Thanks guys for the massive feedback so far i am struggling to keep up with the comments

Joansean wrote:
Well, Morden, those are some brilliant conversions!
I've never been a fan of using warhammer bits, but these arms do seem to fit them .. good job!!
one small point is that the hammer-head looks too refined for Uruk-Hai, perhaps you could swap it with something else.
Talking about swapping, what did you do with the bottom-most right uruk? his weapon looks particularly vicious!
Lord Hurin wrote:
Joansean wrote:
Talking about swapping, what did you do with the bottom-most right uruk? his weapon looks particularly vicious!
If you're talking about that big ol' spiked mace, I believe it came from the Warhammer Beastmen sprue.
Yea, your right the hammer does look to clean/new for uruks to own such items ill look in to get him a more smaller crude weapon.
Is it the uruk in the 3rd picture far right your talking about? If it is its the weapon is from the empire flaggellent set. The beastmen one is far far bigger in size.
King Elessar the Uniter wrote:
Looking good so far.
Here's the link I talked about: flicking forward through the pages; it shows them painted as well).
Sorry for the wait, it took me a while to find it.

Thanks alot mate! dont worry about the lateness. I am abit sad now there work is alot better than mines :/. This is quite advanced conversion for my skills so there gonna be ups and downs i guess.
I have begun test painting my first uruk last night. I decided i am gonna my do the best painting possiable for this army, watered down paints and all. Ill post some WiP pictures tonight.
Thanks guys!.