So after a long break from this hobby, I'm finally back at it. Over the last few months I have been working on Helm's Deep. Inspired by Onyx's Helm's Deep, I decided to order some Hirst Arts molds and have a try at making it out of plaster. It's definitely a lot more work (and much heavier) than building out of styrofoam.

Early planning on how the main gate will look.

I built the curved sections out of cereal boxes (with foam strips between them for support. The towers were made from foam card.

A few weeks into it the fortress started to take shape. The hardest part of this whole project is fitting the bricks together to shape the walls, especially the curved sections. Lots of pollyfilla have been used to fill in the gaps.

At this point I changed my mind on the height of the outer walls. I wanted mine to more accurate portray the film, so here I'm building the wall downwards for extra height.

After some basecoating...

I had a bit of trouble finding examples of curved walls; it seems most people prefer building a straight Deeping Wall. I decided to do mine the same way I did as the curved keep walls, with a middle removable section, and three sets of stairs behind the wall.

My friends came over the other night, and I quickly finished up the Deeping Wall so we could use it for a game.

Thought I'd share and get some feedback as there is still a lot of work left to do. The board the fortress will sit on has yet to be built, as well as the Hornburg, the causeway, and the mountain that surrounds the fortress. Any terrain advice is appreciated.