I'm loving this series of books and the second season of the HBO show is due to start tomorrow. However, the things I find hard to come to terms with are the rate at which G.R.R.Martin kills off his main characters (Sean Bean's character dies very early on, as does a certain King in the North; both of whom are MAJOR characters who most people would root for); and the awfully slow rate at which the author writes his books. From what I hear, he seems to come out with one book every decade, or two if he splits them into two parts. At the moment as I hear, hes maybe a third of the way through book 7. Unfortunately, hes not getting any younger and after 20 years or so writing this series, theres still no end in sight.
I bought the first book immediately after I watched Season 1 of the show, and then book 2 soon after that. Then got books 3,4, and 5 off Amazon shortly before Christmas. I started A Storm of Swords Part 1 Steel and Snow just before Christmas, but put it down for a long time (its like Lord of the Rings, in that its not a fast read) to read Bernard Cornwells Saxon Stories (my Uni housemate had books 3 and 4). I've finished those books now, so I've gone back to Storm of Swords. I'm now on page 284, and Robb Stark has just personally executed Rickard Karstark for murdering two defenceless prisoners. Oh, and I was on about page 50 when I resumed the book...a week ago. I read fast.

What are peoples favourite characters? Mine are, in order of preference:
Jon Snow.
Robb Stark.
Tyrion Lannister (the only Lannister I like).
Arya Stark.
Eddard Stark.
Daenerys Targaryen.
Davos Seaworth.
No doubt, half of them will be dead by the end of the series (if they're not already).