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 Post subject: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 2:53 pm 
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Hey One Ringers.

As some of you may know I have been a fairly active member of this forum for some time now. I have a large number of painted models and an even larger number of unpainted ones. My painting ability is probably about average or just above average for some models which I spend a lot of time on. However, I really struggle with motivation for painting; I have never collected and completed a complete army and I have not played a game since I was about 11 (I'm now 19).

Sometimes I feel like giving up the hobby because it's constantly getting more expensive and I feel like there's no point painting models which just sit in a box and never get any recognition or use. But I keep plodding along, hoping that one day it'll all be worth it.

Recently I've realised that this isn't going to happen all by itself and that I need to be a lot more pro-active if I want to get more involved in the hobby and as a result find it more rewarding. Unfortunately being pro-active is pretty difficult for a uni student who lives on campus with no car and no existing hobby base at the university.

Fortunately there's you guys. I know that on this forum alone there are exceptional painters who have probably never played a game in their lives but churn out army after army of high quality miniatures and conversions in next to no time. I also know that there are initiatives and groups here dedicated to increasing the popularity and recognition of the game and working to remove the 'nerdy' stigma from the hobby (not that being a nerd is a bad thing - I study biochemistry FGS).

If anyone has any advise on how I can get motivated to create an effective(ish) army, improve my painting and get more involved in the hobby then please take the time to reply, I would really appreciate it.
I currently have the KoM, FP and DoS sourcebooks; a copy of the mini rulebook from EFGT and a large selection of paints. I've only ever really been interested in the noble, visually impressive and powerful factions such as High Elves, Dol Amroth and Arnor bust I appreciate that there is much more scope in the hobby than just that. I do really like fluff and theme of Tolkein as well and most of my futile attempts at army building have been around famous battles. I'm not sure that's particularly constructive in terms of playability and diversity. Anyway, I know I've rambled and if you're still reading: well done! Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated regarding army building, painting and getting motivated.

Thanks in advance, Dom.
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:11 pm 
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Really hard to say man. I understand to a level you wouldn't believe. I started collecting again in September, and since then(when I bought Goblin Town) Ive managed to paint 12 Grim Hammers, just about finished the main part of the paint job of Thorin, Dwalin, and the rest of the company I painted half way. I base coated/ did armor on about 75-100, and almost finished the 36 goblins from Goblin town. No finished jobs. Not one. And I based only 12 of those.

I dont know man. I have to think of ways. Im really into hockey so sometimes while I watch my team, I bring my stuff to the tv. Sometimes I paint, sometimes I leave my stuff next to me the WHOLE time. Just chip away piece by piece. While youre re watching a movie, while doing whatever. I've played online games and in between rounds or on breaks I do a thing or two.

Try working on a hero, or something. Thorin and Dwalin personally motivated me because I wanted to get them done. Now, I just got the three trolls yesterday, and since its a numerically smaller job, Im more motivated to get them done. Im working on them as I type.

Trust me its hard. I cant sit still, my hands shake constantly. I just do a tiny piece at a time and do tricks or make small goals. Think small.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 7:55 pm 
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You should get in contact with other hobbyists.
I am also a student (in Belgium) and I take the train sometimes to go to a meeting of hobbyists.
The train costs me a lot, but it is really worth it.
Showing off your painted miniatures is especially nice if you can get some feedback from other people who know something about it.
And ofcourse playing some games is also really nice.
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:27 pm 
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Go to events bro. In terms of army building choose the models you like and use those, try to aim for roughly 20 models at 300 and then an extra 10 for every 200pts. There is a certain feeling of 'purity' if you only use models from one army list but using loads of allies in an army is no less rewarding.
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:39 pm 
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Thanks guys, I know the only way to really get more involved is to get stuck in with other hobbyists but it's difficult to get around at the moment. Getting to my local GW in Leamington Spa is pretty easy at weekends but I've never been the most confident person and wouldn't know how to go about getting involved there.

With regards to building an army are there any factions or list you would recommend for a beginner? And what kind of size and composition? Do you start with basic troops or heroes and elites?
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:46 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:26 pm
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Thought I'd drop a few thoughts.

I've played a grand total of three 'actual' games of the SBG in my life. And disliked the whole thing immensely. These days I play solo - the game is more like a narrative engine. Between me, the models and the game rules a story emerges. Basically it's videogames but with toy soldiers, and I can do it at my own pace and fudge things for the benefit of the narrative (like if my beloved new Hero dies tripping off a cliff in the first turn, it's competitively interesting, but not the most exciting thing in the world.)

Whilst I admit this really isn't for everyone, I would recommend using it to trial things. You've got some barebones forces already, running through a couple of quick skirmishes on your desk or something can give you a fairly solid idea of what works and what doesn't in terms of playing - and, most importantly, let you know what you enjoy.

