keeblerpowell wrote:
I did a search for these questions but was unable to get a good answer.
Ok so I come from warhammer 40k / warmachine background so please bear with me.
I have not purchased any models or books yet.
Here are my questions:
1. I saw Tom Bombadil on the GW site and his stats and special abilities seem odd compared to all the others I have seen. Are he and his lady playable or just for giggles?
2. Army comp wise.... If i get the "Free Peoples" book will I be able to play with any of the models included in the book or is it broken up into many different armies? And is the the same for each of the army books?
3. My wife is interested in the Tree Ent. Is there an entire Ent list? If so; is it playable?
4. Is the book in the mines of moria set the same as the hard cover book you can buy off of the shelf?
Thanks in advance for not laughing out my newb questions.
Congrats on trying out a superior game system! lol
1. Yes, he can now be used, haven't seen if his pt cost has changed, but he can't die and ALWAYS wins his fights.
2. You have to have at least one hero from X faction to include warriors from X faction. You also have to have a 1/12 ratio of heros to warriors.
3. Tree Ent as opposed to a Stone Ent? lol Yes, you can have Treebeard and up to 12 Ents and/or eagles as a single army. Never played against an Ent, but they're better then a troll, and them things are scary.
4. Minus some now useless profiles and some modelling tips, they're the same.

"Leave Sauron to me."
If you're in the Raleigh, NC area, let me know.