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 Post subject: Beginners battle report 1000 point Rohan vs Fallen Realms
PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:45 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:27 pm
Posts: 14
Some days ago I played a 1000 point battle and I thought it would be interesting to make a battle report out of it.
I’d like to point out that this is my first battle report and both me and my opponent are both really new to the gaming part of the hobby so prepare to see some mistakes in gaming ;).
Also, since we don’t have a copy of the Hobbit rulebook we decided to play with the old ‘One ring rulebook’ ruleset with the small change that we’re not using volley fire.

I do have pictures but I don't know how to add them here. If someane tells me how I will add themcan add them if someone t

Now, the forces:
Forces of evil:
Leader: Amdûr, lord of blades
(because the original model isn’t painted yet I used a dragon knight as substite)
Warband 1:
Amdûr, lord
8 easterling warriors with sword and shield and black dragon upgrade
4 easterling warriors with shield and pike
Warband 2:
Easterling War Priest
8 easterling warriors with sword and shield and black dragon upgrade
4 easterling warriors with shield and pike
Warband 3:
The Golden king of harad
10 haradrim with spears
Warband 4:
War mumak of harad
- Rocks! Upgrade and Tusk weapons
12 haradrim with bows and warrior of Kârna upgrade

Forces of Good:
Leader: Theoden
Warband 1:
Theoden with heavy armor and horse upgrade
1 Rohan royal guard with throwing spear and horse upgrade
3 riders of Rohan with throwing spear upgrade
6 riders of rohan
Warband 2:
Theodred with horse upgrade
1 Rohan royal guard with throwing spear and horse upgrade
3 riders of Rohan with throwing spear upgrade
6 riders of rohan

Warband 3:
Gamling with royal banner and horse upgrade
3 riders of Rohan with throwing spear upgrade
7 riders of rohan
Warband 4:
7 warriors of Rohan with throwing spear and shield upgrade
Warband 5:
6 warriors of Rohan with throwing spear and shield upgrade
Warband 6:
6 warriors of Rohan with throwing spear and shield upgrade

We rolled a dice to select a scenario, and the outcome was: Hold Ground.

After we set up terrain the game could start.

Turn 1
Rohan won the priority roll and got to roll for deployment first. By rolling for all companies and not hitting lower than one 3, rohan got a nice oppertunity to spread the warbands and cover every board edge.
After the good deployment

The evil side then had quite a bad deployment round rolling 1’s for both the mumak and the warband housing Amdûr and with not much space left on the board edge, the remaining deployed force was in quite a bad position right after deployement.
The golden king and the rohirrim are deployed against the board edge

Only rohan had a shooting round this turn,and managed to kill 2 haradrim with a total of 8 shots.

Turn 2
Evil won priority this turn wich was more then welcome ofcourse because the golden king had deployed next to a big group of riders of rohan. Not willing to let this oppertunity slip, theodred called a heroic movement to try and crush the small group of haradrim before reinforcements arrived. In the following charge the royal guard managed to kill one haradrim with a throwing spear leaving the golden king with even less hope of survival.
In the evil move phase the haradrim around the golden king tried to minimize the damage done by the charge and on the other side of the board the war priest and his followers started moving towards the center of the board.
Then it was time to roll for the remaining evil warbands, the reinforcements theodred feared arrived, and how. By rolling a six the mumak got a free choice of deployment fitting precisely in the gap that was created by the heroice movement of theodred.

In the mean time, Amdûr, only rolling a 3 got place in a corner of the board surrounded by a lot of rohan.
The rohirrim are in the middle of the bottom board egde (picture 1), sadly the easterlings became seprated form the start.

The good movement phase was mainly used for repositioning the units. Some riders moved closer to the mumak while others started moving towards amdûr. They only used halve their movement so they would still be able to use their bows. Hama and eomer moved closer to Amdûr and some brave warriors of rohan charge amdûrs warband.

The shooting phase was quite a succes for the haradrim, thanks to their upgrades halve of the archers were able to thrown stones as 2 riders in theodred’s group, only managing to kill 1 one and the horse of the other. In the other side of the howdah 6 archers fired on the remains of theodred’s warband, hitting with all arrows but sadly only killing one horse.
Thanks to the howdah the haradrim were saved form the arrows of the rohirrim, and there were no evil casualties in the good shooting phase.
In the ensuing fight phase the golden king and his warband suffered a lot. Rohan managed to throw sixes in 4 of the 5 battles and the golden king lost against the royal guard and a rider, having to endure a total of 8 hits. Luckily, none of those proved a problem for the golden king resulting in zero wounds. Around him even more haradrim fell leaving verry little of the original warband.
Far away Amdûr black dragons managed to kill 2 warriors of rohan.

Turn 3
The priority ones again goes to the evil side.
Once again, this time by the looming presence of the mumak theodred decides to call a heroic movement trying to pin down the beast before it can wreak havoc. Even though the golden king or his men couldn’t reach theodred they tried pinning down all his riders by also calling a heroic movement. Winning the roll of, the golden king and his man charged all their surrounding enemys putting the fate of theodred in one lone warrior of rohan. Feeling the pressure and the high hopes of theodred on his shoulders, the warrior gathered all his courage and succesfully charged the mumak during the heroic movement of Theodred.
On the other side of the board, Amdûr’s warband charged Hama’s warband in an attempt to finish the job before more reinforcements could arrive while the war priest and his followers desperately tried to join forces with amdûr.