You might find that you prefer small groups of elite troops to more numerous forces, in which case you know where to spend money so that you have an army you enjoy (and have a reasonable idea of how to play) when you got to events.

As for actually getting into games properly, you could always try having a chat with the manager at your local GW. He might be running stuff you could do, or he might be able to suggest things or other players he knows of in the area. I understand the whole confidence issue. I'm autistic, and really don't mix well with others (more than an hour of social company and I've got a migraine from working so hard to blend in, a full day of it and I'm physically sick and sleeping all day the next day from exhaustion) - hence the preferring to play games on my own thing. I make it work, lol.

Best bet is to have a chat with the manager - if he's worth the money he's aid, he should be able to help you. I don't know if there are any other wargaming stores in your area, but they might be good points of call, too.

Oh, and beginners can't go wrong with Isengard, IMO. Hard warriors, cheap yet tough Heroes, Trolls and a Wizard in case things get hairy (things always get hairy).

If you want a good force for that visual, noble look then I might reccomend either the new Mirkwood elves (but they might be a bit fragile due to low model count), or the Galadhrim of Lothlorien, who are not only available in plastic, but pretty solid too. They've got cavalry, two different types of warriors to choose from, and some decent heroes.

Do you have a tablet, or a laptop? Or a computer where you paint? If so, a subscription to Netflix or something is a godsend when you're painting. I find a series I like and let it play, doing a bit of work when not much is happening on screen, but watching when I can. Most of the time I end up just sat there watching TV with a half painted mini drying in my hand. :D This Christmas I burned through Father Ted and have been working through the classic Doctor Who episodes on Dailymotion whilst painting my Mirkwood elves.

Long post, sorry. And possibly of zero help to you. But have a chat with the manager, he may know of a local club or something. Peer pressure is a wonderful motivator, I'm told. ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:06 am 
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I can understand with some of the sentiments you've expressed. There have been times when I was unable to find gaming partners, and so I would go a long time between games. It really is hard to be motivated when you aren't getting any use out of your miniatures. If you can pick an event or tournament to attend, even if you're pants as a tabletop general, I know you'll have a good time and make some friends. Fortunately, my son is now reaching the age where he can play and I also have enough miniatures to provide a second army for some friends who will play but don't have the time/patience to invest in an army of their own.

One way that I motivate myself is by writing out an army list and painting all the miniatures needed for it, or choosing a scenario and painting those forces. I don't paint in front of the tv, as the lighting is not good. However, I do try to spend a little time painting and that is my alone time. Good music helps as well!

Anyway, keep on plugging away. As long as you get enjoyment out of it, that is all the reason you need!


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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:14 am 

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Erunion wrote:

One way that I motivate myself is by writing out an army list and painting all the miniatures needed for it.

This is a really good point. I think most of us probably find writing lists to be something of a guilty pleasure. Coming up with ideas, themes and then pointing it out to make it work can really get some creative juices flowing.

I remember before I got easy access to a tablet and a computer, my bedroom used to be littered with scrumpled bits of paper full of lists. Now I do it on a PC - much kinder to the trees!
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:30 am 
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I agree with you both that my enjoyment in the hobby would really be boosted by getting involved with other people and my local GW is probably the way to go about doing that. I think I'll message the manager on Facebook, that'll be a lot easier for me and will give me a foot in the door. Clinical depression's an issue for me as it saps my motivation and feeling like I'm bad at painting and that it's pointless snowballs into more significant self-loathing, maybe a bit of reassurance from some peers in the dreaded real world would do me some good!

I wouldn't even know how to go about writing an army list but I think having a clear objective would help. I did try once but as I have no gaming experience it's hard to know what an army needs.

I do like Galadhrim, particularly the old metal models (I think I'm one of the only people who likes limited poses, I like to imagine a solid line of warriors standing fast against a horde of foes) but I find the new plastics models a little un-elvish, all with open shouting mouths and in positions that don't give me the feeling of elvish grace and skill in battle. However they do have some really cool models like the Guard of the Galadhrim Court. I've never really thought about Isengard or any evil force but people do seem to rave about it on here. The new elves seem pretty limited at the moment but I do like their no bow limit rule and I did just buy a box - I don't want them to just sit on my desk like my warriors of Dale (my last impulse buy!).
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:53 am 

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As for writing an army list, a good start is quite simply the stuff in the boxes. A boss and a box, basically, is a good first effort. Hard to go wrong. Buy, say, Tauriel to lead those elves you just bought. That's your first list. Tauriel and ten of whichever box you got. Then repeat. Perhaps Thranduil, and the other box for mirkwood. You'll have nearly 400points with just those, plenty for you to use, if you can find someone to play with.

And definately try the facebook idea - that's a good call.

