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 Post subject: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:37 am 
Elven Elder
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Well the subject says it all. Over the next few days Myself, Muppetslayer and Knightyknight are literally pooling all of our collections to wage war over middle earth. And yes folks, we are playing this SBG style. No poncy movement trays for us.
Now when I say all, I mean all. Every warrior, every hero, every monster will be on the battlefield. I think out of all the named heroes across the 5 sourcebooks and the hobbit book, we are missing 5.
And yes, Aragorn the King will be fighting alongside Elendil and Bandorbras will be fighting alongside Frodo. Why? ... Because wibbley wobbley timey wimey thats why.

Now a battle of this scale (min 10k ea) would get boring very quickly and probably lead to WW3 so we divised some special rules to spice things up.

Click to see Special Rules
Click to: Show
Generic Special Rules:
1. Continuous Bombardment of the Enemy special rule (See ORB)
2. Volley Fire from Bows.

Cowardly Beasts: All large base evil models have the Survival Instinct special rule.
Cry of the Nazgul: Once per game, the evil player may choose to unleash the cry of the nazgul, striking fear into the defenders. All good models have -2 courage for that turn.
Wrath of Sauron: The evil side are held together by the will of sauron and his lieutenants. The Evil side do not break while Sauron and the nine wraiths are alive on the board.

They only come in the hour of need: All eagles arrive from random board edges from turn 2 onwards.
No Surrender: The good side have resigned themselves to a glorious death. Good models do not break.
Unexpected Reinforcements: From turn 6 onwards, there is a chance (however unlikely) that other kingdoms in middle earth have sent aid to the defenders. At the end of each turn (after T6) roll a D6. On a 6 reinforcements have arrived and the Witchking immediately leaves the board to deal with this new threat. Remove him as if he was a casualty.
Evolution of the King: At the start of the game Aragorn is but a dunedain. He begins the game armed with a bow, armour and a horse. If he manages to get 15 kills, he evolves instantly into King Elessar, regaining all lost might, will, fate points and wounds.
The White Wizard Pt 1: At the start of the game, Saruman is wise and fights for the free peoples. However, if the Dark Lord Sauron is able to cast a successful compel spell on Saruman, he will switch allegiance. Remove Saruman from play and put him in the evil players deployment zone.
The White Wizard Pt 2: Gandalf starts the game in his grey incarnation. If he should be slain, roll a D6. On a 6 Gandalf the white (w/ shadowfax) arrives anywhere in the controlling players deployment zone. Add the following modifers to the dice roll (stackable)
Saruman is still on the good side -1
Saruman has turned to darkness +1
Slain by the Balrog +1

The Continuous Bombardment special rule is from Pg 225 of the ORB. Basically the player who loses priority gets to make a trebuchet shot in the shoot phase. Seeing as there will over well over 1000 models on the board, we figured it'd be a good way to kill some of them.
We also decided to put back in volley fire so the bowman actually had a chance to do something.

We also devised a series of grudge matches based on the films and books. Basically if the two heroes get within charge range, they must charge only each other and no other models may help.

Click to: Show
Boromir V Lurtz
Aragorn V Lurtz
Durin V Balrog
Gandalf V Balrog
Faramir V Gothmog (?)
Thorin V Azog
Arvedui V Gulahvar
Arathorn V Burdhur
Glorfindel V Witchking
Dain V Khamul
Elendil & Gil-Galad V Sauron
Elrond & Isildur V Sauron
Sam V Shelob
Theoden V Witcking
Frodo V Gollum
Imrahil V Suladan
Eomer V Ugluk
Aragorn V Sharku
Aragorn V Gothmog
Aragorn V Mouth of Sauron
Aragorn V Troll Chieftain
Treebeard V Saruman
Merry & Pippin V Grisnakh
Galadriel ( & Celeborn) V Khamul

We also (because we can) made profiles and converted models to represent us in game. We took a Ranger in the North profile and then assigned points values to various stats. We were also allowed to choose one special rule from the Spec Rule section in the Hobbit book for free (except fly). Hopefully later I'll be able to post some pictures of the 3 models.

Click to: Show
Name FV S D A W C M W F

Sam 5/2+ 4 5 2 2 5 2 3 2

Louis 5/3+ 4 7 2 2 5 3 2 2

Mark 5/3+ 4 7 2 2 5 3 1 3

Equipment Heavy Armour 10
Shield Swap for Bow
Horse 10
Might 5
will 5
fate 5
FV 10
Attacks 10
Shoot Value 10

Stats to a max of 3+

50 points to spend in total

One free special rule from the Hobbit Section except Fly

Special Rules

Sam Expert Shot, Elf bow, Contest of Champions
Louis Bane of Kings, Shield, Contest of Champions
Mark Resistant to Magic, Heavy Armour, Shield, Horse Contest of Champions

The contest of champions special rule is the one from the Lords of Battle scenario. Kill a hero, get a might point back.

