Amarthadan wrote:
Hey dude, I don't know you and I haven't 'seen' you before because I simply didn't visit in a long time, but there's no reason to judge people like that on a website like this. No offence intended though.
I agree with what you're saying, but keep it to yourself, because this may sound offensive to some.
Hey Dude, I'll express my opinion as I like, just as others seem quite happy to do. Though for my part it'll remain both civil and eloquent. If an opinion offends you, I'm sorry. You might have to grow a thicker skin.
You're also nobody to tell me to keep my opinions to myself, dude. But hey, I find your presumptuousness offensive. Maybe keep
that to yourself next time. Dude. I don't buy into that whole attitude of "who is this n00b with fewer posts than me? I'll just tell him off!" No offence intended.
emperor_thompson - I don't think I made any criticism of yourself personally or of opinions that a lowered level of support for SBG from GW was something to be happy about. I was pretty much specifically referring to the stream of "me too" posts about how the new Faramir is the worst figure ever in the history of the Earth. Or something like that.

There's a big difference between simply expressing an opinion, bashing and criticising, and an even bigger one between piling on and criticising. I mean "I don't like this figure" with no qualifiers is fine.
This being an internet mesage board, there should be no reason for people to be unable to disagree in a discussion, as long as it's kept civil.
On your point of support, I'd at the very least like to see a "best of White Dwarf"-type collection of SBG stuff that's been published in the magazine to cover the newer releases like New Eomer, Helminglas and undoubtedly New Faramir and so forth. Not sure if that will happen though, since it appears that they would very much like us to drop SBG and expand our forces into Mighty Armies (tm) for WOTR.
BilboOfTheWhiteTower - thank you for the kind words. I'll have some better shots of the treemen up soon. It
doeslook a lot better now it's finished than it did when WIP. I took some new photos of them this weekend, but I decided to wait until I finish Treebeard and then show all the walking trees in the one update.