This is an idea I have been toying with in my mind for a bit. I have attempted to combine SBG and Chess into a single game.
Army Construction
Set a points value and construct armies as in SBG. Each force must have at least 16 models. Named heroes are not allowed. The first 16 models represent chess pieces, and must adhere to the following guidelines:
1 King—See profile below
1 Queen—Hero up to 70 points
2 Bishops—Elite, or Basic Warrior with bow
2 Knights—Elite, or Basic Warrior with bow
2 Rooks—Elite, or Basic Warrior with bow
8 Pawns—Basic Warrior, no bows
The Queen is the only hero allowed in the force.
Deploy the required 16 models according to their chess-equivilent (example: all the "Pawns" must be deployed along the second or front rank).
Any models beyond the required 16 are not placed on the board immediately, but are instead placed in reserve.
Each turn, you may operate 1 model, unless you have brought one on from reserves.
All pieces may move up to 4 squares except for the King, who may only move 1 square. There is no restriction on how pieces move, except that they may not move through occupied squares. A diagonal movement counts as two squares.
You may only have a maximum of 16 models on the board at one time. If you have less than that, then you may place one reserve model on an empty square along your board edge. This constitutes your entire turn.
If a Hero model (King or Queen) calls a heroic action, it and one adjacent friendly model may make their moves. This allows you to operate two models a turn. There is no distinction between heroic moves, fights, or shooting.
Bow-armed models may not move and shoot in the same turn. If they choose to shoot, work out as in SBG. A model cannot be targeted if there is another model between it and the shooter along line of sight. Line of sight is drawn horizontally and vertically, in other words, the target model must be in the same row or column. Range is 8 squares. Any models slain through shooting are considered “captured”.
Magic users may not move and cast spells in the same turn. If they cast a spell, work out as in SBG. An exception is that any spells with an area of effect (Cast Blinding Light, Nature's Wrath, etc.) only effect models adjacent to the caster. Line of sight is drawn diagonally, but otherwise works as if for shooting. Maximum range for ranged spells is 8 squares.
To capture a piece, move to its square and resolve close combat as in SBG, except that the attacker receives an extra attack (this stacks with cavalry bonuses). A model does not require line of sight in order to charge. If the attacker fails to slay the defender, the attacker moves back one square.
Except for where there is a conflict with the above rules, all special rules from SBG apply.
Except where there is a conflict with the above rules, all other normal rules of chess apply, including special moves such as castling, and rules for protecting the King. Victory conditions are as in chess, except that the King must actually be killed; check-mate does not automatically end the game.
King (15 points)
F: 3
S: 3
D: 3
A: 1
W: 1
C: 3
Might: 1
Will: 1
Fate: 0
I have done my best to find any exceptions or rules conflicts and iron them out, but let me know if I missed any. I would also love to hear any suggestions for improving the system.
Last edited by Nocturne on Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.