I've developed a set of rules for using my Aerosan models. (An "Aerosan" is a propellor-driven sled used by Soviet forces during the Winter War against Finland and the Second World War)
Company B (
http://www.companyb.biz) produce a cute model of this craft in 28mm scale and I found it irresistible - so I ended up with six of them.

They also make an impressive array of armoured trains, so it seemed logical to put the two together. Hence my game...
Plains, Trains, and Aerosans.Essentially, the game is for two to 6 players, each in control of a single aerosan. The train is a static piece down the centre of the table and players move their aerosans alongside of it shooting at the carriages and engine trying to damage (and earn tokens) enough to make it stop. But the train is shooting back, and the terrain is rushing by you as you manoeuvre around it to get a clear shot at the train. And of course the other players want to win the most tokens too (or stop you from doing so).

I have made a PDF of the rules that you can download, if anyone is interested in having a look, and there is a file with movement cards and tokens in it to print out and cut up for use in the game too.
Aerosan Rules (430Kb) :
http://www.one-ring.co.uk/download/aerosans_rules_v1.0.pdfMovement Cards (570Kb) :
http://www.one-ring.co.uk/download/movement_cards_v2.3.pdfI will be demonstrating the game this Sunday at Little Wars in Melbourne if anyone is interested in playing (and buying me beer) - website details: