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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:26 am 

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Raganos, happy that Thranduil had finally arrived (he had become very annoyed by the obnoxious southerner), stood up and proceeded to follow the others to learn more about the mission
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:31 pm 
Elven Elder
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Ulfor had thanked Salmien for his 'kind' words, and then bowed to the female elf, as she told him, just what he had expected, and hoped for, him to be told to leave the room whilst the others were speaking. Excellent, he thought, it's time to start putting my plan into action.

He slipped out of the chambers as silently as he had entered. He suspected that Elves had better vision than humans, and would notice if he sculked around. Moving swiftly, he carefully and secretly placed something in the room, as he exited, knowing that the others would be too excited about the Elven monarch's arrival to pay enough attention to their surroundings.

He walked along the roads of Mirkwood, not bothering to hide himself, until he found his colleagues; Jor and Holfang, who were smoking their pipes just beyond the border of the city. Ulfor would be quick, for he knew the others may leave without him. He told the others about what happened within the chambers, and, with as much speed as they could muster, they began to make their plans.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:14 pm 
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Never a fan of the elves, Salmien edged himself towards the dwarf in the hope to atleast appear like he had some allies within the group. However upon getting closer to the dwarf he noticed that there was no creature who could possibly be further from Salmien. Although the dwarf looked and behaved like a seasoned combatant, he bore too many scars to be on Salmien's level of skill (or so he thought).

The duelist took great pride in the lack of injury he had sustained over the years. His angled features and crooked smile had never been deformed by battle and his clothing was scarcely ripped; afterall he had fought off spiders and wargs en route to Thranduils Halls yet his white-burgundy leather armour looked pristine and his sword had not even the smallest of dents, let alone a smidgeon of blood on it.

Infact, the only time Salmien had ever gotten truly dirty (in anything but the bedroom) was when a rather angry lord attempted to reclaim his losses through violence. Earlier that week Salmien had duelled all the lords men into submission and subsequently won one of the arrogant lords palaces in harad. Upon discovering a young lady Salmien thought to be a maid, he took her and later discovered she was no more than the lords daughter. Enraged, the angry lord knocked down the door, 20 men in tow, and sacked the palace searching for him. Seeing no real way out through arms, Salmien leapt from the window, sealed the door and, after slaying one of the thugs, set fire to the palace using the deceased's torch.

He later claimed to the prince that the lord was the real arsonist and thus was compensated so dearly he bought another two estates with the money.
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:54 am 
Elven Warrior
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Thranduil, who was still waiting for everyone to get ready for the briefing, walked towards the long wooden table, and took a seat.'Well, I see many of you've arrived. I hope everything went good in your journeys to my halls in Mirkwood. But, that's not why I've come here, to talk about how you got here. I'm here to give you a very important mission: assasinate the current easterling emperor, seek out what the easterlings want, how many troops they have, what their armaments are and if there are any dwarves left in the mountains near Rhun. Only by moving as stealthy as possible you can actually accomplish your mission. I suggest you plan your route together, and give everyone a task. I have only one hint: Don't get near Dol Guldur'. And whit that words Thranduil walked towards the door through which he'd entered. Methild tried to discover who she could thrust, and which of her companions could be spies. She thrusted the duelist, aswell as she knew the dwarf's forfathers, but wasn't sure about the others. When you're good in disguissing yourself, she thought, you could turn yourself into an elf. She looked around, waiting for the others to start the conversation about the route.

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:17 pm 
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Salmien liked the short, to the point feel that Thranduil's speech had. He half expected the monarch to droan on about it for ages. 2I say we ride the Celduin into the sea of Rhun, and from there, we make our way into the east? I can have my men ride my ship up the Alduin for us to sail in, unless if the elves have any suitable means of water-travel? Going by foot into Rhun would be dangerous and lengthy, on sea we have many advantages, the best of which would be that my ship bears a striking resemblance to those of the corsairs, we could practically waltz in." Exlclaimed Salmien before he looked over to the elves "Ofcourse, they would need a disguise, or an excuse to be travelling in the east. Perhpaps me and Ulfor could play slavers, we captured you all and are transporting you to the capital, where you will work in an armoury. Ofcourse that would only be used to sneak past guards."

