For those of you who don't have the possibility to purchase, or simply just don't trust you're minis to, these more "powerful" products, there is another way

. Although it takes a large amount of time and is rather laborious, its cheap and simple. Just grab your minis and put them in a recipient, get some ordinary dish washer (I used ultra pro this being equivalent to fairy or any ordinary dish washer) and pour this over your minis and put a rather more than enough amount of dish washer over them. After this get some warm water in there, completely covering and soaking the minis. Now all you have to do is leave your minis in the soapy water for a month at maximum (if the mini contains many layers of paint). After about a week take your minis out and scrub them thoroughly (on metal minis scrub carefully on less supported areas like swords, arms striking outwards from the torso, helmets etc, and be overall more gentle with plastic minis!) with and old toothbrush so the that the paint can soften and the soapy water better affect the paint. Pop them back in the water and leave them, there doing the same thing after a week! You can scrub (or even just stir the water a bit) whenever you want, but one normally removes more paint when the mini has been soaked for a large amount of time (a day or two, optimally a week), just be sure to check and give a good scrub on the minis once a week!
This process takes time and works quicker on minis with
less layers of paint and on
metal minis in general (you can scrub the stubborn buggers harder

). Be patient and remember to give em a good scrub.