awcho wrote:
Thanks for the comment Beowulf03809! I actually thought of doing the same thing for some Castellans, but it was too time consuming. Instead I tried a different experiment with making spectral Castellans with glowing swords (of course the swords now remind me of light sabers
The Necromancer was inspired by this one which I think is really amazing. Unfortunately, I did a lot of trial and error painting it, and I found it very time consuming and frustrating trying to do the reverse highlighting. I've even changed it since I took the photos for the competition. So I don't think I could put together a very good article since I never came up with a consistent technique that was time efficient.
I understand that completely. Maybe some more pics of various angles and some thoughts on what you remember of the color selection would at least give a jump start. I have some pretty decent images of Minas Morgul that I was using as my initial inspiration but it's going to be a bit of trial and error to get something that looks right. At least I have a few Castellans and can commit one to "experimentation mode".
I had looked as those other threads in the past as well. The purple one is impressive but not my taste at all. Most of the others are also well done (like the mostly-red one) but not really what I'm interrested in. Yours was the first I've seen that did a good job getting the "green glow" look.