Finally, as the battle is predicted to last until tuesday, I will be updating this thread with daily reports and photos. We had made a pledge to get as much painted as possible but real life (as it often does) got in the way. It'll look cool none the less.

Thanks for reading.

12th GBHL 2013.
13th GBHL 2014
9th GBHL 2015

Mid Sussex Wargamers
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:54 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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This will be truly awesome :shock:
I would never attempt to do this but since you are willing it will be a spectacular feat :!:
Can't Wait :D

'You would die before your stroke fell!' ~Legolas :legolas:

Check out my WIP! :meh:
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:29 am 
Elven Elder
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Awesome is an understatement my elf loving friend. Myself and muppetslayer have done 2 previous mega battles but that was years ago when our collections were probably quarter the size they are now.

Rough calculations point to:
40 trolls
3 dragons
2 Cave Drakes
400 Uruk Hai
200 Goblins
100 Orcs
4/5 Fell beasts

4 eagles
200 Gondor
80 Guards of the Galadhrim Court (at least)
150 dwarves
70 galadhrim
60 woses
100+ hobbits
100+ fief troops

12th GBHL 2013.
13th GBHL 2014
9th GBHL 2015

Mid Sussex Wargamers
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:36 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Lol I can't wait to see more than a hundred hobbits scurrying over the battle field :rofl:

'You would die before your stroke fell!' ~Legolas :legolas:

Check out my WIP! :meh:
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:47 am 
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Small correction Southy: I shan't be bringing all my collection, as since I have to travel to the other end of the country on public transport I'm limited in the number of cases I can bring :P But even so, I've certainly brought a large portion of it; roughly 3000 points per side.

We've been waiting and building up for this battle since around February time, so I think we're all eager and anxious to clash swords once more, and without doubt there'll be plenty of astounding and memorable feats that we'll share here with you all - y'know, Aragorn shrugging off 96 crossbow bolts or a lone Hobbit Militia beating a Troll Chieftain to death, things like that ;)

Soon the Dark Lord Knighty shall have all he needs to cover the lands in an eevee-related darkness...
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:09 am 
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Gotta love mega-battles. I started setting up a solo one based - like yours - on a Middle Earth 'Valhalla' where everyone comes back to life for one huge mosh (sometimes twice, such as old Shagrat and young Shagrat). That plan fell apart when my cats decided to sleep in the middle of the seventeen Mordor warbands...

Hope it all goes well. The key is not to get distracted and bogged down - no shooting at the banner bearer behind the front lines with six In The Ways, for instance! It would have been nice to have taken part. Maybe a future event.

All the best and may the Valar be neutral.
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:12 am 
Elven Elder
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*throws pokeball at the super reclusive knight*

Don't ruin the moment man :P


We have agreed to keep it as fun as possible. We are barricading the lounge so the dog cannot do the same thing. She would literally be a scale mumak and cause just as much destruction.

12th GBHL 2013.
13th GBHL 2014
9th GBHL 2015

Mid Sussex Wargamers
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:37 am 
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Eagerly waiting some pics!! xD

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I'd mess up your face but your momma did it for me!
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:22 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Looking forward to the pics... Just shame I didn't bring my stuff too...
Imagine the size then!?
Happy gaming guys :-D

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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:58 pm 
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First images - our collective pile of warhammer


Soon the Dark Lord Knighty shall have all he needs to cover the lands in an eevee-related darkness...
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:14 pm 
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Pish and nonsense. 'Tis but a skirmish!

How big is the table planned to be?
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:15 pm 
Elven Elder
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12 x 4 :D

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Mid Sussex Wargamers
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 2:38 pm 
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It's the 40 trolls that has me amused. They would almost span a 12 foot table all by themselves, never mind the supporting line-up :)
Have fun guys!

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Instrument of the Empire
A Note of Defiance
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:20 pm 
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This is great, can't wait to see more. One small question: what value is cry of the Nazgul if Good can't be broken? I guess it prevents them from charging monsters for a turn...
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:37 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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That's a lot of miniatures.
Looking forward to the battle report and pictures! :D
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:37 pm 
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Awwww yeah sounds like a fun wip
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:03 pm 
Elven Warrior
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This is sure gonna be epic. Looking forward to seeing some pictures! :)
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:58 pm 
Elven Elder
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So after 6 hours we are finally deployed. And this isnt even all of our collection. We decided to leave all most of the gondor warriors and nearly all of the moria goblins in their respective boxes.



Battle will commence tomorrow after a hearty hobbit breakfast.

12th GBHL 2013.
13th GBHL 2014
9th GBHL 2015

Mid Sussex Wargamers
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:47 am 
Elven Warrior
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Epic :D

'You would die before your stroke fell!' ~Legolas :legolas:

Check out my WIP! :meh:
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 Post subject: Re: August Mega Battle - Warning Probably Text & Pic Heavy.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:18 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Love it! Makes me want to do osgiliath, Helms Deep and pelenor field with mass armies - good luck and have fun :-)

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