ChristsSoldier wrote:
Really? So Vault Warden's can be used in any dwarven force now, and Eorl the Young could ride out to battle with Aragorn?
It sounds like there will be some major fluff-abuse here....
Then again, now I can use the Eorl profile and model as another 3rd age Rohan captain, such as Elfhelm. Yay finally a non-Gandalf hero who can keep up with my Sons of Eorl.
On the one hand, its a good thing for those who care about and respect the Fluff, because now you have access to a wider range of Official Profiles to use as alternative named Characters (Counts as) without having to houserule or obtain permission from your opponent. For example, I just ordered Duinhir yesterday (for £7.20 and in metal
) and I intend to use him as a Mid- Third Age Dunedain character alongside Arvedui and Malbeth, counting him as Halbarad.
In that respect, I'm very happy that all Dwarves have access to Vault Wardens now. I don't have Dwarves but would like to one day, and I want to base it on an Underground theme, with Vault Wardens, Iron and Khazad Guard, Dwarven Kings etc. I always found it silly that the old LOME Khazad Dum list only had one choice for a Dwarf King- Durin - and no access to the generic Dwarf King for those who want to make their own characters. (
See Feanor's terrain Dwarf Mine terrain board on the TLA site, under Terrain>Of Rocks and Mithril, for an idea of what I mean by Underground theme ).
But on the other hand, there will be lots of people who just completely disregard the fluff, by pulling shenanigans like fielding Aragorn alongside King Elendil and/or Isildur without even trying to create an original character and backstory.