Chris GoM wrote:
They look fantastic!

I really like the cloth too

If you wanted it to be different perhaps you could add a green or purple tint to it?
Thanks Chris

I think I like the cloth too. On second thoughts I think I fulfilled my adventurous quota with the twins a while back.
aqan wrote:
They look great, very realistic painting on some very unrealistic sculpts. (I'm not a big fan of the armor)
Yeah, they are a bit 'out there' aren't they? Thanks.

I spent quite a while on the armour, similar number of steps to my Elf armour.
SidTheSloth wrote:
superb painting
the poses and armour i think are strange though. What if no's.1 and 3 thought what no.2 was doing was cool and decided to copy him? Sauron would end up with two Black Numenoreans with spikey armour embedded in thier heads
graet painting though

Ha, good point. Those shoulder guards are deadly. Thanks Sid

Dorthonion wrote:
This thread gives me hope - I have not painted anything for many months so I am hoping for a mysterious leap forward in talent above and beyond my previous level. Or just not to have forgotten which end of the brush the paint goes on.
Christmas decorations. Well, they are certainly attractive, but are they edible? (Dorth thinking with his stomach again). That reminds me: the pup will be about 6 months old around Christmas, so the tree will get wrecked...
Black Numenoreans: not my favorite sculpts - why EVIL = Auto-add-lotsa-spikey-bits in the mindset of GW I will never know but there you are. However, I have to say that I agree with other posts that you have made the very best of what was available and they are very well painted.
I'm glad I give you hope Mr Onion... I'm not sure how I parallel with yourself, though.

They're made of wood. Might be good to keep your teeth sharp

Crucium Giger wrote:
Loving the BN and Witchking

Thanks Giger.

TheBucklandBrewer wrote:
No pink armour then?

Nah, I really love the rusty look of the armour, fits em perfect with their dusty rags!
The perfect 'black' sphere! Well done!
And I love the colours you've used on your rangers! Never seen that combination before on those rangers, but it works very well!

Wheeee, thanks BB! Nah, I don't think I'll break out the pink for anything
John Wayne wrote:
My trousers feel funny

. They are gorgeous! Nice work

Not sure if I want to know why your trousers feel funny...
But thanks I guess.