Lost Cardolan wrote:
If anyone wants a bit more context about this Radagast "problem" I had, I just posted the full (and I
do mean full!) battle report on my blog (
http://imaginarywars.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/not-lightly-does-one-battle-the-elves-of-lorien/ ). That said, I'm betting quite a few of those that have read this thread already most likely have gone to my blog already...so advertising the blog might be a bit ...redundant on my part.
As I typed up the battle report, I realised I don't know what to do to stop the Elves from owning every time I play--I mean, apart from just making a power-gaming list. That would be the easy way;
anyone can break War of the Ring.
Suggestions about what to do against Terror-causing Elves who are more effective at draining courage than the ghosts of Angmar are?
The more that WOTR blogs get advertised, the better.
As to changes that can be made - it depends on what "power-gaming" means to you. I have some suggestions: a focus on some of the common choices over others, one - two (I get by with one) Nazgul, Captains for the right units, a mix of ranged/artillery and melee and use of multiple formations to gang up on things but I have seen it stated on one person's blog that not taking banners (I take one in my Gondor list!) is power-gaming, so I just don't know anymore!

In terms of alternatives to this, have you had a look at "Fear and Loathing on the Tabletop" for what I'd consider the definitive non-Carn Dum/Orc Angmar advice?