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 Post subject: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:38 pm 
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Starting up this topic just for the hell of it.

What board games do you guys play, which do you like/dislike, how does it function putting it in a short summary?

I use to play Monopoly and Risk often with my friends back in the day, then we just grew tired of it. I have three different types of Monopoly boards. Risk, the game became like a broken record where my friends and I always entered the same strategic routine after a while, but we had plenty of fun with it for a few years.

Tried to get my friends & family into Axis & Allies but only a few got into it while the rest lost patience with it, so that game didn't catch on even though I liked the complexity of it compared to risk.

The game that my friends and I probably played the most is Talisman 2nd Ed. Game is good with three players, best with four IMO, more players just becomes too long and tedious waiting for it to be your turn again. Talisman is like a very simplified rpg game in a way and is very fun. I used my GW miniatures for playing pieces on the board.

Games that I'm curious about but will probably never get are: WOTR, Descent, and Game of Thrones boardgame (I just don't like their uninspiring game pieces). If anyone here has played these games, I wish to know more about them on how they're like and how it plays.

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:59 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Sacrilege83 wrote:
Games that I'm curious about but will probably never get are: WOTR, Descent, and Game of Thrones boardgame (I just don't like their uninspiring game pieces). If anyone here has played these games, I wish to know more about them on how they're like and how it plays.

WOTR is a great game. If I've the time (it takes 2 - 4 hours), I play it. It's never the same, it's alwasy fun playing,..
You never want to play risk again after playing this game :mrgreen:

Another great game you should consider is Middle Earth Quest (MEQ)!

Parva Mundi
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:07 pm 
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What is the long short of WOTR werner? I've considered picking it up and I'm sure a few friends of mine that are Lotr fans would consider giving it a go.

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:13 pm 
Elven Warrior
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There're some shorter rules but everybody starts with the full rules becaus it's more difficult learning the full rules after learning the short one.
Playing the first time, it will certainly takes 4 hour but afterwards it will be 2 - 3 hours...
You can't play this game in one hour :(

Parva Mundi
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:16 pm 
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That's okay for a game night, 2-3 hours is perfect. You don't want to start kicking guests out of your place after 1 hour.

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:21 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Correct 8)

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:52 pm 
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I love board games!

The most popular/infamous board game I own (amongst my friends) is RISK: Godstorm. Basically it's Risk using an ancient earth board (of the Mediteranean/European area) with gods. Celtic, Norse, Babylonian, Greeks and Egyptians. Gods give bonuses to the armies (winning ties, rerolling ones etc.) and there are 4 card decks (one for each god) which allow you to do special things. For example, destroying the 3 largest armies on the board or sinking the continent Atlantis (those are the biggest effects, most are more normal such as gain an additional 2 armies or something). There's also an Underworld your men go when they die and they can get brought back to the main board. In summary, it's really fun, with a lot of different elements that make the game different every time and you rally have to think about what you're doing as it's too easy to overextend. There's only 5 turns a game (though there's possibly a 6th due to a card), but that's easily long enough. It takes several hours o play though (hence it's infamy ;)).

Other games I'm familiar with which I quite enjoy:
Small World (though I'd like to play it with a Risk element of conquest)
Ticket to Ride Europe
Killer Bunnies (technically not a board game and a little immature, it is rather fun to play light-heartedly with friends, though the game's randomness means it's impossible to strategise properly - some friends think it's a pointless waste of time where you'd be better off rolling a dice to pick a winner at the start)

I'm not sure whether to mention Scotland Yard, as it's a cool concept and really fun if you're Mr. X, but gets a little dull if you're the detectives after a while.

I'm always on the look out for new board games, so I'd love to hear others recommendations. WotR is something I've considered, it's just a tad pricey. Can anyone give me a basic run down of gameplay?
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:57 pm 
Elven Warrior
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- ... =52&esem=4

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:56 pm 
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@cal585, I've seen that version of Risk but never tried it. I played a futuristic version of Risk where you can even go to the moon on a separate board. I didn't enjoy that one all that much compared to the original. The funny thing I remembered the most with the one game I played with my friends; you start the game off by randomly nuking some territories by drawing a few territory cards so that area becomes nul and void for the entire game. All the nuked areas happened to be in the Middle-East! My friends and I had a good laugh about that one, and it makes sense too for a game based on the future.

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:53 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I love Carcassonne. Not sure if it technically counts as a board game, though. Carcassonne is a game inspired by the famous medieval fortified French city, in which players simply take turns placing tiles down and forming cities, roads, monastery cloisters, and farms. Every time you start a new farm, city, etc, you can place one of your "meeple" (game pieces) on the piece, and when the structure has been completed, you can get your meeple back and gain points depending on the object and its size.

A few board games I've always wanted to try are Stalag Luft III - The Great Escape from eBob Miniatures (its just very costly to print out the rulebook, board, cards, etc...) and Gears of War from Fantasy Flight Games (I like the idea of solo play and the miniatures are awesome, but the game is very expensive and I can't justify playing the board game over the video game).
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:48 pm 

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cal585 wrote:
The most popular/infamous board game I own (amongst my friends) is RISK: Godstorm. Basically it's Risk using an ancient earth board (of the Mediteranean/European area) with gods. Celtic, Norse, Babylonian, Greeks and Egyptians. Gods give bonuses to the armies (winning ties, rerolling ones etc.) and there are 4 card decks (one for each god) which allow you to do special things. For example, destroying the 3 largest armies on the board or sinking the continent Atlantis (those are the biggest effects, most are more normal such as gain an additional 2 armies or something). There's also an Underworld your men go when they die and they can get brought back to the main board. In summary, it's really fun, with a lot of different elements that make the game different every time and you rally have to think about what you're doing as it's too easy to overextend. There's only 5 turns a game (though there's possibly a 6th due to a card), but that's easily long enough. It takes several hours o play though (hence it's infamy ;)).

