SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
Also, I. The last episode of season two, Jaime tells Brienne there are 3 people who could beat him, who do you reckon these people are?
His sister, Cersei. All she has to do is flash him and hes done for.

And I'm only half joking here - Jaime might not mean all 3 to be people who could literally beat him in a fight. One or more of those 3 might be people who could figuratively beat him. At this point in the story, Jaime is obsessed with Cersei. She is his life - his lover and his sister.
Arthur Dayne I think would definately beat him. Dayne was a
Legendary Knight looked up to by everyone in Westeros, including Jaime and Ned Stark (who, incidentally, was the only person to survive a fight with Dayne, though he had help from Howland Reed).
And I honestly think Ned Stark could beat him in a fair fight - they are at least evenly matched in skill. Jaime might be faster, but Ned I think is stronger and of course, wiser. Ned doesn't act rashly out of arrogance - Jaime does. When the two of them come to blows, Jaime is clearly surprised that Stark can hold his own against him, and I think desperation starts to creep in.
Jaime. "I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title, if you accept. It'll be good to have you in the field, the competition has been a bit stale".
Ned. "I don't fight in tournaments".
Jaime. "No? Getting a little old for it?"
Ned. [chuckles] "I don't fight in tournaments, because when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do".
Jaime. [smirks] "Well said".
Jaime had never seen Ned fight, so he had no idea what Ned was capable of. When he says there are 3 people in Westeros who could beat him, these are the 3 people who
Jaime thinks could beat him. There could be a 4th, 5th etc who he hasn't considered. Heck, I think Khal Drogo could give him a run for his money (though Jaime would have the advantage of sword length, and especially armour).
Edit: after checking up on this, I've realised that my view is definately affected by the Show. Apparently the Jaime - Ned fight plays out quite differently in the show compared to the books (Ned's leg is broken by falling from his horse). I havn't read the first book in over a year (and only the once at that) so could someone who's read it more recently please remind me whether its as close a fight in the book as in the show?
And of course, in case you havn't guessed by now I'm very biased to the Starks.
SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
Barristan was the old knight who was fired after Robert's death, everyone revered him as the most dangerous man-at-arms in westeros. He threatened to kill Joffrey's guards when he was fired and fled.
Slightly off topic but heres a few interesting things I've learned about what Barristan did. Barristan did not flee Westeros immediately. We know from one of Jaime's POV that before leaving the city he returns to the Tower which houses the King's Guard (cannot find the name) and updated the White Book with his dismissal (the White Book was the written history of the King's Guard updated by every Lord Commander). He then killed the Gold Cloaks sent by Joffrey to assassinate him in revenge for Selmy insulting him; and left the city before discarding his equipment and returning into the city through another gate disguised as a commoner. Selmy was present in the crowd at the Sept of Baelor and witnessed Ned Stark's execution.