Telchar wrote:
Chris GoM wrote:
The others I would consider, at reasonable prices.
AKA not, knowing GW.
I should have seen that coming. If they had nice poses I would probably buy them, but not bad poses (mounted Dragon Knight) for too much money (mounted Dragon Knight)
I'd like to see figures for the rest of the Fiefdoms as well - if
I can make profiles so can GW - they were in the book, so it would make "sense" for GW to make them, and they'd "struggle" to make them Warhammery (although I'm sure GW would manage).
I'd also like to see a conversion pack, like they used to do, as well as "loose" shields like they used to do, although for High Elves, Galadhrim, Goblins, Minas Tirith, Mordor, Dwarves, Throwing Spears for Rohan, Pikes for Easterlings etc.
Oldman Willow wrote:
It is not helpful to keep the release secret.

I agree with you, this definitely does not help GW. I remember when GW were going to release Khazad-Dum (and the Dwarves and Goblins that came with it), they put a pop-out box that had 4 or 5 pictures in it two or three months before the release. I could save my money for the release and even earn extra money for doing extra jobs - I got really hyped up for it as well. Now they just put the advance order a week before release - like it's not even important. This does not show GW's customer base that they care about the hobby (for all gaming systems), and will slowly lose the attention of fans.
It allows people to budget as well, and also ask for gifts for Birthdays/Christmas. I always used to ask for the February releases for my birthday (as my birthday is the first week) or to go to GW to buy the new releases, whereas now I just ask for money as I don't know what releases there are going to be (and I can spend money elsewhere as well)
-sorry for going off topic-
C.A.P.T.A.I.N. = Crazy And Proud To Admit It Now