Mouth-of-Sauron wrote:
And by the way he doesn´t cost much...
I totally put him in 500 points armys

Maybe even 400 (depending on the enemy)
I suppose i would if there were only ten models on the other team.... not that expensive? 220 ^$&%(! Points! not expensive!? 1/4 of a large (1000pts) force!
to answer the question...
Gandalf the White Wins in Terms of Sheer power, but not in terms of a good model (there is something that grates on me with it)
Gandalf the Grey wins the character test and the model test (there is something about the models i like, but can't quite place...)
Saruman wins the attack power test, as an 18" command and immobilise (i think on a 2 and 3+ aswell) is an extremely disruptive force, a 4+ SB is also FANTASTIC, very useful, 12" stand fast is excellent aswell. i would probably choose him over GtW, as, although he doesn't have so much defence, he does have very potent attack, for less points - hes like gandy the white, but defense becomes better range, he loses some spells, but i think its worth it.
Radagast is a special case, hes kind of "The Quiet One" - nobody really expects anything from him, he goes on subtlety, he doesnt do any direct damage (not on purpose) but renew and panic steed are really frustrating for your opponents - taking out about 6points on a 2+ per turn or sometimes 10/15 points on a hero steed is quite useful. renew can also irritate the hell out of your opponents, and would make galadriel with mirror nearly unkillable - 3 re-rolls to avoid a wound, if she loses them she gets them back, if she does get hurt he brings her back. its simple. he allows volley fire on anything, and never has to worry about line of sight.
in a game i would probably take Gandalf for BL and character, or Saruman for attack power and disruption. i would only take radagast with wood elves, and i would rarely take gandy the white, as he is just to expensive - very powerful, but the cost... get a bolthrower and gandalf the grey!
thats just my opinion though