They look like well thought out and considered rules, but it does entirely defeat the point of the Strategy Battle Game. It's not meant to have incessantly complicated rules which then force you into tactics-through it's simplicity, it encourages using thought and careful strategem to devise complex tactics from the simple rules, not the other way round. My personal opinion is that if you need more complicated rules to make the game complicated, you either need new opponents or are playing the game badly yourself. This isn't meant as a judgement on your generalship, merely an observation based on what the SBG is and the tactics it encompasses.
In addition, Shield Walls and Phalanxs are already fully viable and effective tactics within the current ruleset without use of special rules- a prime example of tactics from the rules, instead of rules enforcing tactics. For example, if I wish to hold an enemy cavalry charge with my front line, I may shield with all my front line Shieldmen to allow me to soften the blow of the charge, before countering. Likewise, the charge of cavalry itself fully represents the impact of an individual cavalry trooper within the skirmish scale of the SBG. And again, Phalanx formations are simply created through the attack-stack system, reducing the impact of a charging enemy as they would in real life by effectively negating bonus attacks for charging in the case of cavalry, and forcing them to engage one-on-many in the case of infantry.
My final point is that the main object of your rules seem to be to allow models to fight in formation. Remember, this is a
skirmish game. Yes, you are free to make use of formations, but within the system they are fluid and changing, and shouldn't be forced into rigid shapes by the rules. That is what the mass combat system provided by War of the Ring is for. SBG=Skirmish. WotR=Mass Battle. Mass Battle is the optimum place for formation rules, and they have them. Therefore, to my mind, such rulesets within the SBG defeat the point of the skirmish system.
Like I said, they do seem well thought out rules, but I still debate their utility within the current system, and the 'need' for any such rules to make the game advanced.
Just my tuppence.