His last few words were rushed and sounded like they held little meaning, nonetheless, Salmien felt well assured no-one had a better plan and the only real fault in his was that it would take roughly a week for him to ride back to dol-amaroth, and then a further 4 days for him to sail his ship back into Mirkwood, but nonetheless that time would save them the long time it would take to get into Rhun.
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:11 pm 
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"I do not think your plan is a good one, Salmien," said Dinval " For saefarer though you may be, i do not think you have considered the route that we must take well. In my opinion your proposition of getting a ship is ridiculous, it would be near impossible to sail a large ship upstream all the way up the anduin and whats more is the mighty river Anduin doesn't acctually meet the Celduin. To carry out your plan we would have to carry the ship over land! Nay, I think it a much wiser idea to travel on foot or horse down to Esgaroth and get some smaller boats there. But apart from getting there we also need to plan for the way back, going back upstream on the Celduin would be a very hard feat. Does anyone else have any suggestions?"

'Though my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior'
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:30 pm 
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"Do not insult my intelligence elf, I know the rivers do not meet, my crew can drag it over land, it has wheels. I know the ship will fit in any river for a fact, I won it off an explorer who claimed to have sailed every river on it! I suggest we split up, me and Ulfor could both pass for servants of the enemy and can ride straight through the borders, you lot, could not."
Salmien looked for his fellow human for agreement, but soon realised he was still absent.
"Talking of Ulfor, I'd best go get him!" and with that Salmien left and began searching for his friend. Heading towards the edges of the city, the southeners cries of 'Ulfor, Ulfor' could be heard far and wide.
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:46 pm 
Elven Warrior
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'I don't think that is a good idea, Salmien. The two rivers are the nearest to each other at the foot of the Grey Mountains, but then we'd still need to walk 50 miles! Not to mention the risk of being attacked by the cold drakes that now live there, or being discovered near Dol Guldur on your way. And small boats wouldn't be a good disguise. I'm thinking on riding as quickly as possible on Thranduil's best horses towards the mountains of Rhun, and searcg for dwarves. If there are still some of them left, they could be usefull. But, master Dwarf, elves, Salmien, what do you think of this plan?'. Methild started to worry about Ulfor a bit, not knowing where he was and if she could thrust him.

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:10 pm 
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"thats a good point, Methild" said Dinval "yet we would not need to be disguised unil we are in enemy terretory. Another option is that we take the boats down to where the wood and the water split and then ride horses from there onwards. However i am quite concerned as to food and supplies; there is mainly desolation from there until the mountains of Rhun and I doubt that we can find enough food for us and the horses to eat. It should be well enough once we get to the mountains though. What are your opinions on this matter?

'Though my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior'
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:23 pm 
Elven Warrior
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"I too think we should find some of my kinsmen in the East, we may have need of supplies, which they could provide for us." Firi's eye locked onto Methild. "I have no love of ships, I much prefer my own feet, but your plan seems a good one. Yes, we will need supplies, and we must rely on secrecy as much as possible, or we may as well march to war." The Dwarf gave a nervous laugh. "Ponies will be good for us, although I am sure we can manage to carry our own food, but I would not trust that Salmien not to get us lost in his arrogance."

C.A.P.T.A.I.N. = Crazy And Proud To Admit It Now
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:18 pm 
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"Very well, I can handle myself whatever the condition, although I must say: I do dislike travelling by horseback, much like the master dwarf. May I ask we travel by cart? My horse, Huoda, is a powerful steed that can easily pull a cart, he did so on my way here, I'd only need another horse to help pull Firi here as the cart could easily accommodate two... I should know" He whispered to Firi, before letting out a wail of laughter and awkwardly nudging the dwarf into a reaction.
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:18 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Firi nodded thoughtfully, before speaking. "A cart would be good and appreciated, far better than a horse, and could also provide shelter for us should the weather turn ill. We can even put supplies on it, should we need to." He gave Salmien an approving nod. "Although I think the Elves are more accustomed to travelling on horses."

