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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:18 pm 
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Which Fellowship?

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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:08 pm 
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The VERY first one. I have the first rule book as well. I then stopped for finance reasons and have just taken it up. I also have the models from the old Attack on Weathertop.

"When the god had in mind the making of a world through a word (logos) his first thought was Athena"
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:25 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Draugluin wrote:
So, you complain how the movie wasn't like the book, yet dream of a very impossible model? Gwaihir only helped Gandalf because he owed Gandalf for healing him from an arrow. However, he would NEVER allow Gandalf to ride him into battle, eagles, particularily the Wind Lord, were way too proud for that. They saved Gandalf from the wargs because they hated wargs and orcs so much (in the book), same reason they helped at the BoFA. Gwaihir owed Gandalf, thus he saved him twice in the book by carrying him. They showed up at the Black Gate because of their hate for all things evil. I could see you supporting it if you didn't hate any changes to the book, but based on your opinions on the movie, you should be the last person to support such an un-Tolkien like model.

I have to agree on this. And I don't mean anything bad by saying this, to each his own opinion. ;) But I can't get my mind around the fact that you can be annoyed by one person's perspective of the books (PJ) but then follow it up by coming up with a unit, which isn't all that canon either (at least not the way you propose it should be used) just for the sake of it being 'powerful'. :roll:

On topic though, I would like to see you try that conversion. ;)

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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:39 pm 
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Easy, Craftsman, chucking Gandalf on Gwaihir just makes him more of the powerful wizard he already is. Killing Haldir at Helms Deep had nothing to do with Hadir's character or the significance of the stand of the Rohirim and the fact it was an expression of the start of the time of men, not Elves. One is taking something from the book and exhajurating it, the other is totally revising it. That and it's a game, you know, the things we like to hack and cheat and twist for the lulz (see Skyrim mods). That and what RangeroftheNorth said, he knows what it's about.

Also, yeah, me too, I'm excited about this! I'm going to bring him to GW when he's done and see if anyone wants to use him against my Nazgul :D I may be collecting Mordor but I love watching Gandalf blow the stuffing out of orcs, that just doesn't get old.

Edit: Cleaner world selected.

"When the god had in mind the making of a world through a word (logos) his first thought was Athena"
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:08 am 
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Ignoring discussions about the validity of PJ interpretation of the books, I like the idea of a model of Gandalf mounted on Gwaihir.

(As I recall Gwaihir and the eagles fought In the Battle of Five Armies and the Battle at the Morannon Gate. I would guess that Gwaihir would never allow himself to be ridden into battle, even by Gandalf. He also carried Gandalf from Zirak Zigil after he defeated the balrog).

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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:40 am 
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Draugluin wrote:
It would NOT conform to either the books or the movies if he rode an eagle into battle.

 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:53 am 
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So what if it doesnt conform???? We're not trying to add it to the books, or movies. You don't have a leg to stand on when you've got orc spellcasters and three goblins riding one warg. Its for the game they're completely different things. Right now it doesn't conform to the game rules because eagles can't be riden, that's the issue that should be argued. Can it work, and can it be balanced. If your going to whine about it conforming to the books I suggest you find another game or take another look at it because it doesnt conform.
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:45 am 
Elven Warrior
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RangerofTheNorth wrote:
If your going to whine about it conforming to the books I suggest you find another game

I'm sorry but this is just ironic. And whine is a strong word. :)

I do think I have a pic of that gandalf on Gwaihir somewhere, I'll see if I can find it. :)

Oh and Meltchn, Amarthadan is just fine, I don't care about the Craftsman title. :P

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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:54 am 
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RangerofTheNorth wrote:
So what if it doesnt conform???? We're not trying to add it to the books, or movies. You don't have a leg to stand on when you've got orc spellcasters and three goblins riding one warg. Its for the game they're completely different things. Right now it doesn't conform to the game rules because eagles can't be riden, that's the issue that should be argued. Can it work, and can it be balanced. If your going to whine about it conforming to the books I suggest you find another game or take another look at it because it doesnt conform.

Mothball wrote:


These objections are weird. It's especially weird because in this game so much of it is user generated. We make house rules, scenarios and generally interpret the rules to male it more personal and quirky. "What," they say, "you demand a serious effort from Lord Jackson but want to interpret the book for your table top game!" And the gnashing of teeth. You got it backwards, Messers Jackson need to be brought back to the books, it's us with our silly game who are at liberty to do what we will with its content.

My only question with this is how far can we stretch it before it just turns to cheese? For balance maybe they should be considered an independent hero so they can't be the leader, that would just be unfair on my wee Orcs. I don't think it should be Gwaihir. Why? Because that's an eagle wizard with a total of 4 might. Oww. I now that's what's in the book but for the purposes of a fun and challenging game for all it should just be a normal eagle. It also simplifies the issue of courage tests. That means Gwaihir could be leader, which may be a bit unfair.

So Gandalf Grey or White would ride an eagle just like a normal mount, only it would cost 90pts. If thrown then Gandalf follow normal rules but the eagle shouldn't have to take a corage test I think, that would just be odd. You paid 90pts for an eagle, that's what you should get.

"When the god had in mind the making of a world through a word (logos) his first thought was Athena"
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:10 am 
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Amarthadan wrote:
RangerofTheNorth wrote:
If your going to whine about it conforming to the books I suggest you find another game

I'm sorry but this is just ironic. And whine is a strong word. :)

I do think I have a pic of that gandalf on Gwaihir somewhere, I'll see if I can find it. :)

Oh and Meltchn, Amarthadan is just fine, I don't care about the Craftsman title. :P

Sweet! Thanks Mr Whateveryournameis! :D

Everyone seems to think its an exciting idea, despite the hating and gnashing.