In the rohan movement phase eowyn, knowing that her might point would be needed for possible heroic movements against the mumak because the might of theodred was almost gone moved closer to the mumak and the remaining riders moved closer to their targets and prepared to shoot them.
In the shooting phase the haradrim managed to kill one rider while the riders managed to wound the captain in the mumak. Unfortunately he made an unsuccesful fate roll.
In the following combat phase the lone rohan warrior gloriously got trampled into the dirt by the mumak while the golden king managed to kill the royal guard, while around him 2 more haradrim fell, leaving only 3 of the original 10. Far away, Amdûr killed a warrior of rohan while a black dragon killed a second one.
Funny how things seem bigger op close

Turn 4
Again, evil gained priority and once agian theodred spent a might point for a heroic movement to prevent the mumak form charging. This time, the haradrim chieftain in the howdah tried to stop theodred with another heroic movement, but he lost the roll. A rider pass the courage test to charge the mumak giving theodred a change destroy what whas left of the golden king’s warband charging him himself with the aid of another rider. In the evil move phase Amdûr and his group once again charged into the rohirrim while the group of the war priest desperately tried to get closer.
In the good movement phase eowyn’s group came in charge distance of the mumak while a group of riders came dangerously close to Amdûr charging the outer flank of his warband and a second group of riders charged into the war priests followers.
In the evil shooting phase, one haradrim archer managed to wound eowyn with a rock an four other archers managed to deliver a second wound forcing eowyn to spend both of her fate point, rolling a 6 and a 4, to stay in the game. The other archers managed to kill of another horse.
In the fight phase, the golden king proved his worth by winning the fight and killing both theodred and the rider while the brave rider of rohan gloriously got beaten in a small pile of goo by the mumak.
Next to the golden king a haradrim miraculously survived a battle against a rider he charged while being charged by a second rider.
In the meantime Amdûr faced of against hama and beat him in combat but he couldn’t wound him.
Around him the black dragon and the warriors of rohan clashed leaving small casualties on both sides. On his flank 3 easterling charged 1 warrior and 3 riders while later being charged by 3 riders. Amazingly, only 1 easterling lost his life while rohan didn’t manage to throw the necessary 6 with 6 dices, in 2 seperate battles.
Sometimes, that defence 6 can really save your life.

Turn 5,
For the fourth turn in a row, evil won priority and with theodred now gone it was up to eowyn to call a heroic movement to charge the mumakil. The chieftain, knowing that he might needed his might point later decided not to react, which led to a brave charge of 5 out of 6 warriors of rohan and eowyn against the mumak, scoring 2 wound with throwing spears. Passing the first courage test the haradrim chieftain throwed dubbel 1 on the second and since the mumak hadn’t moved since it deployed it would walk straight of the table the next turn.
The decisive charge

Far away both eomer and Amdûr called a heroic movement wich eomer won allowing for a brutal charge with both warriors of rohand and rohirrim against the remainder of Amdûr warband.
In the shooting phase the haradrim archers managed to kill eowyn and 3 warrior with rocks while the rohirrim couldn’t kill anything.
In the final fight phase Amdûr again won against hama, but didn’t manage to wound him. Around them several warriors of rohan and easterlings fell. The mumak killed the remaining 2 warriors of rohan that charged him while the golden king killed another rohirrim,

The sure loss of the mumak and us getting close to the our time limit, we decided to quit the game at this point. Giving rohan a deserved victory.

After Battle thoughts:
Just looking at the fight phases I’m not really disappointed, I won quite some fights, and the golden king killed a lot of his enemies. I also got quite fond of the throwing rocks upgrade for the mumak, but next time I play with it I will go for the gnarled hide instead of the tusk weapons, especially if I have to face off against a all-ranged rohan army again. Sadly enough I lost the initiative on the deployment resulting in an uphill battle while my opponent could choose where to send the reserves to.

The luck was on my side in the early game giving me lots of opportunities to decide how te place and manouver my units. Personally i think i’ve made both good and bad descisions especially with the mumak and the Golden king. but the game over all felt very balanced near the end and it was a lot of fun to play a large battle like this.

Last edited by T Andrion on Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Beginners battle report 1000 point Rohan vs Fallen Realm
PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:34 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:35 pm
Posts: 11
I'm not sure myself how to upload pictures however this was a good read and I look forward to seeing your photos of the battle report :)

"Just tea thank you."
Gandalf the Grey
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 Post subject: Re: Beginners battle report 1000 point Rohan vs Fallen Realm
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:45 am 
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Joined: Sat May 28, 2016 9:15 am
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You can do this with photobucket and select the img link!
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 Post subject: Re: Beginners battle report 1000 point Rohan vs Fallen Realm
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:38 am 

Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:27 pm
Posts: 14
Thank you for your help and support, I just added the foto's
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