Hirumith, the Grey Knight wrote:
Hi all!
New to the One Ring, but I've been with SBG since the beginning and was an active member on The Palantir, if anyone here used or remembers that site. It's still around, there just aren't many of us still posting.
Since there's not a whole lot of LotR discussion elsewhere, I thought I should join up!
I think it will be great if more peaple would be more active on The Palantir, it's a great site, but it's kinda dying. I heard about it through my brother(BoromirCaptainofGondor) who was a very active member on The Palantir, and sort of an this site, but he's to busy now to do anything with mini's. I wanted to join a long time ago, but I was to young

. I still enjoy reading the occasional post, though.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Welcome to the OR!