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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:47 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
'the company of Uruks who slew Theodred and nearly won the First Battle of the Fords of Isen' would be the Feral Uruk-hai, there's no need to give them a unit they already have, its pointless.

GW's depiction of them is the (stupid and pointless) Feral Uruks. Tolkien described "Orc-Men" armed with 2-handed axes. Apparently, these descriptions evolved into the Uruk Berzerkers for the films. I like the idea of an Uruk Scout unit with 2-handed axes. We saw a couple at Amon Hen in FoTR.

Gondor: 2339pts
Rohan: 1318pts
Dwarves: 2482pts
Elves: 1091pts
Mordor: 2305pts
Isengard: 1762pts
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:02 pm 
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Lord Hurin wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
'the company of Uruks who slew Theodred and nearly won the First Battle of the Fords of Isen' would be the Feral Uruk-hai, there's no need to give them a unit they already have, its pointless.

GW's depiction of them is the (stupid and pointless) Feral Uruks. Tolkien described "Orc-Men" armed with 2-handed axes. Apparently, these descriptions evolved into the Uruk Berzerkers for the films. I like the idea of an Uruk Scout unit with 2-handed axes. We saw a couple at Amon Hen in FoTR.

I agree with everything you say, especially the part in bold :)

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:02 pm 
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Gothmog suggested an Elf Catapult, but an Elf ballista seemed more in character, so I proudly present:

The High Elf Scorpio

High Elf Scorpio
Rare Formation
One to Three Companies. This formation uses a custom base with dimensions of 100x80 mm
70 points per company

Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
High Elf Crewmen Elf Inf - 5 3 5 3 1 6 -

Wargear: Each company has heavy armour, hand weapons and a Scorpio.

Special Rules: Stalwart, Terror,
Artillery: The Scorpio uses the following table, instead of the one in the War of the Ring Rulebook:
Scorpio table: 1 – Miss. The shot harmlessly plunges into the mud.
2, 3, 4 – Hit. The shot plunges through the enemy formation. The Formation suffers D6+4 Strength 6 hits
5,6 – Spot on. The shot rips through the enemy ranks, leaving carnage in its wake. The target formation suffers D6+6 Strength 6 hits.

Note: The Artillery table is supposed to be the same as the one from the Dwarf Ballista, but only missing on a 1 and with S6. However, I created it from memory (I'm too lazy to fetch my rulebook :-D ), so it might be wrong somewhere. If so, please comment.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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Last edited by Telchar on Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:02 pm 
Elven Elder
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The Elven Ballista seems nice. What is its pts value?

About Feral Uruks, as I'm no fan of Isngard, (I don't like an evil army that isn't under Sauron's command), I'm not bothered how themed they are, but if they already have a troop (no matter how bad), then there is no need to replicate it, unless you are even madder than I.

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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:09 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The Elven Ballista seems nice. What is its pts value?

About Feral Uruks, as I'm no fan of Isngard, (I don't like an evil army that isn't under Sauron's command), I'm not bothered how themed they are, but if they already have a troop (no matter how bad), then there is no need to replicate it, unless you are even madder than I.

@#$%, forgot the points value.

Well, lets agree to disagree about the Ferals then... It's just, I hate the models, they aren't themed, and the rules mirror the models, so aren't themed either. But I see your point as well.

EDIT: On Isengard: Huge, violent troops that always go on and can be replaced in a matter of weeks? A wizard who can convince his mortal enemy to become his slave? Even huger, more violent creatures that have no purpose in life but to slaughter your enemies? What's not to like? BTW, they are under Sauron's command, only Saruman doesn't realize (or want to realize) it.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:06 pm 
Elven Elder
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I agree to disagree. Also, Isengard Trolls are much worse than Feral Uruks so I don't know why they take all the attention.

Isengard are still puny. Mordor Uruks are better than Isengard ones (in the books, not gamewise). Saruman's trying to copy Sauron and then take credit for it as so many people think he did it first (and they're wrong). That and Saruman defied the Ringwraiths. Isengard are an awful, pathetic attempt at at being evil IMO.

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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:27 am 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I agree to disagree. Also, Isengard Trolls are much worse than Feral Uruks so I don't know why they take all the attention.

