Some thread magic going on.... hehe but it's all good.
I do love the flair and scale of WotR, and combined with the theme (battles in Middle Earth) I enjoy the system and its implementation. Sure there aresome potholes in the road and we desperately need a revised and consolidated 2nd edition, but, out of the box the WotR setup is fun. I am looking to expand to ancients wargames myself, but WotR will be the heart of my table top experience, and just is rewarding in a way that the SBG is lacking.
I'll confess to being an unashamed owner of a handy 1500 point Isengard 'gun line'. But after the time/effort/love/dedication of painstakingly converting 80-90 pikemen (which are pretty underwhelming in WotR tbh) into Crossbowmen, I feel jsutified in unleashing hell on the enemy from a withering bararge of bolts and Ruin spells. Woodelves? mm no problem, just charge them, their pesky cloaks won't withstand the hooked isengard blades for long

After all Crossbowmen are simply Heavily armoured Uruk-HAi sans shields... I will say the biggest scare I had was actually from an army of High Elves, well positioned and with effective use of epics they were munching through my Crossbowmen with ease. Overpriced High Elves may be but they can still pack a punch.
However, I have more than just the 'elf-shredders' I love to experiment and take lists such as Burduhrs band of Cave trolls, or a goblin horde, or an eclectic mix of mighty mosnters, or even a stolid band of Gondorians. I think, if you have the time/willingness/and moolah, WotR is great for playing out 'What ifs' and trying new formations and variations rather than relying on one 'killer' list. I once had a great time taking a (technically illegal) all ent list against a goblin horde...
I get to play WotR too, on average 1x a week for 18 months now, and it still retains its 'buzz' to try new things. Currently a group of us are experimenting with a beta test of some siege rules for WotR...
A second Edition for The War of the Ring:
http://wessexcodex.wordpress.comTaking the War in Middle earth to a new level!