How do you make three movies from 1 book that is only 1/3 the size of the Lotr trilogy? Maybe most would like to see a trilogy but I for one would rather have the story of the Hobbit wrapped up more quickly in two films. It's a good thing there's a mention in the article of Peter wanting to use most of the material in the appendices, otherwise if it was only the proper story of 1 book spread out across a film trilogy it would just sound like he's stalling & dragging the story out for way too long.
You have a point. However, The story could easily be broken into three Movies especially adding the material from 100 pages of appendices. First, The trip to Rivendale with encounters with trolls, Goblin town, Golum and the wolfs/wargs and goblins. Beorin, spiders and capture and escape from the wood elves in movie two. Lake Town. Lonely Mountain and The Dragon plus the Battle of Five Armies In Movie three. They are going to work the Necromancer and the back ground of all of this in some how. There is plenty for several movies.
stalling & dragging the story out for way too long.
I think you would change your mind if you review the appendices. After all the Hobbit is small part of the Lord of the Rings