Oh, and I can definately relate to the depression - it never really goes away, but in time you learn to manage it, at least a little bit. Same with any serious illness, I guess.

You can always post a log in the forum's Work in progress section. The guys here are really helpful and supportive. Might be what you need to get some paint on models and dice on the table. Saying that, I'm one to talk: I've still yet to do it - gripping fear of judgement and all that. Tolkien once said "I am dreading the publication, for it will be impossible not to mind what is said. I have exposed my heart to be shot at." I think I know what he means, lol.
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:28 am 
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I actually already have Tauriel! Maybe she'll be my first leader. A log is a good idea. Thanks for all the help, I'll start posting my progress as soon as I make any!
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:32 am 
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Hopefully you'll have better luck with GW on facebook than me. I messaged 3 about LOTR events this fall and never got a response....and when I went to the store they brushed me off and asked if I play sad.....

Yeah man. These guys are offering good tips....and personally, its hard to stay in the game practicing matches by yourself, but some are really fun and others you learn a lot or how to use miniatures.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 5:11 am 
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DomyHill wrote:
If anyone has any advise on how I can get motivated to create an effective(ish) army, improve my painting and get more involved in the hobby then please take the time to reply, I would really appreciate it.

I have a circle of friends I've been playing RPGs and war games with since high school, but they all have different interests (WW2, ACW, etc). So I realized early on that if I wanted to play the game I'd have to do all the hosting, creating both good and evil armies, designing the scenarios, etc. What has worked for me in the past is simply planning the next game I want to host. It helps that my friends are sticklers for good terrain and painted figures for their games, so I can't fall below that standard.
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:25 am 
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Ok, first things first, here is the link to the Great British Hobbit League Facebook page, it is private so no friends/family will see your activity here (I was cautious to join too, being a cool 18 year old guy). Look through the dates/locations for events posted and work out one you can realistically get to, train/petrol might cost a bit but trust me, it'll be worth it. I had never been to an event before but I actually arranged the very first event of the GBHL because I am bare skillz.

In reference to the tournaments and whatnot, you needn't feel worried at all, there are always a handful of people who turn up without knowing the rules inside and out, and they are always helped along by their opponent with the rules (or people on the next table if their opponent is also a bit new). They are great fun and much more about having a laugh and playing a few games than winning. Even people who turn up with pure cheesey beard armies are huge LoTR fanboys so it's all good. I am not someone who puts much effort into painting and my models look terrible, but no-one see's me deploy and goes "eww noob". Also, the whole 'nerd stigma' really doesn't apply to the people I've met at the LoTR uk events; most of the people who attend are married/in relationships, one of us is a personal trainer, i'm literally the coolest person ever, and 'Damian' on the forums is a pro rugby player, hardly a bunch of no-life nerds :)

Anyway, onto your army. I reckon you should go ahead and play a Galadhrim force, while I do understand your point about the plastic Galadhrim looking a bit less disciplined than they should, you will probably need a box to make your army financially viable (metal elves=expensive). I would suggest buying some spears from Gripping Beast or Saga so you can blu tack them to your models backs if you have a point spare (top tier players do this don't worry).

In terms of army composition I reckon you should handle the specifics (more rewarding that way). But I reckon the three heroes you should nab are Rumil, Haldir, and a Stormcaller, then you have a combat hero, a shooty hero, and a magic hero, all of whom are relatively cheap for their points.

Message me if you wanna talk army building :)
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:33 pm 
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I am already a member of the GBHL group and I was joking about the 'nerd stigma'!

I'm not really sure about Galadhrim, they're something I've tried before and I really don't like the plastic troops. It's a shame really because they're a cool faction and they suit my idea of how I want to play. Maybe I just need to suck it up and accept that they're not my idea of perfect - I'm not sure anything ever will be. I could never get their armour right either which really annoyed me. I'm really stuck at this point as I'm struggling to find an army that suits my ideal aesthetic and how I want to play. I know I'm probably being too picky but I know I won't paint models I don't like the look of.
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:07 pm 
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I as well put looks before rules, I was finding difficulties to know which army I would work on and then I found Warriors of Dale, I love every aspect of their sculpts.

I'm sure you'll find your army you like playing with and looking at, at the same time.

The men of Dale are fighting a battle with my brush at the moment.
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:48 pm 
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DomyHill wrote:
I am already a member of the GBHL group and I was joking about the 'nerd stigma'!

Oh yeah no worries, I didn't imply you were offending me, I was just re-assuring you it is a community of regular guys :)

DomyHill wrote:
I'm not really sure about Galadhrim, they're something I've tried before and I really don't like the plastic troops. It's a shame really because they're a cool faction and they suit my idea of how I want to play. Maybe I just need to suck it up and accept that they're not my idea of perfect - I'm not sure anything ever will be. I could never get their armour right either which really annoyed me. I'm really stuck at this point as I'm struggling to find an army that suits my ideal aesthetic and how I want to play. I know I'm probably being too picky but I know I won't paint models I don't like the look of.