Isengard are still puny. Mordor Uruks are better than Isengard ones (in the books, not gamewise). Saruman's trying to copy Sauron and then take credit for it as so many people think he did it first (and they're wrong). That and Saruman defied the Ringwraiths. Isengard are an awful, pathetic attempt at at being evil IMO.

Isengard trolls look good and the backstory makes sense, even if it isn't canon (Saruman used Moria goblins, moria goblins used trolls), while the Feral Uruks backstory makes no sense at all (if you've been tortured all your life by someone, and that someone says: "kill my enemy" are you going to do that.

I agree that Isengard is by far not as strong as Mordor and that Saruman is just taking credit for what he copied from Barad-Dûr, but the Isengard Uruks are better (Ugluks uruks slaughtered Grishnakh's). And what's wrong with defying Ringwraiths?

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:46 am 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
The Elven Ballista seems nice. What is its pts value?

About Feral Uruks, as I'm no fan of Isngard, (I don't like an evil army that isn't under Sauron's command), I'm not bothered how themed they are, but if they already have a troop (no matter how bad), then there is no need to replicate it, unless you are even madder than I.

but isengard is under command of suaron, suaron decived and threatend saruman to "make an army worthy of mordor".

I have my issues with GW but in the end, secretly, I am a GW fanatic.
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:58 pm 
Elven Elder
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Isengard isn't under the command of Sauron, I'm an Ent, he doesn't say that in the book. Saruman serves Sauron's cause, but not Sauron himself.

The back story for Isengard trolls does nott make sense, the only trolls that a) wore armour and b) could march in the sun (like the host of Isengard did) were Olog-hai, which Tolkien specifically said were only found in the armies of Mordor and Mirkwood (even if Saruman captured some, they are bound to Sauron's will and cannot disoobey him).

And the Feral Uruk backstory does make sense. I presume you have never read the instruction for how to torture someone into your service. Lets take Saruman as the example. 1) Saruman imprisons the feral uruk-hai and tortures them, without directly revealing himself or name, by having Isengard Orcs do the torturing. 2) Every so often Saruman comes to the Feral Uruk in person, and reveals a small act of kindness, in between the acts of brutality. 3) repeat this process until you are ready, the Feral Uruks will hate the lesser Isengard Orc whilst deveoping loyalty towards Saruman. 4) Saruman releases the Uruk and allows him to kill the Orc torturing him 'out of kindness' 5) Saruman reveals them his name, tell them that those Orcs work for Rohan. 6) Set them loose on the Rohirrim and smile evilly.

Mordor Uruk look nice, and are led by the Ringwraiths. Speaking of which, they are awesome, and no high-ranking commander of Sauron should defy them and keep his head. The Ringwraiths are the awesome.

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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:17 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Isengard isn't under the command of Sauron, I'm an Ent, he doesn't say that in the book. Saruman serves Sauron's cause, but not Sauron himself.

The back story for Isengard trolls does nott make sense, the only trolls that a) wore armour and b) could march in the sun (like the host of Isengard did) were Olog-hai, which Tolkien specifically said were only found in the armies of Mordor and Mirkwood (even if Saruman captured some, they are bound to Sauron's will and cannot disoobey him).

And the Feral Uruk backstory does make sense. I presume you have never read the instruction for how to torture someone into your service. Lets take Saruman as th example. 1) Saruman imprison the feral uruk-hai and tortures them, without directly revealing himself or name, by having Isengard Orcs do the torturing. 2) Every so often Saruman comes to the Feral Uruk in person, and reveals a small act of knidness, in between the acts of brutality. 3) repeat this process until you are ready, the Feral Uruuks will hate the lesser Isengard Orc whilst deveoping loyalty towards Saruman. 4) Saruman releases the Uruk and allows him to kill the Orc torturing him 'out of kindness' 5) Saruman reveals themhis name, tell them that those Orcs work for Rohan. 6) Set them loose on the Rohirrim and smile evily.

Mordor Uruk look nice, and are led by the Ringwraiths. Speaking of which, they are awesome, and no high-ranking commander of Sauron should defy them and keep his head. The Ringwraiths are the awesome.

Why wouldn't a cave Troll be equipped with armour by Saruman. Keeps him alive longer, so he can kill more Rohirrim. And about the marching in the sun, thats probably why none were seen at Helm's Deep, but Saruman could have used them in other battles.

Hm, but why would Saruman do that. It sounds like a huge amount of work, and he might as well make them Berserkers, who do the same thing, but don't have to be tortured first.