I've got that too. In fact, I was just playing it this afternoon. Would you like to share tactics? :)

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:07 pm 

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Board Games I own and play
Ticket to Ride -- easy to learn, simple to play with young children
Railways of the World - more complex than Ticket to ride, but more fun as well
Age of Empires III (Glen Dover) -- excellent game offering endless strategies, donot bother getting the builder expansion -- not worth it
Warlords, Ikusa and Conquest of the Empire -- same type of games, just different periods
Defender of the Realm -- enjoyable cooperative game
Twilight Struggle -- Cold War era card driven game
Carcassonne -- easy to learn, great with kids
Puerto Rico -- very quick and extremely fun to play (1 to 2 hours to play)
Domaine -- so so game
Merchant and Marauder -- Pirate theme game

Check out games by Avalon Hill and GMT for strategy games.

I would take to long to explain them correctly here. For better explanation, check out board game geeks.
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:20 pm 
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If you can find 4 other people to sit down and play, Axis and Allies (the new updated version) is an excellent time. A hard game to master but a very fun time.
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:25 am 
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I've always made up my board games by ripping off other people's and adapting it to how i like. I think i've made 3 different versions of Risk and a Cold War based game.
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:58 pm 
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Axis and Allies is great fun, and personally I have avoided Risk ever since I started playing it. Killer Bunnies (mentioned at the top) is also enjoyable if you have people who know how to play, otherwise it can take WAY too long for a player to go through a turn. On another boardgame note, all you chess lovers out there, check out Shogi- basically it is Japanese chess on a 9x9 board with some different piece movement, but the greatest change is that any piece you capture you may drop back in (with some small restrictions) as a piece of your own. It is, simply speaking, an awesome game.

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:20 pm 

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I also play carcassone, have tried it with a couple of the expansions but not many. I fairly regularly play star wars miniatures and wings of war (so far only the WWI version). For a light hearted way to pass time with friends i think killer bunnies is good but my favourite would have to be sitting ducks.
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:20 pm 
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Sticky Fingersss wrote:
I've always made up my board games by ripping off other people's and adapting it to how i like. I think i've made 3 different versions of Risk and a Cold War based game.

I've made my own board game a long time ago that's kind of like D&D I guess. Dungeon roaming game with my own rules and own set of adventure cards. I use my GW figs for game pieces. Took me several months to make the game and played only twice with friends who enjoyed. Only problem is that the game is much too long to complete the main objective. So I'm constantly improving the rules.

What I would like to do if I ever have time is make my own WOTR board (maybe with my own self-made rules) that would utilize my Lotr GW miniatures. Anybody else here use their GW miniatures for something else rather than table-top wargaming? They do make for excellent RPG game pieces, that's why I use them for Talisman.

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:25 am 
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I have Descent but I've never actually played it. I was looking for some ogre and dragon miniatures for a D&D game and my local games shop sold it to me for half price. A customer had returned it because "some parts" were missing and later I found that only the six-sided dice were missing... how terrible! :)

And that actually answers the question, I do use all my minis in all my games. LotR miniatures are of course especially good for my Middle-earth RPG campaign and I actually started the battle game because I needed realistic Middle-earth themed miniatures for role-playing games.

-- Pasi
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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:45 am 
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I'm considering now on actually getting one of the D&D board games that was released last year. Checked up the unboxings and reviews on Youtube, looks good. Never played D&D in my life before and not sure if any of my friends will be interested. I'm a big fan of Drizzt, so I might get that one or the Red Dragon one.

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 Post subject: Re: Board Games
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:38 pm 
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Sacrilege83 wrote:
@cal585, I've seen that version of Risk but never tried it. I played a futuristic version of Risk where you can even go to the moon on a separate board. I didn't enjoy that one all that much compared to the original. The funny thing I remembered the most with the one game I played with my friends; you start the game off by randomly nuking some territories by drawing a few territory cards so that area becomes nul and void for the entire game. All the nuked areas happened to be in the Middle-East! My friends and I had a good laugh about that one, and it makes sense too for a game based on the future.

Hmm, sounds a tad similar in some respects so maybe it's not for you. You draw a number of territory cards which are plagued for the game which halves armies in them. And the underworld board isn't that big a deal. You can only get one or two armies back a turn. Really it's main purpose is for a couple of extra victory points and to allow the loser to succeed somewhere :P. It does focus heavily on things called Faith Tokens which you get each turn. They're used to either play/buy cards or bid for turn order. Rather like Might in SBG. If anyone is interested, there's a demo online: ... _demo1.asp

@ General Elessar - Tactics? Ouch, that's a hard one given the game is always different. I tend not to plan too far in advance as you really need to be fluid. Focus all your attentions on capturing one continent and holding it rather than spreading out too much and trying to make yourself seem less significant to the other players. I always seem to get in wars to the death with another player which takes us both out :P. First couple of turns are your initial expansion phase in an attempt to take a continent if possible. Then consolidation and finally go on the attack in turn 4 or 5. Of course, the consolidation phase always ends up in a series of small raids to prevent continental bonuses or grudge wars. I seem to be one of the few people willing to take Atlantis as well. Everyone tends to be too afraid of it. If you're preparing an attack, buy death cards. If you're expecting one, buy sky (I once managed to block off the route into Germania on the last turn and win the game against everyone). Everyone goes Death for fun and Magic cards tend to be useful for their bonuses in the early game.
How about you? How do you go about it?

As for other games, I really want to try this:
Anyone had any experience?
I own their Doctor Who RPG which is rather nice, though I tend to be inexperienced at RPGs
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