While reading WOTR I thought some factions really lacked units, and others didn't have units I'd expected them to. So I created this document, with a lot of extra units. The big problem is, I haven't been able to playtest them, as the only place where I can incidentally play a game is a GW store (and somehow I don't think they'd like me turning up with some home-made units), so if any of you would like to give their opinions on it, I'd be most grateful. Everything has a full WOTR entry, and most have a quote as well.
Extra Units WOTR
The Kingdom of Arnor (Gondor &Arnor)
Guards of Annúminas
Rare Formation
One to six companies
35 pts per company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Guards Man Inf 6 6 3 5(7) 8 1 4 -
Guard Commander Man Hero - 7 - - - 2 5 2
Weapons: Each company has heavy armour, hand weapons and shields.
Command: The Guards of Annùminas may take any of the following options at the cost listed:
-Guard Commander – 50 points
-Banner of Kings (Banner Bearer) – 35 points
-Hornblower – 15 points
Men of Bree:
Common Formation
One to nine companies
20 pts per company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Breemen Man Inf 6 2 3 3 8 1 3 -
Weapons: Men of Bree are armed with a chaotic assortment of tools, lumps of wood and crude, home-made spears (hand weapons)
Dúnedain Warriors:
“...The great men towered above the tallest Orcs, and their swords and spears far outreached the weapons of their enemies.”
-The Disaster of the Gladden Fields, The Book of Unfinished Tales
Rare Formation
One to six companies
55 Pts per company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Dúnedain Man Inf 8 5 4 5(7) 8 1 5 -
Dúnedain Captain Man Hero - 6 - - - 2 6 2
Weapons: Each company has spears or swords (hand weapons), heavy armour and shields
Command: Dúnedain Warriors may take any of the following options at the listed cost
-Dúnedain Captain – 50 pts
-Banner of Númenor (Banner Bearer) – 35 pts
- Hornblower – 15 pts
Special Rules: Terror, Orcbane
Heritage of Lost Númenor: All units from Gondor and Arnor gain +1 to their Courage if they are within 12” of a formation of Dúnedain Warriors.
Dúnedain Archers:
“... and kept at a distance from the dreaded steelbows of Númenor, ...”
-The Disaster of the Gladden Fields, The Book of Unfinished Tales
Rare Formation
One to six companies
55 Pts per company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Dúnedain Archers Man Inf 8 5/3+ 4 5 8 1 5 -
Dúnedain Captain Man Hero - 6 - - - 2 6 2
Weapons: Each company has swords, armour and Númenorean steelbows (see below)
Command: Dúnedain Archers may take the following options at the listed cost:
-Dunedain Captain – 50 pts
-Banner of Númenor – 35 pts
-Hornblower – 15 pts
Special Rules: Terror, Orcbane,
Steelbows of Númenor: The legendary bows of Númenor, forged of hollow steel, are far stronger than ordinary bows. These count as longbows, but have strength 3.
Heritage of Lost Númenor: All units from Gondor and Arnor gain +1 to their Courage if they are within 12” of a formation of Dúnedain Archers.
Malbeth the Seer
“Thus spoke Malbeth the Seer in the days of Arvedui, last King at Fornost”
-Aragorn, The Return of the King
Epic Hero
Single Model
You may not include Malbeth in your army if you also choose The Royal Guard of Arnor
110 Pts
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Malbeth Man Hero - 4 - - - 2 5 2
Magic: Malbeth knows all the spells of command and of dismay. He has a mastery level of 2.
Special Rules: The Gift of Foresight: Every time Malbeth’s formation suffers a hit, roll a D6. On the roll of 6 the hit is discounted.
Arvedui, Last King of Arnor:
“Arvedui you shall call him, for he shall be the last in Arthedain...”