C.A.P.T.A.I.N. = Crazy And Proud To Admit It Now
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:16 pm 
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Dinval's brow furrowed, "I'm not sure," he said "there are certainly ups and downs for both options. How about a mixture of both? Perhaps one or two carts for supplies and those that dislike riding, and horses for the others. I think the main concern with carts is that we are almost certainly going to meet bandits and raiders along the way and the carts will be very prone to attack being so slow and immobile. I'm not sure... What are your thoughts on the matter Raganos?"

'Though my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior'
-John Newton
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:30 pm 
Elven Elder
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Not being privy to the conversation that the otherw were having, Ulfor had no idea about Thranduil's speach. Having discussed what to do next with his friends, he trundled his way back through Mirkwood, with the two following on his heels, though they kept to the shadows as Ulfor did not yet want the others privy to their involvement, especially since he knew one of them to be an enemy, though which one, he did not know.

"Wait here," he told them, before he continued his way. He was just in time to catch a glimpse of the Elven King leaving, and he hiurried to catch up with the others. In his cool, harsh and honest voice, he said;

"Would oany of you fellows mind telling me what this mission i sabout then, eh? Also, I admit, I have not yet been entirely honest with you, and there is something else you should know, but I would prefer you all to fill me in with what has happened so far first, if you will?"

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:19 pm 
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"We have been squabbling over how to make our journey. I recommended taking my cart for me and the dwarf, they are not so sure though." Salmien now unsheathed his other sword. "If you worry that carts make big targets, remember that we are some of the realms most powerful men and women, my blade is forged from the finest steel and has more tricks in it than a wizard does his sleeve. I alone could fight off any bandits daring enough to challenge us, and if the king's judgement is anything to go by, so should all of you!"
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:54 pm 
Elven Warrior
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'We can use carts until we're around 60 miles from the mountains of Rhun, otherwise there'd be a great chance for the enemy to find us. But, I think we can use a cart , as long as we dismount when we get near enough. But, the way of travelling isn't the only thing to discuss. Who'll get which role? Could all of you please tell us which role you want to take up in our journey?'.Methild looked around, but nobody reacted untill.....

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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:22 pm 
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The only one with his sword out, Salmien felt it natural that he be the party's 'delegator' should they run into trouble, but, in the hope of seeming more placid and willing to do an 'honest job' Salmien announced he would gladly handle the accounts of the team and could cover a good many of their expenses via his own funding.
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:28 pm 
Elven Elder
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"Well," Ulfor replied, "since my friends and I were abused by Easterlinds during our youth, I volunteer myself to be your inside man so to speak, as payback. I have some skill with weapons, but I know, to an extent, how the enemy thinks, and it would be a great honour to help you with tactics and information."

Ulfpr hoped he had not overdone it, he knew it was hard for people to believe what seemed to be too good to be true. "Also," he added, "there are two men waiting outside. They are my friends, one of them I trust with my life, the other I know to be a traitor who works for the Dark Lord, only I do not know which one is which, and I would ask of your help to do so, if that isn't too much to ask?"

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:49 pm 
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'Your words seem honnest, yet I don't thrust this entirely. Keep your 'Friends' out of range when we're discussing important things, for I don't want Sauron to discover us. Also, Ulfor, how do you know we're going towards Rhûn? And I'd like to know if the others thrust you enough to give you such an important task. You'll need to prove yourself in order to receive the job, and you need to kill the traitor yourself when we've discovered him. Do you understand?'. After she closed her mouth, Methild began thinking about what'd happen if they'd be discovered in Rhûn by the enemy. Would they all be enslaved? would the easterlings take the girls as whores? Would they be tortured into death? She didn't discover her map, with the route and briefing on it, slipped away into Ulfor's hands.

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: LOTR RPG Thread 2
PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:13 pm 
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"Indeed. I agree with methild.Though, I am very curious as to how you get all your information. You seem to know an awful lot about our mission and aim even though you weren't even invited to this secret briefing. i would be very grateful to have a few more of my questions about you answered but now is not the time, speed is of the essence." and saying this, Dinval stopped and pondered about the mysterious Ulfor.

'Though my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior'
-John Newton
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