Ok these guys are a good idea but i just don't see the point of paying that many points for a guy who is the same as a normal elf only he has higher courage and a rule which highers the courage of the guys around him(when they are elves who don't exactly need higher courage with courage 5 already.)
I think if you are going to make them guard-type models then give them str 4 and courage 5 but with the bodyguard rule. Like khazad guard but for elves. And maybe give them just a hand weapon and give the options of taking shields,bows and elven blades. This way they come with a weapon and if you want them to be defensive the player can give them a shield and if a player wants to use their str 4 as a small hard hitting strike for, they can give them elven blades. You can even higher their fight value if you want to make them more elite.
To summarize this i say this
upgrade str to 4
lower courage to 5
maybe higher fight value to 6
exchange the +1 courage rule for the bodyguard rule
Those are my ideas. And don't feel bad about me messing them up because the only reason i do this is because i love this idea.