GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Who says there will be new paints. And even if there are, who says they're not just changing the suppliers but everythin else about them remains the same or something.
I would agree to the soonnes of new Finecast, but I think few of the items on the list of things you've posted will be amongst them.

Do things look different? Ever heard of a cadian fleshtone layer or any of the others besides mechrite red?
Changing suppliers is a big deal, it is difficult for one manufacturer to exactly match the color of another without knowing what colors/pigments from which supplier actually went into making the paint.
Not just persistent rumors, this will happen. I believe the release of new colors AND the use of a new supplier has essentialy been confirmed. Note the loss of hobby articles and the lack of any hobby related material in the new sourcebooks. Expect there to be a new rulebook with hobby material in it in the future, using the new paints.
richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..