and the odd snipey-shot (or 3). Thermo finished by adding his last RotN behnd some trees on the right flank and his Rohirrim further to the right still.

Turn 1, my priority, shooting phase, first shot. Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf Bow fires at a RotN behind a wall, hits, gets past the wall and a Hashut! (also known to non-coll dice owners as a 6) to wound, followed by a 2 on the Fate roll and the realisation that 1 point of Might isn't enough to save him. HEADSHOT! Thermo panicked slightly here and then saw me do bugger all else that turn.

However his Rohirrim were closer than I'd realised and already in combat, as was my Captain and some of my Dwarf archers. from here on in, not a lot really happened. Thranduil used his magical crown to knock a bunch of people (including, most importantly, Eomer), but Halbarad used his Will and both Might to prevent it from working. I did some milling about in the centre with legolas taking auto-hit shots at riders, mostly Eomer, but never rolling higher than a 2 in the entire game to wound anyone.

My right flank began to fold, Grumnar felling a Ranger of Arnor as it went and Thranduil decapitating a Rider of Rohan. When it was just Grumnar (who fought valiantly at every turn, but was bested by the 50-50 of equal Fight values after losing to a single 6 out of 8 dice, he having rolled a 5 and expended all Might) and Thranduil left, he decided to become a terrifying presence of goodness (used his circlet to cast aura of Dismay) - Eomer's Will was not enough to stop this Valar-blessed power and was charged shortly afterwards. A Rider's Courage failed him as he attempted to charge Grumnar and some stuff happened. Of note here: I learnt about an hour ago that Aura of Dismay keeps going until he runs out of Will, not for one turn as I'd presumed and misremembered. Doubt it'd have made much difference by the end of things ;)

Eventually, Thranduil succumbed to Eomer's powerful blows and Grumnar was felled by an onslaught even Balin had never seen before. So, a return to last week's tactics of die and let the game end before Thermo could get to the objective ensued.

This meant the RotN felling a Shield-Dwarf trying to hit Balin was in my favour (to which Thermo stated - I didn't really want to do that...)and the two mounted Rohan Royal Guard fought a shield-Dwarf who used his axe (to lower his Defence and potentially kill one of the horse-loving men): he nearly won the fight as well, but was swiftly dropped. Here two was when the mighty Dwarf Captain fell foul of his foe from fiendish feats of fearsome ferociousness (got carried away there), meaning my force was broken (with an additional kill).

I reformed into a defencive perimeter, but the two RRG were already on the hill, with some of the RoA slipping in too. but the rest of the ring held and/or died, keeping the majority of Thermo's force out. Where the game ended!

I had just 5 models left alive by this point, all of whom were scoring me a victory point. But Thermo had snuck in 2 RRG, 2 RoA and someone I've forgotten, making for equal victory points. Neither of us had landed any blo, let alone a telling one, on the opposing leader (Balin and Eomer respectively) and y force was broken, with Thermo's not being!

Thermo's victory face with his minor casualties -

My not-a-sore-loser-face with y stupid corpse-pile of models to be binned -

That's right: tradition holds strong in these Dwarf-holds of lower Manchester - men not losing and Dwarfs not winning. from Day 1, to Day N.

Also, we were finished at about 11 if memory serves (which it usually does, just often the wrong thing. Why would I want soup AFTER my ice cream? Get my palette cleanser!). See, SouthernDunedain - speeding up a little ;P
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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:52 pm 
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Hashut, you need more guys! Get some full warbands and you'd have a much better chance of winning. Drop the dwarf captain and fill in balin's warband. Then use any spare points to get more elves. (at this points range you can't drop legolas as you'd run out of room in the two warbands befoire points, so you'll end up with two 2/3 full elvish warbands.

And a hint for Thermo, wheever you have a bunch of independent heros deploy them first. That way your opponent doesn't know where your main groups are going, and you can counter his set up at your leasure.

Anyways, thanks for the report always fun to read. :)
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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:11 pm 
Elven Warrior
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A nice quick battle.. That woulda suited me down to a tee....But unfortunately a little thing called a mortgage made me work late last night, lol

Looking forward to monday Thermo its a go by the way am giving myself the day off well the afternoon anyway!
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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:29 pm 
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But where is the photo of you two performing the tango? This is soooo disappointing. :(

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A Note of Defiance
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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:39 pm 
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Last night was our quickest battle to date! I'd like to think that part of that was due to me knowing the game a little better now, but the biggest contributer was almost certainly deployment.

Hashut deployed first and rolled Balin's Dwarves to take the central objective and me being half asleep (as theavenger rightly points out) and deployed Halbarad's Ranger warband directly across from the centre on my left flank, up on the hill.

Indirectly, this worked in my favour, Hashut opting to counter it with his own deployment, placing his dwarf captain's troops supported by Thranduil's warband right up on the flank of Halbarad's rangers. It pretty much meant that bar a couple of rangers of the north (one who met a first turn arrow to the face) most of my force was positioned to counter his countering forces.

I've read a lot of bad mouthing of cavalry since discovering this forum and the hobby, but I've only got good things to say about it so far. Ultimately, those attacks from charges, the maneuverability of the cavalry and the support from spear wielding rangers won me the game. Thranduil and the Dwarf captain's warbands were annihilated, by which point, I had started to maneauver north, west and south of the objective in position to get in and get objective points before the game rolled to an end.

Tactical highlight from my point of view was after Thranduil had casted aura of dismay (the terror causing one) and charged eomer, I opted not to charge them after a failed courage roll from one rider, instead opting to make a dash around the trees at the top of the objective, getting in position to jump in. Then having priority in what turned out to be the final turn, picking not to attack "everything" and instead picking on the wood elves knowing it would be enough to get my models in and adding the breaking of the enemy force point, enough to win.

It was a good, fun game that was over reasonably quickly. Even with Grey Company and Rohan, this wasn't a skirmishy or bow dominated game at all and was all about the combats.

Thanks again Hashut for another great evening! Ste and Knighty, see you next week!

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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:57 pm 
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theavenger001: I stuck two 250pt lists together, hence the random set-up. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have used them like that in a million years, but I thought it'd be good practice for Thermo to kill some Elves and see how to play (or not) them for if he uses them in his games - in particular, I think he noted the feint special rule (because of their higher Fight value).

I realised after I'd set the captain's warband down that I shouldn't have put the archers in such a combat based position. No real excuse there except maybe overconfidence in my archers' previous performances.

The real kicker was my utter inability to roll high enough to wound anything - plenty of attempts, and most on 4+ or 5+, but had a lot of low rolls. Not the actual reason I lost, but certainly made things a lot harder :P
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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:16 pm 
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Yup, you're a great teacher Hashut! I learnt loads from last night's encounter. As you say, when and why you use feint (basically, why wouldn't you if you have the weapon and are a lower fight value?!)

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 Post subject: Re: Hashut and Thermo tango again...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:46 pm 
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Thank you kindly. Learning from my mistakes ;P

Well, you might not for the simple fact that your opponent might (as I did with Thranduil against Eomer last night). But generally, may as well! Or if you have a massively higher Fight value, you might do.

As for the Tango, I don't endorse drinks. Well, not until Iget cast in their adverts ;)
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