-Malbeth the Seer, Appendix A, The Return of the King
Epic Hero
Single Model
You may not include Arvedui in your army if you also include The Royal Guard of Arnor
150 pts
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Arvedui Man Hero - 6 - - - 3 6 3
Epic Actions: Epic Strike
Epic Rampage: If Arvedui calls an Epic Rampage, for each hit his company inflicts on the enemy, they gain another attack. This continues until all the companies attacks miss or the enemy is slain
Special Rules: Touched By Destiny, The Last King: Arvedui has the Inspiring Leader Special rule for all formations from the Kingdom of Arnor army list, and the following units from the WOTR rulebook: Warriors of Arnor, Rangers of Arnor, Numenorean Warriors, Numenorean Archers, Hobbit Militia and Hobbit Archer Militia.
The Elven Kingdoms
Noldor Warriors
“They are a fair folk and wonderful, and they have a power over the hearts of Men...”
-Sador Labadal, The Book of Unfinished Tales
Rare Formation
One to Four Companies
70 Pts per company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Noldor Elf Inf 8 7 4 5(7) 8 1 6 -
Noldor Commander Elf Hero - 8 - - - 2 7 2
Weapons: Noldor Warriors carry Glaives, Shields and Heavy Armour
Command: Any formation of Noldor Warriors may take the following command options at the listed cost: -Noldor Commander 50 pts
-Banner of Valinor (Counts as a Banner Bearer) 35 pts
-Hornblower 15 pts
The Forgotten Kingdoms
The Taming of Sméagol
“You will have to come with us, that’s all, while we keep an eye on you.
But you must help us, if you can.”
-Frodo, The Two Towers, speaking to Gollum
Legendary Formation
One company consisting of Frodo, Sam and Gollum/Sméagol.
75 pts
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
The Travellers Hobbit inf 8 4 3 5[8] 6 2 6 3
Weapons: The members of The Taming of Sméagol are armed with hand weapons.
Special Rules: Stalwart, Indomitable
Company of Heroes: Each of the members of the Taming of Sméagol contributes a special rule to the formation (Gollum/Sméagol even contributes two). The controlling player may remove members in any order he chooses, but when a model is removed, the associated special rule is lost.
Frodo: There is more to this Hobbit than meets the eye. All the members of the Taming of Sméagol receive +3 to their defence, raising it to 8.
Sam: Master, master! While Sam is alive, all members of The Taming of Sméagol may reroll failed terror tests and rolls to determine the charge distance.
Gollum/Sméagol: At the start of each turn, throw a D6, if the result is a 4+, the Sméagol side has the upper hand and this rule is used for the entire turn: We leads you on safe paths through the mist. The Taming of Sméagol gain the rule Pathfinders (Master). However, if the result is less than a 4, the Gollum side gains control and the following rule is used: Curse them, nasty hobbitses. If the Taming of Sméagol enters combat this turn, Gollum attempts to run away while Frodo and Sam are distracted, and is removed as a casualty.
The Fortress of Isengard
Uruk-Hai Reavers
“...there appeared a company of Orc-men (...), ferocious, mail-clad, and armed with axes.”
-The Battles of the Fords of Isen, The Book of Unfinished Tales.
Common Formation
One to six companies
35 pts per company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Reavers Uruk-Hai Inf 7 4 4 4 8 1 4 0
Reaver Captain Uruk-Hai Hero - 5 - - - 2 5 2
Weapons: Each company has armour, hand weapons and two-handed weapons.
Command: The Uruk-Hai Reavers may take any of the following command options at the listed cost:
-Reaver Captain – 50 pts
-Uruk-Hai Drummer – 15 pts
Isengard Assault Legion
“… and blazoned upon every helm and shield the ghastly
hand of Isengard was seen.”
-The Two Towers
Legendary Formation
One to four Companies
75 pts + 40 pts/company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Uruk-Hai Uruk-Hai Inf 8 4 4 6(8) 8 1 5 -
Uruk Commander Uruk-Hai Hero - 5 - - - 2 6 2
Weapons: Each company in the Isengard Assault Legion has hand weapons, heavy armour and giant shields (defence bonus as usual)
Special Rules: Stalwart, Indomitable
Testudo: If they are in a column a single company wide, the Isengard Assault Legion may form a Testudo. If they choose to do so, they receive -1 to their Move value and -2 to their Defence value, but their defence is now 6 (10) and they do not suffer any casualties from shooting at long range.
