Not a real battle report, just amusing:
Glorfindel, on a horse, needs to help poor besieged Eomer. He tries to jump a wall, rolls a 1. Rolls again as per rules...rolls a 1. Luckily did not get wounded with the strength 3 hit, but falls on his butt in the mud beside his horse. He's now effectively useless for the next turn and a half. Probably too much
miruvor... "Mud! Mud on my nithe (hic!) white cloak! Iiii'm tellin' ya, this suuucks. You bath-tards, you make me fall. (hic!) 's okay tho, I got 'nuther more 'n I c'n count. They keep makin' 'em for me...dunno why. Never liked white. Someday, I swear, I swear someday I'm gonna wear black...just a liddle, 'round my middle...heehee...(hic!)"
Meanwhile, poor Eomer, after losing his guards, finds himself facing a Cave Troll, bats and several goblins with spear backup. Rolls a 6, and the highest Evil roll is a 3. Smacks the Troll a good one, living long enough to see Faramir on horse w/ lance clear a nice path to come to his aid...
Who needs Glorfindel?
Of course, maybe you had to be there...