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Would you play the Fall of Gondolin supplement if it was finished
Yeah! Sounds cool! 60%  60%  [ 62 ]
If it had models with it, yeah! 21%  21%  [ 22 ]
Dunno? 5%  5%  [ 5 ]
Nah, I'm sticking with LOTR!!! 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Whats the 'Fall of Gondolin'??? 12%  12%  [ 12 ]
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2004 10:39 pm 

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I'm attempting to get a decent account from NTL, but they suck so I've been waiting for around 6 weeks to be sent my access code. Then everytime that we ring them up.

"We just sent it out yesterday, should be there within 2 or 3 days."

I don't know if yahooUk is better but here is my e-mail address anyway

If that doesn't work, is there anyone who could point me to a e-mail provider which would allow me to recieve said file.
Thanks in advance.
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2004 11:00 pm 
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I would be glad to help you anyway I can. A friend and I are in the planning stages of creating Gondolin, so I can give you the templates, etc. when they are finished. Also, If I could get my grubby little hands on a scanner, I could do some illustrations for you.

Then the leader, who was now half across the ford stood up, menacing in his stirrups, and raised up his hand. Frodo was stricken dumb. He felt his tongue cleave to his mouth, and his heart labouring. His sword broke and fell from his shaking hand.
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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 8:48 am 
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I had a thought - If we have the templates for fully intact elven buildings, then we don't need any stages of ruin - you can just "ruin" it yourself!

(you probably realised that ages ago, and i'm just stating the obvious :oops: )

Any way, a guide is under construction, and I might add in more little details.

Also, the dragon is coming along great - I need to think up some way of doing wings that won't just fall off though. Any ideas?

"We told him to go away, and away he goes, Precious!"

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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 1:03 pm 
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Hello everyone,

Orodruin and Taurdirim, I've sent you the PDF file to you both. Hope it works! Remember all feedback, good and bad welcomed!

Do what you can but before you do could I ask what each of you are doing! :? I'm sorry i'm just abit overwhelmed with all the members who are helping out, i'm really greatful guys thanks :D.

The WitchKingofMordor is making a guide for intact buildings that you can ruin yourself (great idea :D), those wanting to help with terrain get together nd see what you can come up with.

Taurdirim - Sketches would be great! we need to jazz it up abit!

Finally, my good friend pico emailed me with his idea:

High King Turgon

F S D A W C Points Value: 200
8/- 4 8 3 3 8
Might: 3
Will: 3+1
Fate 1+1

Special Rules: High King of the Elves (see ROTK rulebook under Gil-Galad)

Lineage of the Firstborn (see ROTK rulebook under Celeborn)

Eagle Eyes - Turgon is an ally of the great eagles that live above Gondolin. The eagles act as his eyes and ears, seeing far beyond his city. To represent their scouting ability, Turgon is always assumed to have line of sight to any point on the battlefield if the battle is in the vicinity of Gondolin or the encircling mountains.

Glamdring (see Aeglos rule in ROTK rulebook under Gil-Galad)

Shield of the King - Turgon's shield is the pinnacle of elven technology. Created by Rog himself, Turgon's shield is light and extremely strong. While holding this shield, Turgon recieves one point of Fate per turn without depleteing his current store.

pico also directed me to these sites for ideas of models that may be used for the supplement:

and for dragon models i found this website also:

What do you guys think?

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2004 7:34 pm 
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The supplement looks good so far, as I said, I just need a scanner, and my sketches are yours. I can post some conversion guides for some characters later. I have already made a Fingolfin model, so he would not be difficult to change into Ecthelion or Turgon.

Then the leader, who was now half across the ford stood up, menacing in his stirrups, and raised up his hand. Frodo was stricken dumb. He felt his tongue cleave to his mouth, and his heart labouring. His sword broke and fell from his shaking hand.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:23 pm 
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I have finished writing the guide for the buildings, with plenty of details added in - Now I just need some more foam board to make another one or two and take in progress shots.

However, I have hit a snag with templates! I can't find a way to make them! Any ideas on this?

"We told him to go away, and away he goes, Precious!"

Come and visit the White City here!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:11 pm 
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Hello everyone, hows it going?