“Lotho! He knows all right. Don’t you worry. He’ll do what Sharkey says.”
-Ruffian, The Return of the King
Epic Hero
Single Model
You may not use Sharkey if your army also includes Saruman the White Hand
80 pts
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Sharkey Spirit Hero - 3 - - - 2 6 1
Epic Actions: Epic Challenge
Epic Backstab: If any hero wins a Heroic or Epic Duel against Sharkey, the later may call an Epic Backstab, if he does so the enemy hero immediately suffers D3 automatic hits as his defeated foe suddenly draws a knife and attacks him at unawares. Afterwards, proceed with the duel as normal. If the enemy hero is killed, Sharkey does not suffer hits from the duel, but his formation does.
Magic: Sharkey knows all the spells of Dismay. He has a mastery level of two.
Designers note: Sharkey’s diminished magical powers compared to his earlier forms are due to the fact that he has been cast form the Order by Gandalf
Special Rules: The Voice of Saruman: If Sharkey’s formation is ever charged, the charging formation’s owner must roll a D6. If the result is a 3 or less, the charge automatically stalls as Sharkey uses all that is left of his power to weave a net of lies in the heads of his opponents.
Bitter Hatred: If Sharkey’s formation ever fails to charge a formation of Hobbits or a formation containing a Hobbit hero, he may reroll any dice that were responsible for the failure, be that the charge distance roll, a Terror test or anything else.
The Fallen Realms
Haradrim Guard Regiment
“...And the drawing of the scimitars of the Southrons was like a glitter of stars.”
-The Return of the King
Rare Formation
One to six companies
35 pts per company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Guard Troops Man Inf 8 5 4 5(7) 8 1 3 -
Guard Captain Man Hero - 6 - - - 2 - 2
Hasharin Man Hero - 5 - - - 2 - 1
Weapons: The Haradrim Guard wear armour and carry hand weapons and shields.
Command: The Haradrim Guard may take any of the following command options at the listed cost:
Guard Captain – 50 pts
Banner Bearer – 35 pts
Hornblower or Drummer – 15 pts
Hasharin – 50 pts
Gundabad Orc Guard
Common Formation
One to nine companies
30 Pts per company
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Gundabad Orcs Orc Inf 6 2 4 4(6) 8 1 2 -
Gundabad Chieftain Orc Hero - 3 - - - 2 3 2
Weapons: The Gundabad Orc Guard carries crooked blades (Hand Weapons) and shields. The entire formation may exchange its shields for two-handed weapons, lowering its defence to 4 for no additional cost.
Command: The formation may take any of the following Command options:
-Gundabad Chieftain
-Banner Bearer
-Orc Drummer
-Orc Taskmaster
Special Rules: Mob Rule. Supporting companies of Orcs grant +2 dice in close combat.
Firnhîr, The Last Prince of Rhudaur
“Then a grip stronger and colder then iron seized him. The icy touch froze his bones...”
-The Fellowship of the Ring
Epic Hero
Single Model
165 pts
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Firnhîr Spirit Hero - 7 - - - 3 4 3
Epic Actions: Epic Rage
Epic Strike
Epic Challenge
Special Rules: Terror, Inspiring Leader (Spirits), Spirit Grasp, Spirit Walk
Lord of the Dead: Even if they have the We Stand Alone special rule, Firnhîr may join any Angmar formation that consists of Spirits. However, he is so terrifying that only Spirit formations may use his courage.
Artund, King of Rhudaur
“... And power had been seized by an evil lord of the Hillmen, who was in secret league with Angmar”
-Appendix A, The Return of the King
Epic Hero
Single model
100 pts
Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Artund Man Hero - 4 - - - 2 4 2
Epic Actions: Epic Rage
Epic Challenge
EDIT: I just can't seem to get the tables right, sorry
