Always depressing, having to dig one's thread from beyond the first page!
Not even for much of an update, but rather a glimpse of things to come. For after not playing much in the past years (nor indeed painting too much), it looks like I'll finally attend a tournament - in less than two weeks! That also means I'll finally paint up the Mirkwood force which has sat here collecting dust ever since the models were purchased on release (over two years ago). Not the longest miniatures have had to wait for paint really, but there have been many plans over the course of those years to get them painted up; they just never materialised. Let's see how I'll get on this time!
The list to get done is (based on what I happen to have around more than what would be competitive, although it isn't necessarily terrible):
1 Palace Guard (shield)
5 Palace Guard (shield, spear)
2 Mirkwood Elves (glaive)
2 Mirkwood Cavalry (shield)
9 Mirkwood Rangers
Legolas (cloak, armour)
8 Wood Elves (spear)
4 Wood Elves (bow)
Of those, 4 Wood Elves and 1 Ranger were painted, while Thranduil and Tauriel were near enough done. A few others had some flat base colours applied, but that's it.
Things are proceeding according to the plans well enough - had three weeks to paint three warbands; now less than two to paint less than two. Crucially, I have (I hope) covered all the finecast bubbles and plugged the gaps, on top of which I somehow took the time to string all the Rangers' bows; the only further preparation to do is casting some shields for the Guard and Cavalry.
Finished painting Lego and his warband today; pictures soon. Here are the (mostly) unpainted bands a few days ago. Will they all be fully done in two weeks? Place your bets now!