I'm not too sure on the templates myself WKoM. Not to worry, if you can’t do them the guides will do just fine :D perhaps you could show how to add elvish designs to the window/door frames, etc. Some wierd sort of pattern I dunno something interesting! (I can’t think of any decent examples apart from the elven banners in the rule book)

Any whos I'm still working on other scenarioes, but for the first one i give you... (drum roll)

Act 1:
The Capture of Maeglin

Maeglin lived and prospered in Gondolin, for he was skilled in arms, and seemed good, but he had one fault. He was enamored of the beauty of Idril his first cousin and daughter of Turgon. Jealousy gnawed at his heart, as he knew he could never have her, and when Tuor married Idril, Maeglin's jealousy was turned to him in full force. Maeglin, in order to quiet his spirit I believe, worked long and hard, hewing the rocks of Amon Gwareth, and delving into the dark secret places to find precious gems. As it happens, one day he delved too far, and was taken by Melkors servants. The torture he was subjected to was great, and though he was not a craven, he eventually succumbed, and provided the enemy with the location of Gondolin, and how it might best be assailed. Melkor released him back to Gondolin to further his treachery, and to wait for the day when Melkor would take over…


Maeglin, out of spite for Tuor, accompanied by a handful of his folk delve deep in the mines in search for beautiful jewels for which he desires. Yet whilst doing so they are ambushed by several scouts of Morgoth who still seek the mythical kingdom of Turgon that supposedly lies within the surrounding mountains. Can Maeglin escape before he is captured by orcs, betraying his king and kinsmen?


Maeglin, given a hand weapon and an elven bow
6 Folk of the Mole with swords and shields
2 Folk of the Mole with elven bows

Hoards of Morgoth

Lug, given a hand weapon and shield
10 Orcs with swords and shields
5 Orcs with orc bows

Points Match

For a points match select a force of up to 200pts for either side. Only one hero may be taken for either side. No war machines, monsters or any mounted models may be taken. Remember, this is a skirmish so only foot troops are able to take part.

Set up & Layout

The ambush takes place on a 2ft x 2ft size board near the entrance of the mines, represented by a form of cave etc. This is where the good side must set up their models to begin the game. The surrounding area consists mainly of an open plain with afew trees and rocks to act as cover. 1/3 of the evil side, with Lug in command, begins at the opposite board edge to the mine entrance. Each model starts 5" away from each other. The remaining few orcs enter from any board edge (apart from the cave entrance) if a 4+ is rolled at the start of every priority phase after the alarm is raised. This represents the orc scouting party splitting up, for they are unaware of Maeglins presence.


The good side must ensure that Maeglin escapes off any board edge alive (ie not knocked out cold or fleeing in terror)

The evil side must prevent this from happening by successfully capturing Maeglin and slaying all his kinsmen.

Special Rules

Maeglin and his Folk: This scenario is set before Maeglin is ensnared by Morgoth. Therefore he and his folk fight on the side of good! Maeglin himself doesn't suffer from being 'orcish' as he has not yet been tortured. So therefore he doesn't follow the 'orcish' special rule so has a strength value of 4, shooting value of 3+ and courage of 6.

Night Fighting: The ambush takes place during the night, visibility is reduced to 10"

Ambush!: Neither forces are aware of each others presence. To represent this for the first turn the good side may not move. The evil side begins with only a handful of troops. The rest only enter the fray once the alarm has been raised. To raise the alarm the evil side must be within seeing distance of the good models. On the roll of a 4+ (providing there is a line of sight) Maeglins existence is revealed.

Capturing Maeglin: To capture Maeglin the evil side must only inflict a single wound to 'knock him cold'. The good player may not move him unless revived. A good model must spend a whole move phase in base contact to revive Maeglin. An evil model may move Maeglin at half its move rate. If this model is engaged in combat they must drop Maeglin and fight combat as usual. No good model may shoot at the evil model carrying Maeglin ask the risk of hitting their beloved lord is much too high!

I play tested it 3 times and the evil side won twice but all games were very close! I have to admit this is a very small skermish and may not appeal to all, but it re-introduces the tactical side of the game, which it loses through the huge battles! Those who like big battles stay tuned, there will be plenty coming up...What do you all think?

Regards, Andy

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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 Post subject: New Pictures for Dragons from Mithril
PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 7:59 am 
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I have some new pictures that I saw on Mithril's website. They are of the Balrog in Moria, Scatha the Worm, a Cold Drake, The Uruloki or Fire Dragon, and Smaug. They would be potentially good options for the large minis that will be required. The Balrog is not as good as the one in the film, but it could be used as a 2nd balrog in a scenario if needed, or it could be used as Gothmog, if it is larger than the balrog GW makes.






