I'm sorry for digging up this thread but I think Nolan's trilogy is worth it. Or is it? *dramatic music*
I agree for the most part with Jamros.
In general: Too many characters. Not enough bruce wayne in good shape. Too much light! Batman looks sort of terrifying in the dark, but in broad daylight he looks a little ridiculous. And the most important thing: Everything that made the Dark Knight stand out from the other superhero films was thrown overboard in favour of more explosions. And so many things in the plot worked out oh so conveniently. I strongly disliked the turn of events further at the end. The true ending left me with a good feeling though.
Batman: The joker said he and batman completed eachother and needed eachother. This movie has shown the truth behind that statement.
Catwoman: I loved Catwoman. I'd never expected to actually erh... admire Anne Hathaway's look.

Fun character.
Bane: I spent 2,5 hours deciding on whether I liked or disliked his voice. I still don't know. I had a hard time 'believing' his motives. When the Joker shows his motives, you feel he's dangerous. Bane not so much.
Blake: Not good, not bad, just fine.

Morgan Freeman, Commisioner Gordon, and alot of others were sort of... wwell not needed in this story. Hence why I don't understand the adding of so many characters.
Marion Cottilard's character: Huge dislike. She's a charming actress and I love her in alot of other movies, but this wasn't good at all. I disliked her storyline too.
Alfred Pennyworth: Now here's the one guy that saved the movie. First time EVER I nearly cried because of a movie. The only 'real' character to me.
That's my opinion about this movie, should anyone care.