I don't know if this is the right place to post this (if it isn't could someone pleas point it out) but as it seems fairly WOTR centric I'm posting it hear
Basically WOTR has been out for a while now (according to the copyright on my version of the rulebook it's at least since 2009 but it might be later) and we have only had one version of the rules and a fairly incomplete FAQ. I was wondering when people think there will be a 2nd Edition if there ever will be, I haven't played these type of games very long and don't know how often new editions are brought out and was just wondering when people think it will be.
I am hoping it is around the time The Hobbit is released for a number of reason
1) New units, GW have released a number of units since the 1st Edition and their WOTR rules can only be found in the White Dwarf (I think, I don't actually get the magazine) and I assume they are going to bring out a slew of new models to coincide with the release of The Hobbit it would be insane on their not to (which I will try to guess at below) but they can't honestly expect people to resort to a number of different magazine from different years to find the rules for there models so I am hoping a new book will be release because of this
Possible Second Edition Models
DwarvesI can't see them adding 13 heroes to the dwarf army list but I can see Thorin becoming an Epic and possible one other perhaps Gloin becoming what I call a glorified captain (like Thrydan, Haldir, Erkenbrand and Deorwine who don't cost much more or the same as a captain but are a little better). It is possible that Thorin will become a glorifed captian and there will be no other additions
RivendellBeing the MASSIVE LOTR fan that I'am I know that in the first Hobbit film Rivendell will be shown in much greater detail than it was in the Fellowship of the Ring and as such I can see some form of Royal Guard type formation being released for High Elves (hopefully with good defence

MirkwoodMirkwood will get actually get shown in these films rather than Elrond saying 'Legolas of Mirkwood' being it's only mention. As it stands Wood Elves only have two formations Normal Elves and Sentinels (which are a bit rubbish) so if the battle of the Five Armies is to be played out properly then we will need a slew of new wood elves, personally I think some ambushing units will be nice. Lastly there is Tauriel who I've never heard of before but as you can see from the description I copied from IMDB it sounds like she could be a new Epic or leader of a Legendary formation if GW wanted one
Tauriel is an original character created for Peter Jackson's theatrical adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. She is a Silvan Elf of Mirkwood Forest whose name means 'daughter of the forest' or 'maiden of the wood. (UPDATE) It seems that Tauriel is not a completely original character; she fills the role of the previously unnamed chief of the Wood-elf guards (who, in the book, was male).
Men of Lake Town I can't see a new army list appearing here but perhaps them with similar stats to Rohan militia and Bard could join the Dwarf Army or the Forgotten Kingdoms
EaglesAs these are classified as there own army in the Battle of the Five Armies I can see a few more named eagles appearing
2) The hype created by The Hobbit will cause a spike in interest and sales of everything related to Lord of the Rings and GW will want to take us for every one of our hard earned pounds or dollars if they can
3) Battle of the Five Armies, this will be the first time that GW will be able to sell the idea of a huge battle like Helms Deep or Pelennor Fields but this time with a system that was built to deal with large battles rather than trying to convince people SBG will work on that large a scale. To this end it will be very difficult to explain why the MM (goblins) win everytime as loads of there units are undercosted or overpowered and why the Elves are so pathetic if the rules aren't changed.
Sadly the Hobbit film is split into two part and they are coming out a year apart from each other and I can see especially as the Battle of the Five Armies is in the second half GW postponing a 2nd Edition until the end of 2013 when the movie is released.
Any thoughts???