I agree, Ringwraiths are Epic, but so is Legolas, and he shot a Wraith, so the one does not exclude the other.

I think we ought to make a "Does Isengard suck?" thread in Off Topic, because this will go on for a long time...

EDIT: I forgot to mention, Mordor Uruks don't look half as Epic with a capital E as Isengard Uruks.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:12 pm 
Elven Elder
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If you still wish to continue the debate, I will be quite happy to create a thread, and copy our last few posts into it.

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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:48 pm 
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please do so, i don't know how to copy entire posts.

@ everyone. please don't be discouraged to go on commenting the units

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:20 am 
Elven Elder
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That thread is now here, if you want to comment. And that goes for everyone


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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:40 pm 
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Here some more units: Dragon Guard and a Easterling Ballista (Heliopolis="city burner" in ancient Greek=ballista)

Dragon Guard
Legendary Formation

One to six companies

75 points + 40 points per company

Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Dragon Guard Man Inf 6 5 4 6 8 1 4 -
Dragon Commander Man Hero - 6 - - - 2 5 2
Dragon Champion Man Hero - 7 - - - 1 4 1

Weapons: The Dragon Guard wear Heavy bronze Armour and and use two-handed swords and halberds

Command: The Dragon Guard may take any of the following options at the listed cost:
-Dragon Champion
-Banner Bearer
The command company already includes a Dragon Commander.

Special Rules: Stalwart, Terror,
In Service to the Dragon Lord: The Dragon Guard are automatically Steadfast if beaten in combat by Men or Elves.
Easterling Heliopolis
Rare Formation
One to three companies
80 points

Race Type M F S D A R C Mt
Heliopolis Crewman Man Inf 6 4 3 5 3 1 4 -
Weapons: Each company has Heavy Armour, Hand Weapons and a Heliopolis (S9)

Special Rules: Artillery. The Heliopolis uses the same table as the Isengard Ballista
Fire and Brimstone: By some secret art or devilry, the Heliopolis’ shots catch flame when fired, making even the sturdiest fortress a death trap. If the Heliopolis fires at a unit in defensible terrain, that unit is immediately driven out of the terrain, besides any other effects the formation may suffer.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings


Last edited by Telchar on Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:49 pm 
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Dragon Guard are given movement 8?!? That's elf and goblin speed, which I am not particularly fond of. And why are the Dragon Guard made into a Legendary formation? I would have imagined them as Rare formations of heavy infantry which add a bit of punch to the Easterling army lists.

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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:18 pm 
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WayUnderTheMountain wrote:
Dragon Guard are given movement 8?!? That's elf and goblin speed, which I am not particularly fond of. And why are the Dragon Guard made into a Legendary formation? I would have imagined them as Rare formations of heavy infantry which add a bit of punch to the Easterling army lists.

The movement 8 I can't really explain, I will change it. They are legendary because I imagine them as a sort of Royal Guard, just like Theoden's Guard or Denethor's Guard are legendary.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:45 pm 
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Telchar wrote:
They are legendary because I imagine them as a sort of Royal Guard, just like Theoden's Guard or Denethor's Guard are legendary.

That makes sense. Good thinking.

- My miniature gaming blog, sorry for lack of LOTR content right now.
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:19 pm 
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Thanks :D

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:30 am 
Elven Elder
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I think they should be a Rare formation (although there could be a legendary version as well) is for the same reason that you said they should be legendary. The Knig's Guard and Denethor's Guard are Legendary formations, but the ordinary warriors are Rohan Royal Knights/Guards and Citadel Guards, and I imagine Dragon Guards to be much the same thing, especially since Fallen Reaklms already has a unique warriors legendary, and don;t have an ordinary warriors legendary.

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 Post subject: Re: Extra Units for WOTR (Warning: HUGE post)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:55 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I think they should be a Rare formation (although there could be a legendary version as well) is for the same reason that you said they should be legendary. The Knig's Guard and Denethor's Guard are Legendary formations, but the ordinary warriors are Rohan Royal Knights/Guards and Citadel Guards, and I imagine Dragon Guards to be much the same thing, especially since Fallen Reaklms already has a unique warriors legendary, and don;t have an ordinary warriors legendary.

Well, if you want to go on the "they already have this"-tour, they have 9 Rare formations, and 1 legendary.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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