Duh! I just noticed that Andy had a link for these. Anyway, here they are again. They all sell for 27.39 Euros, so they are all within reason for getting at least 1 or maybe 2.

Hope this helps!

Shake it EZ
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:48 am 
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:roll: never mind pico :D

At least members can actually see what the models look like now (cause i have a habit of writing essay long posts :? and i doubt people would have got as far as to finding the link to look at the models!)

Anyways, any feedback on what people are doing?

What do people think of the models from the mithril website?

And any feedback on pervious posts, like the new status for Turgon written by pico, and 'The Capturing of Maeglin' scenario?

All comments (good and bad) welcomed, and any others who want to help just ask :D

Regards Andy

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:15 pm 
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I've added an elvish design - If you like it, I'll work it into my article.


"We told him to go away, and away he goes, Precious!"

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 10:02 pm 
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Cool, see if you can add abit more (those elves were probably very over the top) and try and incorporate it as part of the masonry if you can, look forward to seeing your guide :D (don't suppose you have ideas for intact buildings?)

Also stay tuned to the website for my good friend Brandir is uploading the supplement so people can view it online, woohoo!


Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:24 pm 
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Yes, I do - the guide is actually for intavt buildings, I've just said how tho ruin them as well. Is a removeable side suitable?

"We told him to go away, and away he goes, Precious!"

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:59 pm 
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Yeah sounds great! :D

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:06 pm 
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Nice Building. I really like the elvish scripts. I am not a Warhammer player, but do they sell decals for the high elves like they do for bretonnians? If so, those may be a quick fix for gates and such. I would also consider convering a styrofoam wall with a thin layer of parchment paper or something else close, to cover the bubble appearance. Then come back and spray it to give a limestone type of appearance, almost looking like solid concrete. Then, wash it in yellow ink. I will try to take a picture of a wall section I made, so you can have an example of the look. The walls of Gondolin were supposed to be extremely well made, so I would almost go for a concrete look to them. Maybe I am wrong here, but to make a wall in this style would be fairly cheap and quick.

Also, in regards to using minis for this supplement, use Warriors of Minas Tirith for Rog and his house. These blacksmiths were supposedly heavily armed, and these minis have that plate armorthat gives the heavy look. Also, people could buy a bow of these guys for little $$$ and convert them by filing off the tree from the shields and breastplate. Paint the armor in the silver style of gondor, or dress them up by giving them a more gold appearance matching the high elf minis. Then paint the tunic blue instead of black. I'll try to get a pic of one up for an example. I would use Faramir on foot in heavy armor for Rog.

I would use the guards of the fountain court as Tuor's house of the wing elves. I would add to them an elven shield, that can be copied by making a mold of the high elven spearmen from FOTR. Paint these in a color similar to the high elven spearmen. With the winged helms, they will look very impressive. You can buy high elves from Black tree design's fantasy range that have wings that stick out from the helms. They could be a substitute, but their quality is not as good as games workshop. Using Beregond or Boromir (CotWT mini) could work for Tuor.

For the house of the mole, using men of gondor and painting them similar to the elves could be a cheap substitute. Using a file to wear down the trees is all that is required. Using the Isildur mini for Meaglin could work, or just use a captain of gondor if you have one.

Using Elrond and Gil-Galad for Ecthelion and Glorfindel and others will work. By keeping Elrond unchanged with simple painting changes and hair color differences can make many elven lords. Also, Gil-Galad's spear can be removed and a sword put in its place. For Turgon, I would use the sword of Gandalf from FOTR or Kazad-dum and use Gil-Galad. I would also change the head on Gil-Galad to have either a helm or a more regal headpiece. I'll try to come up with something. A crown like those on some high elf minis from warhammer might be good.

I'll be working on examples of these minis. Also, I'll contact a person I've bought painted minis from who lives in Poland. He is a sculptor who have created stuff that competes with ebob. Maybe he'd be interested in maing some mins, which people could buy. They would be resin, but that is kewl... just don't drop them. He is a member on this site and goes by the username scriber or something... have to lookup. He already is selling a killer looking troll that could be used as a cave troll chieftan or mordor troll, though I think it towers over the mordor troll. It is highly detailed and sells for $35.00 on his site, which is

I'll add some pics when I get them.


