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 Post subject: Outriders, Gamling and Stand Fast.
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:31 am 
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There was some discussion a while back over wether or not Outriders can take advantage of Gamling's Royal standard to gain a point of Might.

I think the debate still rages - and it was difficult to get an answer from any GW employee on the matter - but is it a legal move for tournament play in Nottingham?

Secondly, as heroes can they all use 'Stand Fast' and basically stick together when the army is broken and in so doing effectively have no chance of fleeing the field?

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:45 am 
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I don't believe they can use the Stand Fast rule, but the can take advantage of Gamling's banner.

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:24 am 
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Oh.. I see that they can't benefit from each other because heroes are not affected by another heroes' stand fast.. but I can't see why they couldn't use stand fast to aid other Rohan warriors.
Either they are warriors and so can benfit from Eomer's stand fast - or they are heroes in which case they can call stand fast themselves for the benefit of any ordinary warriors closeby.

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:12 am 

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This was answer officially last year or year before? As the rule stands the Outriders can benefit from the Royal Banner, howerevr this was an oversight and it was never the intention for them to do so. When Rohan is next visited the rule will change to only allow those with Might points in their profile to gain the bonus.

Outriders can call Stand Fast and being heroes with C3 is actually a disadvantage as they stand a very good chance of failing and cannot use another heroes Stand Fast.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:21 pm 
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So it would be considered poor show to use them with the banner then do you think?

The other benefit is that they don't count towards bow limit - so allowing an all-bow force (as Rohan should be imho).

I think Outriders are self-limiting by virtue of their cost in £sterling. At £12 a rider I'm thinking I could afford.. 2? I wanted 16 - but at nearly £200 that seems a tad unfeasible.

Well, if they allow multiple Spider Queens at the tournament - I don't see why you shouldn't counter it with something on the flip side. My main beef with Spider queens is not what they do, or how many people have in their army - but how ridiculously cheap they are. They're not much more expensive than the average hero - they should be more like 175pts imho.

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:47 pm 
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I think its generally considered "cheeky" if you wanted to use an army full of Outriders with Gamling's Royal Standard.

As far as their cost - the simplest approach is to use a RoR as a proxy model. Remove the shield and add a plume to the helmet and you are all set. Obviously, for someone with your talent that would be no problem!
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:03 pm 
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Ebob wrote:
Well, if they allow multiple Spider Queens at the tournament - I don't see why you shouldn't counter it with something on the flip side. My main beef with Spider queens is not what they do, or how many people have in their army - but how ridiculously cheap they are. They're not much more expensive than the average hero - they should be more like 175pts imho.

I think her wounding reroll rule is misinterpreted. Most people seem to think it's reroll every failed wound roll. However, I think (and our house rule is) rerolls should be allowed only if NO wounds are rolled. Otherwise, yeah, 175 or 200 points minimum.

Other than that, I find she's a creature of extremes: very strong on attack, very weak on defense.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:20 pm 

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Agreed Warhog that is exactly what her rules say, the wording is different to other poison rules. Unfortunately the UKGT events have ruled otherwise as they have favoured the SQ in all her rules enquiries.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:17 pm 
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That's good to know, the rule is very clear - If she fails to wound an enemy she re-rolls. It still means she rolls 4 dice usually, and then another 4 if she fails to wound first time - and with S6, that's powerful hitting. But I'll remember that, and ask the other player to examine the rule if he tries to reroll on me every time.
I also didn't realise it costs will to spawn - I'm sure I've seen someone spawn 3 broodling twice.. but I could be wrong.
At D4 - arrows should be able to take her down - but I don't normally field any decent bow in my good army - that'll have to change.

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:03 pm 

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i believe the harashi also has the same problem, but that does specifically state 'each time'. i'd also advise you to use as many bows as possible ebob.

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:57 pm 
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Ebob wrote:
At D4 - arrows should be able to take her down - but I don't normally field any decent bow in my good army - that'll have to change.

I've decided that any time my son wants to field her, I'm fielding Glorfindel :) I've seen too many fights go her way on a tie against Aragorn or the Monkey Twins (and them dying outright), and there goes the game.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:57 pm 

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After the doubles tournement this year, it was made offical (in the UK, not sure how other areas are effected) that only one spider queen could be used per army/contingent. This was due to a large amount of people using mainly spider queen armies. This was seen as unfair as they can call broodlings and have a high attack anyway.

So the rules I play by are only one spiderqueen.
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PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:32 am 
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I wouldn't use an all spider queen army, due to it being so unfairly good. i would, however, consider using up to three in a themed, all spider army, with lots of giant spiders.

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PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:55 am 
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Only 3 then

Fair, but not taking any chances eh? :lol:

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PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:01 pm 
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Ebob wrote:
Only 3 then

Fair, but not taking any chances eh? :lol:

How dare you! :shock: :wink:
No one represents The Spider Queen, the other two are just like little mummy/mommy spiders, but superior to the other spiders. Whenever i make an army list, i always try and justify roughly why that person would be there - so i would ally aragorn with rohan, but i wouldn't ally him with the woses, as they never actually fought together (or even met to my knowledge)

Does that pupil look like it was done on MS Paint to you?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:53 pm 

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in lord of the rings if someone has might will or fate they are a heroe also the outriders are in the heroes section
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