"When the god had in mind the making of a world through a word (logos) his first thought was Athena"
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:12 am 
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I don't think it's too far-fetched, and if I remember Gwahir counted as a monstrous mount up until the big blue rule book. I'd limit the number of models hat could take a Great Eagle as a mount to Gandalf, Radagast and (perhaps) Saruman. The Dwarves and Bilbo (and Frodo & Sam in RoTK) were just along for the ride.

The cheese comes in when things like a Balrog riding a Mumak (which has been proposed on here many moons ago) are thought up. GW comes dangerously close with their "ooh, bad guyz have to have lots of big monsters" addiction. Personally, I could have done without Dwellers in the Dark and a Great Beast of Gorgoroth (unless they wanted to release a scale Grond to go with.) My least favourite GW additions are things like named Nazgul and over powered Mahud. Not because they don't align with Tolkien's vision (which they sometimes do and sometimes don't) but because they don't add up with what's come before them in the game.

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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:36 am 
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I believe in an old white dwarf they had a whole article on how to make Gandalf riding gwahir.
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:05 am 
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Amarthadan wrote:
RangerofTheNorth wrote:
If your going to whine about it conforming to the books I suggest you find another game

I'm sorry but this is just ironic. And whine is a strong word. :)

I do think I have a pic of that gandalf on Gwaihir somewhere, I'll see if I can find it. :)

Oh and Meltchn, Amarthadan is just fine, I don't care about the Craftsman title. :P

I meant within LOTR, the card games, Battle of Five Armies, RPGs follow the canon more closely, to my understanding. No offense meant both sides have merit. I however am not playing this game for either reason, I play it because its fun, and I love emersing myself in the hobby, and games. I'm only worried about it from a balancing stand point, is it OP, when you have Nazgul already? Is it viable? That's what matters to me. Fun is the spirit of the, game, but the game for me isn't fun if someone is just taking OP monsters and making the game hard to enjoy. Ents can throw dragons in the game currently for example. So how far fetched is Gandalf on an eagle? He can already move as far as an eagle on Shadowfax. Would the eagle get attacks?
I don't even take wizards, they were always more expensive than I was willing to pay for points wise, that's changing with the Hobbit rules though.
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:28 am 
Elven Elder
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I'm not whining, I just find it strange how someone can trash the movie so much because it wasn't exactly like the book, and I find it amazing when the same person then proposes something so against the book itself, especially when he got the idea from the movie itself.

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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:46 am 
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Draugluin wrote:
I'm not whining, I just find it strange how someone can trash the movie so much because it wasn't exactly like the book, and I find it amazing when the same person then proposes something so against the book itself, especially when he got the idea from the movie itself.

Now you got me there....and this is why we shouldn't have multiple topics in one thread, this should be in sbg discussion, with the film comments in the movie thread
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:24 am 
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Draugluin wrote:
I'm not whining, I just find it strange how someone can trash the movie so much because it wasn't exactly like the book, and I find it amazing when the same person then proposes something so against the book itself, especially when he got the idea from the movie itself.

Please, I never "trashed" the movie because it "wasn't exactly like the book." That's just a complete straw man. The film has serious weakness to the point it barely captures the book at all. If you still think that's fine then good luck to you. Also, putting Gandalf on Gwaihir isn't "so against the book itself". There are numerous instances of it in the book to the point GW actually dedicated a section of White Dwarf to a conversion of it.

"When the god had in mind the making of a world through a word (logos) his first thought was Athena"

Last edited by Meltchn on Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:37 pm 

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Gandalf used to ride Gwaihir in the old rules (pre 2005) of the game. In the 2005 with the release of the One Rulebook the rules changed and Gwaihir became an independent model and Great Eagles became official models too. So I doubt this will ever change back to the old rules.

Back in the day Gwaihir cost only 75 points for the same statline but had a requirement that you can only field him if Gandalf or Radagast are also in your army and in that case it will count as their mount. It used to be pretty common to see Gandalf on Gwaihir back then, in fact one of the most memorable games of my noobish days was trying to take them down with an Isengard Ballista! (everybody at some point thought these things are great!).

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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:13 pm 
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Wow, time to chill, guys, your disagreement over this trivial issue is getting a bit hot.

Meltchn, I'm going to ask you to remove that graphic from your post. Everybody contributed, but IMHO the graphic pushes things into a new and nastier realm. I mean...hater? Really? Over this?

And Gandalf riding Gwaihir is mega-cheese, but knock yourselves out :)

For those who care, there is a deeper backstory to the Eagle thing, they were servants of Manwe, his eyes and ears into Middle Earth. I don't think he'd appreciate his servant being so casually used. Gandalf riding Gwaihir is like the Dali Lama riding the Pope :P
 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:05 pm 
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I'd pay to see that....march conversion project/competition?
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 Post subject: Re: Gandalf on a new mount!?!?! minor SPOILERS
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:12 pm 
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as in book and movie references say.... gandalf called for gwaihir when the need was great... and in all cases to get rid of being trapped in someplace he wanted to get hope getting out, gwaihir to gandalf is the same as you have a best friend of yours doing a favour, nor that should be used and abused, but casually and good willingly help with.

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