Greetings fellow One-Ringers!
At last, the time has come for me to dive headfirst into wargaming again. With more time and money coming in, and the prospect of, after several years of going opponent-less, some local gamers becoming interested in the LotR SBG, I decided to start painting and modeling again!
So, first off the bat, I'll be showing off the progress on a game board, for some battles to be waged over. I decided to first build the Easterling Temple as found in The Shadow of the East sourcebook, which I need for an upcoming roleplaying campaign. It's about halfway done now, but here are some WIP shots:

^ The shell of the temple with the tower in place. It will remain un-glued until the roof is tiled.

^ The beginning of the roof tiles.

^ Now two of the four sides are tiled, and the support beams have begun being put in place.
The miniature pictured is an OLD miniature for the roleplaying game Ironclaw: Anthropomorphic Fantasy Roleplay.
More pictures will be posted as progress continues,