Shake it EZ
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:11 pm 
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I sent a pm, tell me if you didnt recieve it. i have a lot of spare time so email your work so far and ill see what i can do, heres the adress-

good luck! :D

King Ellessar
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:15 pm 
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Pico said:
Also, I'll contact a person I've bought painted minis from who lives in Poland. He is a sculptor who have created stuff that competes with ebob. Maybe he'd be interested in maing some mins, which people could buy. They would be resin, but that is kewl... just don't drop them. He is a member on this site and goes by the username scriber or something... have to lookup. He already is selling a killer looking troll that could be used as a cave troll chieftan or mordor troll, though I think it towers over the mordor troll. It is highly detailed and sells for $35.00 on his site, which is

I think you are talking about Scibor - Am I right? In which case, I agree, it is a quality looking miniature.

"We told him to go away, and away he goes, Precious!"

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:37 pm 
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I'm a great fan of Scibors work (and Ebobs for that matter!) There's no harm in asking if they would provide models but I doubt they could or would want to :(. I don't doubt their skill! It is way up there with the Perry Twins but I really doubt they would make models for a fan supplement :( Theres also the fact of copywrite laws and legal stuff! Wouldn't it be breaking the law if we sold the newly made models? As stated before I wouldn't want to gain profit from this project.

However that doesn't mean to say that they could name them as something else? :D Do you reckon Scibor and Ebob look at these posts anyway :?!!! Ah confused!!!

King of Ellessar, I've replied to your PM, check your inbox :wink:

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:51 pm 
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Scibor is the person I was referring to. He has already made a troll for use in wargames such as LOTR, which is of his own work entirely and is not in the same scale and style as ones by games workshop. It is much better than theirs, IMO. I am not looking to profit from this, since I would not be selling/making these. I sent him an email asking if he would like to participate in our project. If he, or someone else, could make a small run of resin minis that would look awsome and meet our general requirements, then that would be great.

I'll try and get some conversions and guides for them written up ASAP. I'll try and finish up the minis over then next few days, and the pictures will follow. I finally got my digital camera figured out to take closeups, so images won't be a problem.

I'll keep ya'll posted on these!

Shake it EZ
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:38 pm 
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If you can make VERY descriptive details of characters I'll make some minis up (conversions) and Articles. Send the descriptions via PM. :D I can also make some VERY detailed buildings.

"That'll do it..."
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 9:18 am 
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I have added in rules for Tuor, which I would like to get opinions on. He is a very powerful hero with these stats, but remember that this is based on the fact that he slew many Balrogs at this massive battle.

Tuor's armor was a present from King Turgon. It was Silvered Steel and very well made. Also, Tuor wore a great winged helm decorated in jewels and wrought in fine metals. He carried a shield with a swan wing and fought with a great axe he named in the speech of the Gondothlim "Dramborleg".

F S D A W C Points Value: 300
7/- 4 8 3 3 7 Might: 3 + 1
Will: 3
Fate 3

Special Rules: Dramborleg(see ROTK rulebook under Aragorn for Anduril). This is a great axe that Tuor can wield in 1 hand. All the benefits are kept, but he does not take a -1 penalty and may still wield his shield and use the shielding rule.

Mighty Hero(see ROTK rulebook under Aragorn)

Winged Helm - Tuor was given a great helm of jewels and fine metals as a gift from Turgon. This helm had swan wings on both sides, that let the forces of Morgoth know that death approached. When Tuor wheres this helm, he counts as causing terror(see rulebook). Also, since this greathelm is beautiful and large, it acts as a rallying point in a battle that inspires his followers to great deeds. All units, including Tuor and other heroes, within 3" of Tuor add +1 to their Fight Value. Also, this helm acts as a banner, so all banner rules apply. Since this is a worm item, Tuor fights as if he carries no banner.

Battlecry - With the use of 1 point of Might and passing a courage test, Tuor may give out a mighty battle cry which forces all friendly models within 12" to charge to their nearest enemy and attack in combat in the fight phase, passing all courage tests if required. This is used in the same way as heroic movement but may only be used once per scenario.

I have also spoken with ebob, who sounded interested in our project. He told me about Thunderbolt Mountain minis, which is where I just spent about $130.00 on some extremely awsome minis and extras. I purchased a few packs of the weapons assortments, which I hope to use to convert warriors of minas tirith into Elves of Rog's house of the Hammer of wrath. ANyway, I'll post pics when I get them.

Have a great weekend all, and try to playtest the scenarios if you get some free time. All of this is going to take a little fine tuning, so the only way to improve on it is to actually do it.
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