Well how many metal Galadhrim models do you have? If you have enough for one warband then make them and their leader look pristine and perfect, then for the plastic models, perhaps give them and their hero a rugged 'veteran' look, that way you don't have to try and compensate for the lack of 'discipline' or 'order' in the sculpts, and instead you get a very themed army that shows two different sides to the army of Lothlorien. Also models always look different once you have them in your hands, I have seen lots of armies in the flesh and even identical sculpts of the same model look totally different. Also once you are playing and your elves are cutting up orcs and getting hurled left right and centre having a few of them looking less rigid will add to the feel of the game. One of the best looking armies I have seen was a mixture of the metal Galadhrim and the plastic ones.
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:07 pm 
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First thing to say is everyone uses the hobby for something different. Some are mainly gamers, some are mainly hobbysits, some only play themed scenarios, some use the models for the scenery pieces. Some probably have them hidden in a bedroom somewhere where no-one will ever see or hear about them. Its what you want from it. Dont go to a store if you feel uncomfortable, dont go to tournaments if you dont want to. Do what you want, theres no-one within the hobby who'll make you feel unwelcome regardless of your standard of painting or knowledge of the lore or whatever if you do take the jump.

I would say with regret that GW stores probably arent the best places to go, fantasy and 40k are the main games, and 98% of GW gamers would put you off playing again from my experience. Nothing against GW or the way theyre run, its just the nature of the beast.

I know I'm probably being too picky but I know I won't paint models I don't like the look of.

If thats what you want, then as long as you can physically get hold of the models go for it! I had an entire metal fiefdoms army but got rid as plastic I find is easier to store and paint, but again, everyones different. I would say if you want metal models, get them now as GW is phasing them out, and I cant see many (if any) lasting beyond early New Year.

What I'd do first is think of a hero you like, then buy it. Then troops you like, then buy them. Dont even have to be from the same faction. Make sure theyre painted before you buy the next ones then you'll probably fixate on a particular army while youte painting what youve got. Ive played since the first fellowship was released but have never settled on an force and have half finished armies all over the place. I can only think of a couple of people who have 1 or 2 armies and thats it for them.

TLDR version: Theres no right or wrong way to do the hobby. Collect what you like, then take it from there. Theres no rush :)

“Advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, all courses may run ill.”
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:29 pm 
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I really like the Knights of Rivendell and the new Elrond mounted Elrond model. Are they a feasible hero and unit to build an army around?
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 Post subject: Re: Army/Playing/Getting More Involved Help
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:49 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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GW seems to be getting a lot of bad press here, sure people have their own personal experience to judge, but its not bad everywhere.

DomyHill, I was in the exact situation you were in about 2 months ago. I moved to uni miles away from my home town, my uni's wargames club doesn't play and I knew no-one who did.
I asked around on here for suggestions, and decided the best thing was to just head to the local GW, if I couldn't get a game sorted there then there wasn't much hope anywhere else.

I asked the manager if there were any LOTR players, he said he knew a few and asked when I was free. He said when they next game in he'd ask them if they fancied a game at the weekend, and let me know on the Facebook group (I'd already posted on there asking for players but had gotten no replies), only 2 days later he replies to my comment asking me to bring an army and get down there for 2:00 on Sunday.
Lo and behold I got a game in!

Now we've hopefully made it a weekly thing, as I've found a group of about 4 of us that play, and I'm getting more games than I ever did even back home.

The GW guys don't care about it being LOTR, its shifting a decent amount, and as long as you ask/let them know in advance that you'd like a game then they'll make sure there's a table for you to use.

Give em a try mate you never know!

As for Elrond etc, though I have little experience with Elves, I've pretty much faced/played most armies in my time and can say that althoguh Elrond is a point sink at a low points level (GW usually want you to play 400 points), his Fate re-rolls really keep him alive where other fighty heroes would eventually be overwhelmed. I think Nature's Wrath is also one of the best Magical Powers going.
With Elves you're going to have expensive heroes anyway and your numbers are gonna be low, so if you're going for him with Rivendell Knights, you might aswell go all out and get a couple of boxes, seeing as they're so flexible.

In terms of what to play, after a bit of a haitus a couple of years back, I returned after the release of the Harad army book (okay it may have been more than a couple of years...) and immediately fell in love with the Far Harad and Corsair models. Even though they're both not as good as they used to be (ranged changes for Corsairs is the most recent change), I still play the army rather than all my other stuff, and thats what I choose to paint, because I like the models, the backstory and the playstyle (though I want some cavalry now cos I miss the days of playing cav. heavy Rohan).

Anyway I digress, hope this helps you a bit to know other people are in the same situation. :)

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