Hey y'all!
smaul wrote:
I play a lot of historical games and I think WOTR is likely one of the best rules sets I have played as far as a fast playing but tactically fun for a system
It can be costly to build armies, we play a lot of 750 t0 1000 point battles and that not too bad, and very very fun games, every move matters.
plus there is always ebay and bartertown to pick up some good deals. most of my army I have gotten for 40-50% below retail
besides $99 bucks for 5 warhammer blood knights rivals pretty much anything in WOTR for cavalry that I have ever seen. I can get 6 Morgul Knights for $33 (if I paid retail) so for 99 bucks I get 18 of those and Ive never had to field more than 10 Cavalry figs for any unit of heavy cavalry (usually about 8, 4 companies worth)
Just remember to enjoy and play the army you want.
Have you played the new WAB rules, or WAB 2.0 as also known?! And Warmaster Ancients?
WOTR feels to me like Warmaster Ancients, because of the simultaneous phases and the shoot-retreat mechanism. This is good indeed because Warmaster Ancients (and WAB) is a great system that could have been very successful if GW didn't put it on the "Specialist" basket, as they did with WOTR.
And yes, the Blood Knights are prohibitive. I would never spent so much money on a single unit kit as that one, I would always look for alternatives (as in Chaos Knights alternatives!)
In LOTR I think about one or two convertions but it don't allow space for more. Also a problem I will have with the LOTR system is Finecrap! I refuse to buy Finecrap miniatures (and most resins), I either buy plastics or metal.
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Never played WFB or 40k, can't stand them in fact, but I can tell you that WoTR is a good game. Nice mechanicsn and, providig your opponent isn't one to powergame, very fun to play. There are many brolken combos, and it is possible to make almost every army list overpowerd, good, average, poor or very weak, but some armies naturally have som,e better items than others. Fopr instance if you were to pick Mordor, and take Gothmog, multiple (by which I mean about 5) 125pt Ringwraiths (especially Khamul) alongside a horde of Morannon Orcs, and you will probably win, whereas iif you took Rohan with Theoden, Eowyn and a load of Riders of Rohan you would probably lose. You do have to find a balance between the two, as you do not want to be slaughtered, or be dislikled for powergaming, Good luck.
I'm in the gaming world for at least 15 years so Warhammer was my first miniatures drug of choice, then 40K. I still play 40K but I can't stand the 8th Edition rules for WH, I think they're dumb and creep.
As for powergame, well, I look at games in all their perspectives and that's why I love Warmachine, because you can have the most thematic army and you can build the most powerful list. And this happens with ALL the factions and not just one or two as in GW games.
So if this system could be thematic and of course competitive (on ALL their factions) that's for me!

Telchar wrote:
In short, WOTR is brilliant, so long as your opponent is sort of gentlemanly (ie doesn't take one of the superoverpowered lists). If not, look for someone else or take ringwraith spam+Gorgoroth and make an agreement with him. Never played Warhammer (and it will stay like that) so there I can't help you.
Thanks for your point of view.
I don't mind to deal against evil spams or powerlists, as long as everyone could have access to them and not only one or two factions.
Xelee wrote:
I was going to post something substantive but it was basically everything Smaul says. It's a good game at the core - some of the units are a bit 'out there' but the game itself is solid and fun.
It's not the only good game out there but I've never been inclined to port LOTR over to another system I really like, like Impetus or SAGA, which is as good an endorsement as any.
I only know WAB and Warmaster Ancients. I've seen a bit of Impetvs and Fields of Glory and that's not for me. I really like theme in games and systems that only offer me differences between equiment and choices... meh! I like to feel my army and having a way of playing it different from other armies and not just balancing Cavalry/Archers/Swordsman.
Question: how does the new "sourcebooks" work out for WOTR?There are a lot of new units for LOTR:SBG and some sourcebooks that cover all these units but WOTR was dropped into the "Specialist Games" limbo, so I would like to know if WOTR is compatible with these new units and if I can use the new sourcebooks as reference to play with WOTR rules.
Many thanks to all!