Ah dang, think I've missed it. Unfortunately things never quite go to plan when modelling time is concerned

. Anyway, here's my effort:

The reins have collapsed so I'll need to fix them up sometime (just a mm or so of greenstuff but I don't feel like waiting for that to dry), as well as some additional details for the water and bridge. But that can wait, I'm calling it finished for now

When I heard about this challenge I started thinking about what to do and decided I really wanted to create a scene/mini diorama. So I started thinking about what was typical about winter and decided it was the cold, so I included snow, ice and water. Also I thought that Winter has always been a tough time and that you need to work together to survive. So hence the idea of the scene. A rider and his horse crossing a bridge over a partly frozen river, though the wood has splintered and collapsed under the weight. The horse is in immediate danger of falling in to the freezing water, and his rider is trying to pull him across the gap (while almost being pulled in himself).
It was an interesting experience with some significant greenstuff work (which is rather pathetic but oh well) and limitted tools. The only paints I had access to were: Chaos Black, Regal Blue (eventually), Scorched Brown, Bestial Brown, Snakebite Leather, Skull White, Boltgun Metal, Catachan and Goblin Green. Was really wishing I'd brought a grey (all that mixing) and a skin colour (though I tried fixing that problem by giving him a scarf over his face).
Anyway, that's my entire story. I'm happy with the end result

Nice troll Basshead! Good luck to everybody in the voting stage!